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•  •

Well, I can't say I tried my hardest... Actually I didn't even say hi to him... But in my defense, he didn't seem very eager to participate in any conversation other than with his older sister so... yeah! Stupid boys... they're so... stupid...
...but so sexy!
-mango banana-

February 17th, 2003
yes yes, the website is going in for a makeover! and it was due time, too! It's OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW!  But after I changed some things around, many people said the mature look didn't suit me (gee, thanks...) so I'm aiming for a semi-not-as-childish-as-before-although-still-mostly look.  I think it suits me.
Furthermore, SCHOOL ROCKS!  We have a student-teacher helping out in my math class, and we can actually understand him! Hopefully Mr Math Teacher (who will remain anonymous) will hand most of the lesson-teaching to the new guy so that we'll actually have a chance at passing the course!
Drama still kicks ass! My classmates aren't exactly the first people I would have chosen to be in drama with, but I'm beginning to trust them more and more... and they're alot of fun to work with most of the time!  Then there's Andrew... he's so sweet! Andrew, your comment made my saturday!
Apart from that, life's weird... fortunately some things never change... like Tim Hortons... and loosing at Asshole every day after school AT Tim Hortons... and eating muffins and Cafe Mocha at Tim Hortons... and walking home with Julianne and Jennie...
Ooh that reminds me of two things that happened today!
1) I was describing Dan M's amazing sexiness to Jennie, and she was trying to think of ways to "accidently" run into him and stuff... (*drop hat, bend down to pick it up* "Oh Hi! I'm Catherine!" hahaha Jennie's a nut) and then when we got to the stoplight at the top of the street, HE WAS RIGHT THERE! he didn't look at me this time so I didn't melt and then have trouble breathing or anything, but his aura took my breath away... *sigh*... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT THOUGH! HE MIGHT HAVE HEARD THE WHOLE CONVERSATION! :S
2) "If war breaks out, I'd rather be right under the bomb when it hits so I die instantly instead of suffering slowly from the radioctivityness" heehee... Jennie, you're too much sometimes!
Anywayz, SOUP KITCHEN TONIGHT!!! which means MAYBE I'll get to see the SG... which means I MIGHT tell him he's sexy... probably not though... oh well, I'm sure he gets told that all the time anywayz! :P
So yeah... I'm off for now to await my ride...
-mango banana-

January 3rd, 2003
DAY 3!
Christmas was great!
New Years was great!
going back to school soon.... blah
I've added a "Pointless Quizzies" page for you to visit when you are bored out of your mind... there are a bunch of cool and, yes,
pointless quizzes for you to take. Some were enjoyable, some were just plain weird and some made me giggle... I thought the
"Birth Year" one (or whatever it's called... I'm too lazy to go look...) was really cute.
I have also added 2 more shoutouts that were incomplete for a while (Dan H's and Julianne M's). Check 'em out!
Anywayz, I'll be up and around, on the net and off... bored and busy... so be sure to stop on by, drop a note or just surf around.
Enjoy the snow while it's here!

December 24th, 2002
(still the night of the 23rd for me...)
Shopping, shopping, shopping, SHOPPING!
(and furthermore..) SHOPPING!
Yeah, great day today
except HE wasn't there are OotC tonight! *tear!* Oh well, I refuse to give up so easily!
Anywayz, I have discovere, today (well, yesterday... but let's try not to be so technical, ok?) an intersting product that I felt just
tickled to be able to share with you (gag me with a spoon... did I just say "tickled"?... anywayz...) here it is (finally kids can stop
living a lie... SECRETS AND LIES!):
New Emme Doll
and this is just something that came up in the search and looked cool... and i read ALL THE WAY to the bottom... and it was...
so yeah!
-mango banana-

December 22nd, 2002
I luv retro music... 80s rock... the works!
tonight is the coolest night (aside from some minor incidences...*sigh*)
Well yeah, I just got off the phone with a friend and thought about this website that I have neglected to update recently... sorry!
I was also going through the drawer of my nighttable and found some letters I had written and never sent to people. I found one
that I found particularily cool and that I felt revealed alot about my personality (if you care enough to read between the lines, as
always ;)
here's the letter, for your reading pleasure:
monday sept. 23rd, 2002
Lunch is boring.
The caf is creepy
It's like a breeding ground for embarassing situations... banana peels and candy wrappers are just lurking in the
shadows... watching... waiting for an unsuspecting victim...
...but that's just my opinion...
Anywayz, next I have civics/careers and then on to science... fun day. We formed alliances in History (second period) in
the hopes of preventing a war between Nurovia and Atweena (don't ask). Tiff, Mike (Oot!) and I were a country named
Andros and we wanted to be a neutral, peace-keeping country but Mr. Martinello said we'd get stomped into the ground
by the more powerful alliances. We decided to switch and become a communist country and made Mike Hunt (say it fast,
haha) our leader. When we went to make negotiations to divide up the land we won, however, Mike let the other groups
screw us over by REDUCING the size of our country and moving us further north (where the climate is rather hostile...).
Shows you should never send a man to do a woman's work...
'...and nobody looked at her, and that's my story.' (lol)"
And yeah! I think I'm going to head off to bed soon seen as I have a shopping expedition tomorrow (meaning I have to get up
BEFORE 2pm... *grumble* hahaha I love vacations!)
con cariño y los mejores deseos,
-Mango Banana-

December 14th, 2002
Procrastinating is fun :) ...until the last minute... lol
According to a survey I took online, I am the Green Yoshi!

