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July 6, 2002
OK. I had that one-on-one ballet class with the wonderful teacher Kit today. I actually just sort of got home. I'm a whole lot saner than I was a while ago. haha. OK, maybe a LITTLE bit saner =P
HmMmMm... Denise (who I usually take Sunday one-on-one class with) went out of town with her family today. That's cool, they're on the road and stuff. But I don't know how they got thru those strong rains. It is flooding like, everywhere =\ *welp*
ANYWAY, since Denise wasn't around to take class with me today, I went with Joan!!! *SOOOO MUCH FUN* Not that I don't have fun with Denise, I love Denise - I always have a blast hanging with her. But maybe it's cause Joan and I haven't seen each other in so long. Actually, we were together last Saturday with Denise and Chloe, but we didn't get to talk much just the two of us. Today we were REALLY noisy. And, you know Joan. haha *laugh* --- I went red and laughed my way through class. I held my tummy *it hurt* from laughter. Yep. I had a whole lot of energy for class for once. I do not understand why. But it's probably because of the rain. See, the studio is located outside.. as in open air. So like, there was a bit of sun *it was 4pm* and then really strong winds and rain. Really cold! hehe.. I do not know why, but everything we seemed to do was funny. I laughed at those really small things. The last time I laughed this hard was... when we were with ate Ria! That was the ONLY time I laughed like that while Joan was in Washington. I think I wrote about that. haha. If you're really that curious *scroll down, bitch* Anyway, my point is --- I hardly ever laugh out loud 10 minutes straight if I'm not with that gagang sis of mine. *laughs* It's the thought of her face and her attemp to dance Britney's I'm a Slave 4 U. hahaha!!! After the class, teacher Kit made us stand around and she talked to us about some ballet stuff. I was listening of course, but my eyes were on Joan. She was smoking! As in like a chimney. She was on fire. lol.. for real. You know like in cartoons when people get angry, smoke starts comin out of their ears??? Well, that is what was happening! lol. It's kinda scary, sure. But then Joan started staring at ME! She said "Tiff, umuusok ka!!!". That's Filipino for you're on fire!!!. And believe me, it was hilarious cause were thinking the same thing about each other and staring at each other and pointing too! lol. *sigh* that was really cool though. I was on fire man! Now I can actually say that smoke once came out of my ears. hahaha. Shit. That's awesome. It was raining hard *coldness* and we were being put to work hard *heat* ...does that explain it? I dunno! I dun care. I just know I had a great day =)
PLUS, classes are canceled!!! Wipee! Marian sent me a message - "Poveda... No school tomorrow!!!". I went wild and so did Joan when we dropped her off cause Ninang said that St. Mary's classes are cancelled too. Yeehaw! I wasted my Sunday dreading the History test for tomorrow. I always hate Sundays cause there is the idea and thought of school tomorrow. I hate that feeling. That feeling went away when I found out about the cancelation of classes =) Still, I wish I'd known about it sooner =\ ...Tomorrow, I'm going to study for Math and History (Sibika) .. ehh. It's gonna be sucky day tomorrow. AND, I have to go to Ballet Manila because my mom enrolled me for the whole fucking year. I hate BM!!!!!! I wanna be with my friends and take class at PBT!!! >=\ What is there that I can do though? Mom'll ground me if I don't go. *BITCH* Fuck yow.
tiffany wasted away @ 9:03pm

Christina ROX!!! Yeah, hell yeah! Go see her and post sumthin on the tagboard cause.. well cause. I'm almost never on the net anymore. I'm not a net junkie!!! *jumps* :D That is a goooood thing. I am now officially a MTV, phone, and Winamp junkie. Marshall Mathers rocks too. His new album is the bomb. It's too awesome for words. Joan is back! Uhh yea I told you that already. It's a Sunday. I hate Sundays!!! I have two tests to study for. Sibika *eeek!!!* and Math *not so eek* ...I wanted to keep talking to Lyza on the phone but her older sister was being a bitch =X