But then, I decided to have a look at the other options and their descriptions and found that this one was more suitable: (keywords:
"without the mass popularity")


December 9th, 2002
and furthermore, AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
I am in the happiest mood of my LIFE!
I helped out somewhere tonight, as a hostess serving people (that's all I'm saying about that) and had the TIME OF MY LIFE! I
seriously have cramps all over my face from smiling so much! I have NEVER smiled so much in my life!
and on top of meeting some amazing people, getting the chance to abolish prejudices and learning about other lifestyles, I MET A
God has blessed me with another sex god!
He was working with the rest of his family in the kitchen preparing and serving the food for the hostesses to bring to the tables...
and he was sexy, and caring, and nice, and playful, and flirty... and I think I have a crush on him... (naw, ya think!? lol) OMG he
was amazing!
The best part about it is, I get to go back twice more!!! YAY! Let's just hope he's there in the kitchen again both times... :D
So yes, I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank God for everything from my vision to the things I take for granted every day
such as food and shelter from the elements. Sometimes I grumble about having to walk to school in the cold, but the reality of the
matter is that I am blessed with the opportunity to go to school, the gift of being able to walk, learn, talk, share, etc.
Thank you God, for everything you give us :)
sweet dreams to everyone, no matter what part of this Earth you are borrowing... ;)
-mango banana-

December 8th, 2002
Wow, it definetly feels like more than a week since I've last updated... Oh well! :)
I hope to get the shoutouts done soon (for those of you who still have "under construction" or "coming soon" messages under your
names: I'm so sorry, I promise to get on it asap!) but some things have been keeping me busy lately. OMG I completely butchered
my last vocal performance! It was so funny! I got up there to sing, and I went from singing below my range, to above my range, to
forgetting the lyrics, to just stopping altogether. Let's hope Mrs. Arena is having a good day on monday... lol
The Luau on friday was great! About 7 people managed to make it and we decided that seen as just about everything was going
wrong with thw food, we'd go swimming at the community center instead of eating right away. We had wanted to take the bus in
our grass skirts and bikinis, but we missed the bus so my mom ended up driving us there.
At the pool, a certain friend of mine ended up developping a crush on a certian lifeguard who decided to practice his lifeguarding
skills on her when she burnt her shoulder on the hair dryer in the change rooms... why she needed the H-maneuver I may never
know... If you ask me, it was just an excuse for him to get his arms around her... hahahaha silly boys...
Then, after the whole swimming experience, we went to wait for the bus at the bustop across the street. We sang about a dozen
songs and danced some pretty wacky dances as well as shouting at boys in passing cars, but still no bus... In the end, I had to call
a certain friend to come pick us all up. To this friend, I owe a HUGE, HUGE thank you for rescuing 8 damsels in distress :)...
"My hero!" lol
Anywayz, I still have yet to create a poster for this careers project to go on, put together a website for the "Bayview Babes"
(hahaha) and practice my vocal performance so I don't embarass myself a second time (although it was alot of fun... lol), so I shall
bid thee adieu!
"everything's more fun when you're naked!"
"why?" "because today's youth is stupid" makes sense to me...
jamais n'ai-j'entendu de mensonges retentissants si doux...
PS: Congrazzi to everyone at MDHS, the winter concert was great!

December 1st, 2002
Today I have freed myself from numerous oppressions.
How do I feel? You tell me.

November 30th, 2002
Omg I could REALLY go for a massage right now!
Today was a great day aside from some minor setbacks (not being able to find my *Spark* unit for the parade, getting in another
argument with my mom, my dog turning his nose up at the treats I tried baking for him (*cough*snob*cough*), being stuck at
home for another night, my back hurting like cow).
"Quick Nibbles, chew through my ball sack!" haha
things I'm thankful for today: emails that make you cry, emails that make you laugh so hard you cry (or fall off your chair... twice,
haha), great friends, telephones, those calendars where you get to open a little window and eat the chocolate behind it for every
day in December (what would the season be without them?), candles, warm winter jackets, the internet, The Simpsons, MTV
Movie Awards (PS: (paul w) OMG You were Soooo right! Ewan is a SEX GOD! From now on you're going to have to share...
(jeff) that guy from Smallville is GORGEOUS!!! Remind me why I don't watch that show more often?), cousins (older ones are
better, but younger ones are cool too), Saturday morning comics, freshly baked cookies, parades, international school trips, yoga
mats, music, snow...
Omg snow!!! Today saw the most gorgeous snowfall ever!
I wish I could have shared it with someone, but sometimes things just don't work out the way you want, no matter how much you
wish them to :)
That "26 things a perfect guy would do" email always makes me cry. Should it?
*knock* *knock* (please be him!) ...and it's not...
Anywayz, that's enough mind-spilling for now... ;)
j'espère que la nuit vous apportera les meilleurs rêves possible... et un sommeil incomparable... et je souhaite qu'à ton réveille, tu
penseras a moi...
"I know you are but what am I?"
"A Garbage Man!"
-mango banana-

November 29th, 2002
at home
If today were a cloud:
On the bright side we'd see... i got to sleep in late
On the dark side... I was awoken by my little cousins jumping on my water bed, creating massive tidal waves and yelling "wake
up! wake up!"
bright side: PA day today
dark side: I wasted it going to work with my parents
bright side: working wasn't all THAT bad...
dark side: the ride home was
bright side: the gifts I bought for people didn't break when i dropped my shopping bags on my bedroom floor as soon as I got
through the doorway
dark side: I did
bright side: some of my friends actually care about me
candles, hot showers and cosy pyjamas... how would I live without them?
PS: Despite how you think it is, I'm not depressed.
I'm not.

November 28th, 2002
Cool day... Oooh top priority in this update: my talks with people last night!
Kathryn F Oooh Kathryn is SO cool! I swear we are sharing a brain! I'm very happy-excited because we "spoke" on ICQ last
night and it was really the first time we had a full conversation. We talked about tons of different things, from relationships to
depression to how people feel about themselves (aka confidence issues) to ...ok well yeah that's mostly what we talked about. But
yeah, she's SO much like me, it's like talking to myself... only this time there's actually another person there besides my reflection
in the mirror (hahaha jk I really don't talk to myself! (...much)) Anywayz, so yeah! Thanks to Kathryn for being so all-around
amazing! Wow, I can't believe how great this is!
I also spoke to someone else, who made me stressed and worried and doubtful and skeptical... but for the sake of not messing
things up in my world, I will not mention their name. I'm not angry at them or anything... I mean, it wasn't their place to be saying
the things they did, and some statements left emotional bruises (that I'm SURE the person is unaware of), but they might not have
known the true power of their words. Plus, I'm not going to let their opinions influence me any way. Although... everything they
said was true... and it has made me worry that I might give in...
I need someone (*cough*YOU*cough*) to prove that everything they said was wrong
Also, to weight things down more on the BAD side of life, I am grounded all weekend (the weekend of the Festival of Lights
(ARGH ARGH and triple ARGH!) and the first long weekend we've had in a LONG time (friday's a PA day)) Life is unfair. I
even washed floors, cupboards, cleaned my room, emptied the dishwasher, fed ALL the pets (even the ones Im not responsible
for feeding), walked my sister to Pathfinders last night and fed her dinner... and still NO SYMPATHY! I'm still grounded. What a
waste of good deeds! (hahaha jk)
Well anywayz, the only person that I'm talking to on ICQ (Ian) is not doing a very good job of keeping me un-bored (hahahaha jk i
luv you Ian) so I'm off to make more sexy grass skirts for the Luau next Friday! Wooooohooooooo LUAU!!!! I'm SO excited :D
"Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say, on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day... that's the island grreting that we send to you
from the land where palm trees sway! Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright. The sun to shine by day and
all the stars at night! Mele Kalikimaka is a wise way, to say Merry Christmas to you!"
*baisers* (<--practising my french... guess who might be going to France and Italy with school over march break!?!?)
-mango banana-

November 26th, 2002
Lame excuses, LAME EXCUSES!
How about you make an effort to keep your word instead of spending all that wasted time coming up with lame excuses! (not
directed at anyone in particular, despite how it might seem)
LoL people are so funny :)
Oooh! I had an encounter with an optimist today! It was so great! In fact, this whole day has been quite great! Let's see...
Vocal Class was pretty normal... we sang songs (surprise, SURPRISE!) and did a bit of reading on music history... nothing super
History Class was replaced today by a presentation for grade 10 students that greatly resembled a career day in elementry
school. We had 4 representatives come in to talk to us; a psychologist, an engineer, a lawyer and a funeral home director. In case
you're interested enough to want to read the "journal entry" I wrote about it for civics class, click here
Science all I have to say about this class is: I'm NOT taking physics next year
Careers Mrs Lennon is weird sometimes... we did individual work and essay writing most of the time...
Anywayz, my day went from cool to boring and then to cool again when i encountered... *drumroll please*... THE OPTIMIST!
LoL It was great and totally made my day! I was walking my puppy down Main Street, enjoying the attention and smiling every
time I heard someone yell "Look! A weiner dog!" when I came across this man, lifting the hood of his car to check out the motor
(it had broken down). He looked at Baron, then at me and said "Hello, how are you?" I said "Good, thanks. You?" and he smiled
and said "Great" in a completely non-sarcastic way! It was really refreshing to see someone who wasn't all grumpy or bitter that
things weren't going perfectly for them. Anywayz, it may seem insignificant but it was really refreshing and inspiring for me...
Well, I best be off...
ttfn mes grand amis!
"Ok it's settled then; you hold the crocodile's mouth open while I replace his false teeth!"
-mango banana smoothie- (hahaha)

November 23rd, 2002
Well, well, well... I have no idea what to say
wait, that's a lie
I have TONS to say, but I'm not feeling very... together... today, so I don't know how to present my thoughts. meh, I'll just
mango-news-format them...
1. Just for fun, I'm skipping number 1 ;)
2. Airband last night was GREAT! From the minute I got there until we had to present our dance for Student Council, I wanted
nothing more than for someone to rescue me. I WANTED TO GO HOME! But then, sometime between when Katie told me I
looked great and the adrenaline rush of performing onstage, I felt on top of the world. Out on the dance floor, I felt like Dancing
Queen meets Heartbreaker meets Tease meets Sex Goddess! In fact, the only parts of the evening that I didn't enjoy were when
Jennie and Danielle were giving eachother the cold shoulder, and when a certain guy was getting pretty cosy on the dancefloor
with a certain girl. That was cruelty in a bottle (not to me, but... yeah!)!
3. Doing your makeup for dances is SO MUCH FUN! I just let go and went (almost) all out. With purple eyeshadow, sparkles,
mad lashes, blue shadow/liner and super gloss... the only thing I was missing was the liquid black eyeliner! Too bad it was all kinda
toned down by the end of the evening, cause I felt so gorgeous! Who knows though, maybe I'll try being a little riskier for school
on monday... (not as intense as for the dance though, of course)
4. THE LUAU IS COMING UP! After SOooooooo long, finally we will be having our Luau! I've already made a CD with tons of
Hawaiian beats (including "Mele Kalikimaka" from National Lampoon's), made a list of decorations we need to buy, sent out
*most* of the invitations and planned the menu! IT's GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN!
So yeah! Today is the laziest and most confusing day ever. I want to do one thing, but end up doing another. I don't want to do
something, but end up doing it anywayz, just for the hell of it. Fun fun fun! Anywayz, I'm off to.... uh... do something...
-Pineapple Princess-