Okay --- I need to say that I miss reading her blog entry's! =/ I love her!!! Hmm... I love TOO many people... there's Maz who's birthday was ehh June 29 or sommin. The morning of her birthday *getting reading for school* I was already late, but I sat down and wrote her a REALLY LONG letter. I hope she knows I love her! You rock Maria. K, and there are also a million of others I adore and love to death. My friends at school at ballet at IRC (seriously), Eminem, Alicia Keys.. ahah! Britney still rocks. This thing is so cool! And this os too.
OMG I'm so sabog. Nothing I'm saying is making sense anymore. This is good though. I'm typing fast everything and anything that comes into my mind. Oh look, someone's sent me a text message. *5 minutes later* It was Lyza. haha. This is kinda private. So...... what else is on my mind =\ Why the hell did I make that face? I don't know. BITCH! Again, I don't know. First word that came into my mind... *cotton blue* I'm not making sense =/ WaAahHhH!!! I have a major crush on Martina's brother, John. He's so cute!!! Ahhck --- he's not just that. He's everything else. *falls* OK, NOW I'm on the phone... talking to Martina and Lyza. 3way. But I'm silent. I'm always silent on the phone. OMG it is raining so hard. I want it to rain harder so classes could be canceled for tomorrow. I didn't get to my Ballet Manila class last Saturday! =\ AwWw... Yeah, right. That was the face I put on for my mom. But I was screaming for joy inside. We were half way there when it started pouring. As in really hard. We had to turn back cause the way to Manila is pababa. FLOOD. Yep. So there. I was so happy. But I put on a disappointed face for mah motha. Cause she sure was. I was in my over-sized black jacket *which I love*, Nike kicks, ballet tights, leotards, and my hair was all messy and wet. I didn't bum my hair cause I'd already known from the previous night that we'd have to turn back. I dunno, I'm psychic like that. I had my headphones on.. listened to Eminem's CD thrice around. I repeated Hailie's song around 11 times. I stared out the car window forever. haha. I like picturing that. Reminds me of Britney on MTV diaries. Except I'm not Britney, and it wasn't raining on MTV. I like listening to CDs and staring out the window while it rains. Makes me feel peaceful. I wanna go now. Gonna go check out Erin's. See ya =)
tiffany wasted away @ 2:41pm

June 30, 2002
I'm still on IRC, so I'm gonna try to make this quick... I'm chatting with a few guys, this one guy though - really interesting. He's one of those guys, you know just one of them. Hehe, no you don't know. haha. I do.

Denise, Chloe, and I went out with Joan today! JOAN! Like she's been back from the US since the 18th, but this is the first time we got together. Next weekend, I'll have to plan something with Eren, Karen, ate Sherry and ate Tasha naman. They've all been dying to see Joan too. Tonight we went around Rockwell for a while and ate at Burgoo. Omg, the food is incredible. *drools* hehe, ANYWAY - we had one of those place mats again, and crayons. So we scribbled some shit, drew some shit, I wrote down "ATTENTION WAITERS: If you smoke weed, you will die." again. haha, how corny. We were seated by the window, so like everyone who passed by checked us out. People were being so epal trying to read what was on the big drawing-thing (feel wrong calling it "paper" or "place mat" eh). I was getting really irritated, and you know how I am. I took a black marker and wrote down "Fuck you" I wanted them to look at the paper, not at me while I was trying to eat. We stuck it up against the window, and everyone stared at the sign as they passed by. heee!!! ahaha, bad-ass-chicks. How cute.

We went to see The Sum of All Fears. Good movie. Kinda dragging, but good. And Ben Affleck is hot. I had a good day. I always do. Like yesterday, or the day before that. Uhm, Friday. It was my day. You know, I volunteered to teach the class during Math period? OK - everyone knows I love Alicia Keys. I got up on that teacher's platform and all my classmates stood up, "Good afternoon, Miss Keys." I was like "Oh, g'aftahnoon class. Sit." haha. My lesson went well. THEN later that day... Martina's house!!! Had F U N!!! Well duh. I brought Spider-man. DVD. Fake though. And it was black & white. When her brother, John, who I'm now crushing on, came home from school (he was in his La Salle uniform... sharing), he offered to help us with it. He wasn't able to fix it but the thought counted! Martina's mom came in the living room and was like "John, do you know Martina's friends na?" he was like silent. Tita Pia went on, "Lyza, Nikka, Elyse, Tiffany." He waved and smiled. Sheeeeeesh. WHY??? He's so nice. Like, I've met some of my friends' brothers, and they're so suplado! Nakakabwiset. That smile turned me on. But he isn't like a goood boy ha. He went in his room, got changed, and came out wearing this sleeveless gray shirt and an earring on his left ear which was probably bawal at school. Haaaay. He kept going labas-pasok, labas-pasok. Ugh!!! Why does he have to be so guapo??? OK, enough about my obsessions. Back to loving this day.