November 18th, 2002
Shopping, shopping, shopping, SHOPPING!
about $80 ($205 if you include how much my mom spent on winter boots for Em and I...) and 2 hours later, my sister and I
emerged from the mall. I had one new turtleneck sweater (omg it's the most precious thing on Earth!!!), a bunch of makeup and 2
shirts that I bought for her birthday tomorrow and a new pair of winter boots, she had a new pair of boots (hahaha sorry that's
kinda funny though). I had a great time, my sister's really not as big a loser as I give her credit for being, lol. We went into Siblings
where she wanted to try something on, and I grabbed about 30 shirts for her to try on and we finally narrowed it down to 2 (the 2
that I bought her). Shopping is so great!
Anywayz, I got home, put on my new sweater and boots and had a quick bite to eat before parking myself in front of the
computer. Surprise! The person I have been meaning to talk to was online. It's been how long again? Anywayz, that's not the
point. The point is that "I now understand how bowling feels, only not quite so priviledged". Of course, nobody understands me but
me, so I doubt that will make any sense to anyone outside my thoughts. Oh well! On the bright side, I have a sexy new turtleneck
and the most kick-ass boots ever. So I figure, if friends can't make me happy, at least something can, right? right!
Up and about I wander... waiting for the right time to pounce!
La vie est souvent très étrange... Le rêve que j'ai rêvé hier soir était très bizarre... Je regardais à travers un view agenda/journal
et je lisait tous les mots que j'y avais inscrits. Celui don't je me rappelle le plus aisément était celui qui datait le 10 avril de l'année
2003. J'y avais marqué que toi et moi nous avons partagé mon gâteau d'anniversaire... et chaque semaine suivant cette date nous
avons passé beaucoup de temps ensemble... à mieux se connaître... a mieux se comprendre.
C'est dommage que c'était seulement un rêve, parce qu'au réveille, je me suis souvenu de la réalité et la joie que j'avais senti s'est
envollé avant que j'eu la chance de l'apprécier.

November 17th, 2002
No twilight shovelling tonight :(
today I learnt that:
1. Sleeping in makes the day seem shorter
2. Being stubborn can turn something as innocent as shopping with family bad
3. I am spoilt
4. Shovelling is REALLY tough!
5. Eric = funny ("I don't have $1400..." hahaha comedy gold!)
6. Yoda is really sexy!
7. Wanting something, no matter how bad, is never enough. If you really wanted something, you'd get off your ass and do what it
takes to get it. (Well, I already knew that, but it's something I feel more people should learn...)
I don't mean to sound aggresive or anything with that last one, but yeah. It's an important point to keep in mind...
In conclusion, today WASN'T the day either... But I'm working on it! lol. (yeah, enough about that)
Après avoir reçu l'objet duquel j'avais rêvé chaque soir pendant longtemps, j'ai vu qu'il y avait des imperfections dans la painture
qui la recouvrait. Ce n'était pas juste! J'avais attendu si longtemps! Ce moment était supposé être un moment de joie, de
satisfaction que je l'avais FINALEMENT reçu! Mais parfois, la vie est unjuste. Il faut dabord le retourner et attendre pour en
choisir un autre quand le moment de recevoir reviendra...
Mais pour être juste, le plus que j'attends, le plus merveilleux sont les récompenses alors j'ai secrètement hâte de voir le prochain...
-mango banana-

November 16th, 2002
Yesterday was the day... but it didn't work out as I had planned...
So, being realistic, TOMORROW's the day! lol
In other news, SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! There, I said it. I even moved the little link/logo/thingee so that you see it right away
and CAN'T ESCAPE IT! Muahaha! *cough* Wow, I really need to work on that evil laugh...
Anywayz, today is another crazy day. Why? Because people have been feeding me lies, driving me crazy (much to my enjoyment)
and luring me in with false hope of happiness that might never come... or, as most happiness does come, in short, insufficient doses
that only make me crave it more. *sigh* Life is the coolest experience ever!
Well, if my insanity hasn't scared you off yet, as it obviously hasn't seen as you are reading this, click here to see some recently
added photos of mes amies! Being the lazy bum that I am, they are all photos stolen from our school's website, lol. Hey! It's only
until I learn how to operate this scanner/fax/printer device, ok?
you know you love me ;)
-mango banana-

November 15th, 2002
How do you spell fun? C-o-n-c-e-r-t--d-o-w-n-t-o-w-n--w-i-t-h--P-a-u-l--W (hahaha sorry) The concert was really good. The
conductor was funny to watch (his hair would bounce all over the place as he conducted), the music was really great and the
soprano's voice was crazy-mad! Plus, the whole night was an unforgettable experience, all in all (keywords: hookers, bad parking
jobs and honking at the elderly (don't ask)). *sigh* Good times, good times...
Well yeah, tonight I plan on being the loser that I am and not doing anything social. Perhaps read old magazines, work on my
community service project, clean my room, learn yoga (the great goosini has taught me how here) But knowing me and my
indecisiveness, that could all change... I guess only time will tell!
*deep breath* Today's the day!
enjoy the rest of your day, wherever you are!
*kisses from angels*
-mango banana-

November 14th, 2002
Today, for the sake of constant change, I have decided to use a slightly different format than before... enjoy, or don't, it's up to
1. wind + kilts (or pleated skirts, if you prefer)= a challenging, but fun, run to get photos developped 20min before school starts.
2. my peers in science class + a chance for debate = verbal wars and adrenaline rush
3. Tim sitting beside me = non-stop laughing + no completion of work
4. Friends + photos of great times together + a coffee shop = the most fun you can have for $3.76
Well yeah, I'm off for now so I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening, where ever you are!
"waste the afternoon, you can't take it with you"
-mango banana-

November 13th, 2002
blah blah blah blah blah
my horoscope for today (if I were to write it): Today, we have two simple instructions for you, Aries; open mouth, insert foot.
You make a mess of things by accident one day, and when you try to make them better you only make things worse. Quit
while you're not too far behind. Just shut up. This time, fighting will only make things worse. Put your "take charge"
attitude to rest for a while and let the answer come to you."
Wow, I actually meant that in a mocking way, but it turned out kinda cool...
"Who's house? ... GOD's house!" lol
you know you luv me ;)
My sincerest apologies to EVERYONE I have spoken to at all this week
I have been acting really crazy, as most of you have undoubtedly noticed, and not always pleasant or fun to be around. So yeah,
I'm just saying sorry for being so childish and inconsiderate.
I hope you can all forgive me...

November 12th, 2002
Wow it feels good to be home right after school! Just thinking about it now, I have time to do my homework, clean my room, give
myself a new hairstyle, re-do my makeup, make an iced capp and take the dog for a walk ALL before the time I'd normally get
home after basketball practice! Do I miss the cardio work, the layups, the changing of clothes, the running, the... Well, yes. But it
is nice to be home once in a while too... makes the days seem so much longer...
*SPARKS* tonight! Ooh fun! Gotta luv chasing little 5 and 6 year old girls around a school gym, trying to get them to sit down and
play games, explaining day-after-day why I'm not allowed to let them sit on my lap and trying to help the leaders (who hate me for
some unknown reason). But aside from all that, i really do luv the girls! They have changed the way I see little kids. Before, I
couldn't STAND kids under the age of... 12 (lol) but now I see them through a completely new set of eyes! Then again, I probably
shouldn't speak too soon, I have months, possibly years, left in this unit...
As you have probably noticed, I'm alot cheerier today than I was yesterday. I apologise for anything I said or did that was mean or
hurtful, I never meant to hurt anyone. Oh, and even though I fully intend on saying this to your face tomorrow Lianne, I'm truly
sorry for getting upset about that remark you made last Friday. We were all really shook up by recent events and I can understand
where you were coming from. I'm sorry I wasn't as compassionate and understanding of how you must have been feeling.
Yay! I'm so happy at the moment! The only thing that could bring me down is... Well, I'm not going to say because some people
might (rightfully) take offense...

November 11th, 2002
...lest we forget...
In flanders fields, the poppies blow
between the crosses, row on row
that mark our place, and in the sky
the larks still bravely singing fly
scarce heard against the guns below...
Well, thats all I remember, but if you're smart enough to be reading this entry with the same eye you should be reading the rest of
them, you'll get the intent that's lying behind the words.
Well yeah, I don't really have a message to share with you all today, but rather a couple of points I would like to make, so here
goes (again, read between the lines):
* don't hide your jealousy behind pancakes and syrup
* phone calls are appreciated, even if you have nothing to say
* it's hard to maintain a friendship when communication and the abolishment of secrecy cause depression and frustration
* my life isn't nearly as grand as it seems, I'm just really good at disguising rainclouds
If I wrote horoscopes, mine for today would read: "Dear Aries, today is not a good day to trust people. Opening up makes
you vulnerable. People come to you today because they feel that you are hiding your true feelings. You are. But if you tell
them that, they'll want to know all about it and today you might be in a mood to be more honest then you should be. Your
best bet for the day is to shut up and not say anything at all aside from 'sure'."
you know you love me

November 10th, 2002
Dans l'esprit de garder la vie aussi compliquée que possible j'ai décidé d'écrire le message d'aujourd'hui complètement en français.
Si cela vous dérange, n'hésitez surtout pas de visiter une autre page, moins étrangère en tant que langue.
Bon, maintenant que nous nous sommes débarrassés de ceux qui ont des affairs plus urgent à faire, nous pouvons passer à
d'autres sujets...
Je suis sur la committée en charge de trouver un "backdrop" pour Sr. Semi (like how i got too lazy to use the online translator
where my french skills proved insufficient? lol)! Alors, si vous savez des compagnies que je peux appeler, je vouz en prie de me
passer leurs numéro. Mille mercis et une pomme de terre (hahaha)!
Le français devient ennuyant très rapidement, alors, comme je n'ai rien d'autre a dire pour piquer votre intéret, je vous souhaite
bonne nuit et de bons rêves!
you know what's great? not getting called...
you know what's better? having something REALLY important to talk about but being too scared to pick up the goddamn phone...
comment vivez-vous sans mon amour?
-mango banana-

November 9th, 2002
Yesterday was quite the day... It started off alright... vocal class was alot of fun, despite the ever-present reminder of the funeral
later that morning. We made time for some meditation (i luv fridays), went over "On Eagles Wings" and "Jerusalem My Destiny"
and got a break to grab some food, cry, or console those who were bawling their eyes out. The funeral was so sad. I kept looking
up from the choir book and seeing all the kids my age who had lost their dearest friend. But the things that made me cry the most
were the silent reminders of his lost life. (If you are still shaky, or cry easily, this part of today's entry might not be the best for you
to read...) The soccer jersey signed by Jorge's teammates in the church's entrance was on display. One particularily striking
message was "Jorge, cuidese a tu familia" (care for your family). When I read that, I started bawling my eyes out once again. I
didn't even know the poor guy, but just seeing how his life had left marks in all those around him, how cared for he was, how
loved, how much he will be missed... how changed he has left us. I think that his death didn't only affect his friends and family. It
was a message, a whisper, or an awakening to all those who were wise enough to listen. We all learnt different things from it, we
all had our own interpretations of the message God had sent. What I pulled from it was that life is fleeting, it doesn't wait for you
to be ready before it comes knocking on your door. You might not realize how important you are. Sometimes you feel like you're
always in the way, that life would have been better off without you, or that you just don't make a difference in the large scheme of
it all. You're wrong. If you can pull anything from this, let it be that. You can make a difference. You DO make a difference. I
hope you all realize that now, because if you have to wait as long as Jorge did to see, it'll be too late.
No song has ever made me cry the way "On Eagles Wings" can...
In loving memory of Jorge Martinez Jr.,