I love Saturdays. They're always perfect. Well, almost. They'd be P E R F E C T if I was with the Jared and the PBT company. Well today was laughter, confusion, feelings getting mixed up, a pas de deux class (today, there were two btw), Rockwell, friends, and a movie. Kuya Ninyo too! ahahaha. Kuya Alvin didn't make it to the classes today, so Kuya RD filled in. No offense to him cos he's nice and all, but he kinda sucks as a partner. Like big time. Ninyo and him alternated being our partners, but I made sure that Ninyo was always mine. Buwahahaha. The class at STC was fine. I felt kinda bad though when he left without sayin "bye" ...and TWICE. What the hell did I do? He was all "bye" last week! He was all "bye" to Therese. Eeek. Yeah, she is nice. But it annoys me, I've known Ninyo, Alvin, and RD like 5 years and she's known them, what. A month? Total unfairness. Why the fuck am I writing about this, Denise is gonna read it. And so is Joan! ahahaha. OK, fine so I like Ninyo. You two girls do me a favor, okay? Just don't. Don't say anything. Don't speak. Don't speak of this to anyone, especially me. Maybe I'm in love with him. Eeek! Iz that just crazy? Yeah. Well that's me. A whackjob. Gnight guyz. Ay, gmornin. *tips hat* =)
tiffany wasted away @ 3:31 AM

June 24, 2002
Hey hey hey! Miss me? haha. I'll try to make up for all the days I missed by making this entry extra long. Heeeee!!! Brace yourselves people, this is gonna be a draggy one.

So. Hmm. How are you? lol. Kidding, I feel like, uhm... I remember Bea in class today, "You know what I feel like? (turns around) Shit!!! (runs)" lol. Yeah, okay. You don't get it. And that's fine because I don't either. Everyone just started cracking up, and you know how laughter influences me.
I had THE best weekend. Thursday night was PBT's opening night for the "Balenchine" show. Yes, the one they rehearsed forever for and the one I've been dying to see and dress up for. Ahem, I wore my glittery pink halter top, a pair of silky black pants, and my chic black suede boots. I got home from school at 4:00 that day, took a quick shower, and wasted an hour and half racking my closet for something perfect to wear. Then another hour on hair and make-up. Ugh. Yes, I am %100 girl. And you know what? We made it. With minutes to spare. I was so excited, since I hadn't seen them (the PBT dancers) in over a month. So I got seated, met up with Denise and Pearl, chatted a little, and waited for the national anthem to start. Oi. We were seated 3 rows from the stage and had to strain our necks looking up at the dancers' feet and legs the whole time. I didn't see much of the wonderous lines and shit Bobby Barnette had formed. But I enjoyed every second of the performance. Everyone was so wonderful. This show was just perfect. I loved it to bits. I'm so proud to be part of PBT even if I didn't get to dance in the year's biggest production. Sigh. Okay so anyway, the curtains closed, and Denise and I immediately got up and walked to the bottom of the stairs where the exit door which leads backstage stood. We were excited, doi. And we rushed to the door. But then this snooty usher lady told us it was like 'off limits'. Whatever! So we waited, cause I knew that somebody important like the president of PBT or Julie Boromeo would come and let us through. And they did. "Girls! Come in, come in! Did you enjoy?" blah blah blah crap like that. So we rushed to the girls' dressing rooms and it was all loud screams and bursts of laughter from then on. haha. Yeah I had a blast, I always do. But sadly, I didn't get to see everyone I hoped I would. I did congratulate the boys and the company members who passed the halls. So, anyway...

Next day; Friday; NO CLASSES. Woohoo. I stayed home all day and did absolutely nothing else but watch MTV, pray that PBT's show that day would be as good as Thursday's, and eat chips. I had fun all by my lonesome self though. I don't know why. I am just like that I guess =\