November 6th, 2002
"items of perfectness" lmao
Today was quite the odd day, I came home from school after choir practice (no basketball today) and felt kinda mellow... Maybe
it was because we've been talking about the upcoming funeral alot at school recently... Maybe it was because Spiffy wasn't here
today (on the bright side, I must have looked like quite the disoriented fool waiting around for her in the hall, lol. (more on that
later))... Or perhaps it was because I am very tired after getting only 5 hours of sleep last night (I need about 8 to feel refreshed in
the morning, 6 to function). All the same, it was completely and entirely worth staying up as late as I did, considering the reason
why ;)
I'm going to go make some tea, brb
*returns* Ok well next time, I'm not going to be too lazy to make tea. I poured myself some blueberry smoothie stuff my mom had
just made... It takes like foam with seeds, lol
Anywayz, more about today... Usually I wait at my locker after 1st period and Spiffy and I walk over to our History class (2nd
period) together. So as usual, I go out to my locker and start swapping books and binders, waiting for Spiff. I waited a couple of
minutes and still she did not come. LoL, I guess I never realized how lost I am without her because I had no idea how much time I
had to get to History from there, and I had no one to talk to... and to make matters worse, Oot sat next to me when he found out
Spiff wasn't here! I kept telling him to go back to Serbia (haha) and back to his seat at the front of the class, but he wound't go.
He obviously thought I was kidding... *argh*
In that same class, we were also given surveys to complete for the upcoming "Marketing Fair" at our school. In an attempt to
amuse and maybe even annoy some fellow students, I gave the most creative answers possible. Some answers were blamed on
the voices in my head, and because they (they meaning the people who wrote the survey, not the voices in my head) were
persistent in asking about hot beverages, I thought it would be funny to develop a fear of them. I'd like to see them resist smiling as
they read my reply to their survey, hehehe
"Panic, chaos, disorder... my work here is done!"
you know you love me...
-mango banana-

November 5th, 2002
(no jokes are smiles today, guys... maybe tomorrow)
I should have done this before... I'm not even going to ruin this apology with an excuse, but I'm sorry for being so self-centered
and disrespectful. It was so selfish of me... *shakes her head in disappointment*
So what I meant to say yesterday (monday), the day I found out, was that my most sincere prayers go out to the family and
friends of Jorge Martinez Jr., a 9th grade who attended my high school who was hit by a car on the night of friday, november 1st
and passed away the next evening. My love and most heartfelt blessings go to all those who have lost a loved one recently, or at
any time.
I said, "God, I lost a loved one",
and He said "Me too."

November 3rd, 2002
Yesterday, and now today as it seems, was a roller coaster of emotions. First apollogetic, then sad, then guilty, then happy, then
confused, frustrated, upset, discouraged, upset again, just-wanting-to-be-left-alone, annoyed, confused, unsure, relieved, happy.
Not that you'll understand much of that unless you were there the whole time, as I expect you were not, so enjoy surfing the site! know you want me ;)
("babe" *heart flutters* sigh... :)
"you're really good at being irresistible, you know..." ;)
-mango banana-

November 2nd, 2002
La vie est foutue
Here are the headlines of the week that you have missed...
- we won our game at basketball, and so we move on to the playoffs! yay! Again, I made a great benchwarmer, go me!
- I got to see Erin tonight when we went to play pool at Jeff's! I haven't seen Erin in a while, she's really cool. Even though we
haven't gone shopping together yet *shakes fist at Erin*
- trick-or-treating was fun last night, Paul was scarecrow (the costume he had from The Wizard of Oz), Jeff was a
magician-fairy-princess-monster-zombie-with-a-stick! lol... not nearly as many kids as in previous years though, what's up with
- today was the worst day ever. It started out with me crying, it's probably going to end with my crying. Add some more cyring in
the middle of the day for dramatic effect... and VOILA! My day!
Anywayz, enough whining from me, lol. Today was actually a good day, not ONLY bad things happened... although to the
untrained eye it would be perceived that way... *strokes imaginary beard*...
so yeah! that's enough babling from me, enjoy your voyage on the www!
you know you love me ;o)

October 28th, 2002
stupid isp...
Today started out as the perfect day. For the first time in a while, I actually walked to school. Sure I kept wishing my mom would
suddenly appear behind me in her car and offer me a ride the rest of the way, but despite it all, I really enjoyed the walk. All
around me, fall's beauty was unfolding as the season drags on. This is what Canada is all about. The leaves are turning a gorgeous
shade of red, the air smells crisp and feels brisk to the touch, and Canadian geese fly overhead in their telltale V-pattern. People
should be more like geese. I don't mean they should all migrate more, but just look at how geese fly. One leads them all south and
the others fly behind, in V-formation. Then, when the leader gets tired another one comes up from behind and takes his place.
Each goose has confidence in the rest and trusts that they will all do a good job of getting them to where they want to be. Geese
are terrific leaders and teamates at the same time, and awesome quality that I think more people should strive for.
Today is probably one of the mellowest days of my life. It's not that I'm sad or depressed (at least, I don't think so) but I feel in a
mood of just being above it all. Stress is so overwhelming and I have no idea how people manage. I hope never to have to face the
real world alone. The task seems so daunting.
So yeah, here I am, staring at a blank computer screen wondering how I can fill the page. "Multiculturalism: How do we preserve
everyone's rights?". I know the answer, but words seem fleeting. If only we could blame the incompletion of projects on lousy
moods. Well, until the day that we can, I best get back to rearranging the alphabet a couple hundred times until I have produced a
document with enough of whatever it is it needs to get me an ideal grade.
Jeff(18:20 PM) :
how was school
Mango Banana(18:20 PM) :
great day, all in all, until the last quarter of basketball
i kinda fell apart
Jeff(18:20 PM) :
game or practice?
Jeff(18:21 PM) :
game i guess since you said quarter
what happened?
Mango Banana(18:25 PM) :
coach was like "Ostrich, get in there for Yasmine" and I said "No thanks"... I just looked at him with this look of you
really don't want to play me, so he backed off
I knew he didn't understand, so it was no surprise when he called me to sit beside him a coupld minutes later...
he asked what was up, and I just said that I didn't think he really needed me in there right now. I said Yasmine was
having a great game and I wasn't the one to put in. He said he wanted me in, but I just said that I wasn't up to playing.
I saw him after the game and talked to him. I said that I wasn't that I don't have the confidence, cause I really do now. But
when he benches me the whole game, and then lets me go in when he knows we can't win, I know it's not cause Im the one
he needs. It's cause the game is over, we've lost, so he might aswell give me some time on the court
i just feel so blah
you know you love me,

October 20th, 2002
...I think it's something in the air...
so yeah, sorry to say I've been too busy to write to you all, but you love me anywayz, right? Of course you do :)
We won our basketball game vs. Pierre Elliot Trudeau, but lost vs MDHS on thursday. On the bright side though, I now have
WAY more confidence in basketball!!! Yay!! Good job self...
The coach gave us all an inspiring talk at our practice on friday. He's really cool. I think that was the first practice ever where
nobody fooled around. We were serious and actually tried our best. It showed too, I got more layups and jump shots than ever
before, and I wasn't the only one :) He told us about how he secretly had a goal for each of us that he wanted us to achieve by the
end of the season. For me, it was to make a 3 pointer in a game.
I won't let him down :)
Anywayz, I'm supposed to be working on my Civics and History ISPs, so I better get to work...
ttfn mes grand amis!
you know you love me ;)

October 13th, 2002
I luv Thanksgiving!
It's also Paul W's half birthday!
Yay! lalalalalala
Well my evil cousin is kicking me off his computer so I best be off... (Where's the love?)
ttfn mes cheries!

October 12th, 2002
...amo ergo som...

October 5th, 2002
The agony begins...
Here's what I haven't had time to tell you about recently (hey, I was home for a sum total of 5 hours this WEEK (not including the
time I was asleep))
Mango's Magical News Headlines:
- I volunteered at the fair on thursday night from 6 - 10 pm. It was cool... I saw some of the 'cheerleader-would-be' s walking
by... One of them was smoking, to my astonishment. I thought she was cool... despite her whininess and
ness and her high-pitched voice when she was either really happy or when she was talking about how she'd make her boyfriend's
life a living hell... *sigh* Gym class... those were the days...
- I went to the fair again with Wes last night (friday night). That was fun. We went on some rides, he met some of my old and
new friends, it rained, Paul won the talent competiton (yay Paul!), we went for McDonalds at 2 different locations (lol) and
basically just had a cool time.
- Today I woke up at 10:30am... got out of bed 2 hours and 3 minutes later with an irrepressible urge to bake some cookies. So I
got up, had a shower and then started baking. My cookies are actually quite good, Im very pleased with myself ("she cooks, she
cleans, she sews and she can iron... IS THERE ANYTHING SUSIE HOMEMAKER CAN'T DO?!?!")
Teegan is so cool... everyone likes her... she has this amazing smile and she never hesitates to wear it... she's fun to be around,
you can trust her with anything... she's smart and pretty and nobody doesn't like her...
so yeah... that's all I have to say about that!
oh, and I think it's over...
*kisses* you know you love me...

September 30th, 2002
Today was super cool!
We lost our basketball game to Markville, but I scored BOTH the foul shots I got! Me!! I NEVER get foul shots! Yeah... that
was my proud moment :)
Aside from that, we got our vocal presentation over with in vocal and someone told me I have a nice voice (thank you Danielle!),
we watched a gory movie about life in the trenches during WW1 in history class, I think I aced my science quiz and we had a
crazy supply teacher in our normally boring civics class ("So John dies and goes to heaven, and St Gabriel meets him at the gates
and says..." hahahaha)
Basketball... lalalalalala
I'm so proud!
Markham Fair is this weekend (starting thursday)
I'm doing volunteer work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday...
We've got another basketball game on Friday...
Yay! *does a happy dance* I luv weekdays almost as much as weekends!
Anywayz, I better be off seen as I have homework, music to dance around my room to and glow-in-the-dark stars to stick to my
ceiling... ta-ta-for-now!
PS: This is our jingle for goldfish.. our baked and not fried goldfish... the only snack that smiles back, until you bite their heads
off... hahahaha

September 29th, 2002
today was the most semI-cool day ever
"come on battLecat, it's time tO clean house!"
i neVer thought soy could tastE this good!
today is a surface daY
im an idiOt
"everything's more fUn when you're nAked"
i can't sing
i actuaLLy asked him...
(if you got the message, good, if not, oh well... better luck next time!)