Saturday. At 10 am, teacher Ron held a pas de deux (steps for two, or in other words - a partnering class). Ye need boys for this shit. Ninyo and Alvin joined us, of course. The class was at St. Therese's College in West where my mom studied for 12 years. ANYWAY - the class was intense. I had so much fun... AGAIN. What else can I say? Ninyo and Alvin are guys. And the are hilarious. They made fun of the other students in the class. The 'new' girls. Well, it is their ballet school, and their studio originally, but teacher Ron is OUR teacher. Of all the girls, he is MY teacher. I've been with him 5 1/2 years today. So anyway, they are 'new' to his class and to us. Gotta face the facts. Denise and I are just... better. lol. OK. It's a school, right? So there were these stamps on the desk. They were star-shaped, for excellence I guess. So anyway, Alvin rolls up his shirt and starts stamping his six-packs. lol. I wish I had my camera! You shoulda seen him. It was crazy. He even stamped his nipples. Later, Ninyo did the same thing. And he stamped my hands. lol. I stamped Denise's, and later everyone had stamps all over their bodies. Hmph! It was just suppose to be us four! But anyway, I had loads of fun, and I laughed WAY too much. But that's teacher Ron's pas de deux class for you. Nothing new.
They had another show later that night. I wanted to see them again, but tickets were sold out. No worries, I went to see it again yesterday. Oooh! Sunday! I looooooved yesterday, Sunday. Sherry came to watch with me. And it was so beautiful. In place of the piece Concierto Barroko, was Abi and Ron's Tsaikovski pas de deux piece. Abi ROoOocked! She was so good, I was almost brought to tears. "Who Cares?" the final dance for the show, was great too. It was just so lively. They did it almost exactly like the New York City Ballet did. With the New York City back-drop and everything. I was loving every bit of it again, even more than I did on opening night! Jerohme had told me and Denise that they were gonna play it a bit on Sunday, since it would be their last show. Five boys (Ramsy, Jerohme, Alvin, Jared, Stephen) have their own little number. It's so cool cause it's not at all graceful. Well, of course it's graceful. But it's uhm.. manly. Yeah, manly. I love it! People, rent George Balenchine's tape and know what I'm talking about! It's so charming the way Jared did it. Instead of the double pirouette that the five boys were assigned to do, Jared did a quadrouple (whatever the spelling)! I screamed and 'woohed' and Bravo'd. haha. Ugh... he just looked so sleek... handsome and refined and... aaaah! Oh my god, I just realized how much he looks like Shane West! Shit. Jared was just mind-blowing, man!... Oh, crap. NO! I can't have a crush on him again! My crush on him started summer of 2000 (the best summer of my life). But I got over it soon. It was just an infatuation, really. I got over it, and we've been friends ever since. That is way I can't go back there! Our friendship is going to be ruined! Destroyed! Annihilated! =( I'll be all weird around him, and he'll suspect something and he'll be weird around me too? No! I don't want that. I was happy with just being me around him. Being the goofball that I am around him was fun! I don't know if I'm going to be able to do that still =\ Shit. I have to get over this, and soon.
OK, enough about my boy trouble. Moving on...
We went backstage, and I got to greet everyone =) Yay. I barged into the boys' dressing room (heeeee!!!) and congratulated them all. They were all like happy to see me. It felt good to know that I've been missed. haha. I'm an attention seeker, I admit it. So anyway, after more of that screaming-laughing-crying-celebrating, Sherry and I left them to get dressed and remove their makeup. So we went down to the waiting place where we bumped into Eren's mom! Tita (aunt) Bernice! She rockkkkks. She'd said before that she wasn't going to watch any of the shows, so we were surprised to see her. So anyway, the cast party was held on the terris (however the spelling). It was a blast. Yes, I know I'm not part of the 'CAST', but I was invited, and so I went, I ate, I laughed, and almost jumped of the hedge of the building because of Jared. Don't ask. lol. After the party, we all went our seperate ways. Except Sherry, Eren, and I of course. When the three of us are together, and Tita Bernice is aorund, nothing can stop us from going out to dinner and having a great time. So that is what we did. I was excited to go hang out with Sherry and Eren again. We hadn't done that in months since Sherry went to the US this summer. And I love listening to Tita Bernice's stories and gossip. She's hilarious too. So I was excited to go out and eat, but also kinda sad cause we had to part with the PBT people. Alvin and everyone started a huge group hug. The girls were all "Awww...!", and the guys were all "hehehehe". lol. Yeah, I had such a good time. Such a great weekend. I never wanted to leave the restaurant. It was like 11:30, and the girls (Sherry, Eren, me, my mom, and Tita Bernice) were still at Burgoo eating. And I didn't wanna leave. You know how like, at Burgoo, the place mat that you eat on is blank white paper, and they give you a cup of crayons? No? heh, probably not. But we got that and went crazy drawing little comic strips. For some reason, I wrote down "weed" on a portion of the [BIG BIG BIG] paper, "smoke" on another portion, and "die" on another. Sherry and Eren were looking at me and giving me weirdo faces. But I'm used to that cause I'm the kid at PBT. Eren's gonna be 16 on July 26, and Sherry will be 19 in September. So yeah, I'm the kid around here. The baby even. But I don't get treated like that. Probably because I don't act like a 12-year-old when I'm around them. I'm a completely different person at school. But school's a completely different story that you do not need to hear. Anyway, Eren went crazy with me and wrote inserted little words. We came up with a drawing of a live person, a drawing of a dead person, and a message that read "ATTENTION WAITERS: If you smoke weed you will die." And when we put that final 'period' we choked on our iced tea's and laughed our asses off. Maybe we were high or a tad bit tipsy-wipsy from all the rhum cake at the cast party, but I don't remember much else except laughing really hard and deeping my hand into an oreo cheesecake. Yeah. lol.