September 27th, 2002
You wouldn't BELIEVE how hard it is to find a karaoke tape of Celine Dion's "Prayer"! Even living right outside of the provincial
capital! What is the world coming to?
Well the clouds have parted, it has stopped raining and the sun is shining with all it's force. I'm happy and not-so-happy at the
same time... Happy because sun is gorgeous, being dry is nice and you don't have to worry about getting your hair all gross when
you go for a run (how shallow...). Also because it makes people happy. Alot of people get depressed when it rains. To me, that
makes no sense. Think about it, so yeah you're hair get's a little wet (*tear*) and stepping in puddles isn't *ENTIRELY* pleasant,
it DOES awaken your inner child (hehehe), the flowers get watered and ducks get showered for free! Wonderful weather for
worms, devine weather for ducks! LoL
So yeah... I'd better get back to searching for a karaoke tape seen as we need it for monday... (note to all who are reading this:
procrastinating is a TERRIBLE habit!!!)

September 26th, 2002
I want to crawl up into a ball and melt away...
I was at school for almost 12 hours today, crazy, n'est-ce pas? Yeah... got to school in time for vocal, at about 8am, went to all my
classes, then had basketball practice from 2:40pm to 4pm and a game at Middlefield Collegiate from whenever the senior game
ended until about 7:15pm. I guess it only made it more fun, to have a lovely, peaceful, scenic walk (or should I say, run) home in
the DARK once we arrived back at school only to find an empty house, a loaded diShwasher, laundry still in hampers and unfed
pets... What would they do without me? Too bad that I really wanted to crash, because the workload never ends in this house!
(Remind me never to have kids, except for the purpose of making them do housework...)
So yeah... but for all intensive purposes, here are the *positive* parts of my day...
- Christina Swett brought me chocolate back from when she went to Germany last week with the music department at school :)
- winning our first basketball game 26-20 vs a team that creamed us last year
- the taxi ride home from MiddleField ("umm... this seatbelt doesn't work..." "Oh yeah, I have to get that fixed... I'll do it when I
get back to your school... but don't worry, I'm a good driver!" said the driver as he drove past a stop sign, almost hit a car at an
intersection and missed the entrance to BA... "What grade does your school go up to?" lmao)
- my mommy just walked in with McDonalds :)
So yeah... life is never ALL bad... but I have homework to do and some sleeping to catch up on, so ttfn!

September 25th, 2002
Waiting for my mom to get off the phone so I can call the person I was speaking to a couple of minutes ago...
Today was a cool day, all in all. My classes went very nicely despite the fact that History wasn't as much fun as it usually is (Mr
Martinello DID include some cool multiple choice options on our test though! ("Why did Laurier lose the election of whatever year
it was? d) His bad haircut" ha... ha... ok maybe it was funnier at the time...) Civis was a super snore, in vocal music we sang the
World Youth Day song again... It's really amazing! Science was cool, we had a supply teacher and he let us do whatever...
Jessica and I talked about... things... and... other things... HAYRIDES! ("oops, my hand slipped!" hahahaha) and joked around
about some people that we think should stop being phony and be themselves
*cough*gangstagurl*cough*idontwearashirtundermymccarthy*cough* So yeah... oh, and basketball practice was amazing because
we got to scrimmage and fool around alot more than usual (Steve really is a great assistant coach, THANKS STEVE!) wE hAvE
a GaMe ToMoRrOw At MiDdLeFiElD!!! Good luck team!
"and nobody looked at her, and that's the end." hahaha Katie Liz, you rule! So yeah, I have nothing left to say so I'm going to get
off the computer and start annoying my mom till she gives me the phone back (I'm such a loving daughter), ttfn!
-mango banana-
PS: a gossip page is in the works. Which is odd because I really can't stand gossip... but I'm going to try to make this 100% NICE
gossip... Well anywayz, we'll see how everything shapes up! *kisses*

September 22nd, 2002
Today was a simply great day. Nothing super cool happened, aside from the fact that it rained (and is still raining as I write this). It
was really gorgeous! I was sitting at my computer, chatting with some friends when I looked outside and saw it... Then something
took control of me, and I found myself running onto the street, barefoot and fully dressed... For a couple of minutes, I just stood
there, with the water dripping and streaming down my arms... it was the most amazing feeling in the world...
"can you love rain?" "more than I can luv it"
Rain remids me of... Wes... childhood... change... a fresh start... carelessness... being worry-free... letting all your doubts and
fears wash away... stream down your body with the water...
-Mango Banana-

September 19th, 2002
Today was one of the coolest days ever!
Let's see.. In history class, my friend Spiffy and I were laughing our asses off (as usual). ("Do you know the muffin man?" "DO
I?! He lives down the street from me!" "On Drewry Lane?" LMAO Mr. Martinello's the coolest! Oh, and so is our dear friend
Oot!) I also helped sell SPCs at lunch (*starts singing* SPC, SPC, It's for you and me! hehehehe) and the rest of the day is a blur
of laughing fits, makeup, dressing up as Mozart and basketball...
Anywayz, it's also opening night for Wes, Paul, Jessica, Erika and the rest in MYT's Man of La Mancha. My friends and I get to
see it tomorrow, I can't wait! (I've been counting down the hours since we ordered our tickets, lol)
So yeah, a friend gave me the kick-in-the-pants needed to get back to work on the shoutouts so I can finally get this website up
and running to show you guys, so I'd better get to work...
You know you love me,
-mango banango-

September 14th, 2002
I LUV life!
Ok well last night I tried Korean BBQ for the first time ever, and aside from some slightly undercooked squid/octopus (my fault
entirely), it was probably some of the best food I have ever had at a restaurant! I also got to meet some of my boyfriend's friends.
They're super cool :) All in all, despite my being so tired, I had a great time. Maybe next time I'll try to play some foosball...
Anywayz, today is a boring/lazy/i-don't-want-to-do-homework day, so I'm going to try to get some work done around here...
mainly finish up the shoutous...
-mango banana-

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