Enough with the craziness, let's talk "talk" and seriousness. Eren's mom and my mom want badly for us to go back to Ballet Manila (BM), you know, where they're tight and really selfish of their dancers. It's really good training over there. The teachers are really good and they're very professional. Discipline is the first thing you notice at BM. But that's where Eren and my eyes' meet across the table and make telepathic signs to each other. Discipline. That horrible word. All the fun of dancing and having your friends around you stops there. At PBT, you don't ever need to hear that word. Not that we're like a mental house at PBT, though sometimes we are ... We feel so much more at home in PBT. It's not the attitude, the surroundings, the way we're taught, or the class that's given to us. It's the people at PBT whom we love and will miss if we leave. Tita Bernice and my mother are planning the schedule and everything. They're all for BM. But Eren and I've been talking, and we're all against leaving PBT. It's my home. I've been there since '97, and I ain't about to leave now. Eren hasn't been with PBT long, infact, she only came in this year. But I love Eren and I know Eren. She's become very attached to us too. It took her 9 months, while it took me 5 years to finally feel at home in PBT. But that is besides the point. Infact, that has nothing to with anything. lol. I'm just saying that I've become closer to the company since I started joining shows. REAL shows. In 1997, PBT had a company ... know what? I go WAY back with PBT and there's too much to say. I'm dying to write it all down. There's a history here. But I'm not gonna. Cause I know that SOME people don't give a damn. And, this entry is already way too long. Just a few more things that I need to get off my mind...
It's not going to be easy to leave. There's gonna be pain and sorrow and a whole load of shit. But I don't want that. I don't like shit, it's smelly. And I don't like pain, it hurts. And I don't like sorrow, it makes me cry. I know though, that one way or the other, Eren and I will find a way to stay. I'll be prayin' ... PBT will be a little incomplete though. Why? Cause Karen is migrating to the US. *screams* *cries* I hate it. I hate it so much. Hope nobody else leaves. Jerohme assured me he's staying. YAY! =) And Abi and Jared will surely stay since Abi now has solo parts. She's 18! And she's the lead of the show. She's one of the youngest in PBT and she's the best yet. I admire her to pieces. But still, ALICIA KEYS is the one to love and admire. Forever. Always. For eternity. lol, how cheesy! All my favourite people will be staying in PBT for a long time. The only problem is, will I? Arggh! Happy thoughts.. happy thoughts..!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, HAPPY THOUGHTS?!?!!! Bye guys. Have a good one.
tiffany wasted away @ 6:49 PM

June 17, 2002
I should be incredibly steaming mad right now because Angelfire just lost the blog entry I'd spent almost an hour writing and editing. I have to shut the computer off cause mom'll have me head if she caught me on it now. I'll write about the 5 paragraphs that I wrote and lost a while ago tomorrow maybe if I have time. I'm not mad though. I don't know why not. It's weird. I should be. But I'm glad I'm not. GOOD night =)
tiffany wasted away @ 10:06 PM

June 14, 2002
Sorry for the lack of updates and writing. I'm working on something right now. School wasn't bad at all today. I'm loving it. This isn't going to be such a terrible year after all. Martina has gone boy-crazy. It is annoying sometimes, but it's cool. haha. She's contagious. Look at me, I just wrote a letter to Candy magazine asking, BEGGING for Chad Michael Murray's pin-up.

I have a ballet break, which I HATE! Cause everyone I love is dancing (which I love too). Anyway, uhm... back to school... I'm still in my uniform! I don't know, I like staying in it. Feel like the day is gonna go on for eternity. Soon though, it will end. Sigh. Angela, Nikka, Martina, Lyza, and I escaped the school grounds and went to the mall today. We told our parents we had classes until 4:00. It's Friday and we're actually off at 12:30. heeeee! We... bought magazines? Yes, but a little boring. Ate at Mcdonald's? Yes, *yummmm* but corny. Watched a movie ! =D The others left at around 2 cause they were scared of getting caught. I was scared too. DOH! But I needed desperately to see A Walk To Remember. So it was just me and Angela, again. Every 5 minutes, I was checking my cellphone incase my mom had called. Man, was I nervous. We didn't get to watch Mandy's movie. The earliest showing was at 3:00. Way too late since we were getting picked up at 4:00. We settled for Resident Evil, which was a load of shit. GROSS. *shrugs* I don't wanna talk about it. I won't even think about it. We left in the middle of the movie. Anj had already watched it and told me that after this part, everyone's just gonna die and it's not worth sitting thru. A few of our classmates were seated behind us. BITCHES. Tricia Folier, go fuck yourself. A group of guys (in uniforms too) were seated at the right. There was silence, since I think the zombies were all uhm... I don't know, ANYWAY. There was silence. The guys were laughing constantly. Why, I have no idea. It was quiet for a long while, except for their laughing which was kinda contagious. I started laughing too, but I was annoyed. A guy heard me I guess and stomped his foot repeatedly. So I stomped my foot back. I wanted them to shut up. But they took it as if I was declaring a foor stomping war. So they stomped, then Anj and I stomped, then so on and so forth. I was actually having fun. But then the volume turned up. We couldn't hear our battle anymore, and so it was useless. The war ended.
=( Well anyway...

I got new Alicia Keys' pin-ups! Yeehaaaw! =D I got this new "Dolly" magazine. Alexis Bledel (Rory Gilmore of The Gilmore Girls) is on the cover! She rocks. She is so damn pretty. I haven't really opened it yet. I went through the display one though. More of ALICIA ! *jumps*

Goin' to a cousin's birthday party tomorrow. Gio is turning... eight? or something. Yeah, well. The party is at Burger King. Parents say we have to stay. I can figure a way to get out of going to that place. Eeeek! Well I hope I can. If I can't do that, I'll take my cousins to Rockwell to see a movie. Wipee. Fun. That's if our parents'll let us go by ourselves. What the hell, you know. We've got two grown guys with us, well alomst grown. lol. Jimbo and Robby will protect us. And it's Rockwell! Rockwell is safe as shit.

Hmmmm..... Nothing else to write and 3rd Rock From The Sun goes on in a few minutes. Here's the letter I wrote to Candy. Night guys.
tiffany wasted away @ 6:37 PM

June 11, 2002
Listening to: "Do What You Gotta Do" - 112
Was chatting with: Maiqui, Lyza, and Anj, until the twin told me to go write something in here, because... my life amuses her? That can't be it. I am loved. haha. Kidding. I don't know.

School; no complaints! (wow, this is new) School was actually fun today. And I thought this year would be hell. Last period music class, sang the song "One moment in time". Twas relatively joyous. lol. Hmm. Dismissal time, the twins split a P20 bill I awarded them for taking sips from the concoction (blueberry, graham crackers, milk, whipped cream, spit, water, fish, grape soda) Lyza, Martina, Nikka and I created. heeee! During sort-of-first-period I.W. (individual work), I had already finished my CL card but didn't want to move on to the next room without my friends with me. So I sat and wrote a the first part of a what's-it's-name (article? writing?) that I'm going to place in here. Under.. uhm "writings", when I get that. I realized a few lot of things while I was thinking of a way to make ballet relate to Alica Keys. realizations: like.. favorite songs? - "troubles" and "life" by Miss Keys, new favorite female pop singer? - Mandy Moore. YOU (Martina, the twins, Lyza, Nikka, Mica and Anj)! Grrr.... See, now look at this horrible thing you've done to me. Mandy Moore obssessions are contagious. So everyone else, beware of these seven girls (aliens I tell you, monsters!... demonic creatures!!!).
I didn't attend PBT class today = \ I had a one-on-one lesson with teacher Kit. Well, sort of. Denise joined me, so it wasn't exactly one-on-one. This is better though, I get extremely lazy when she isn't with me. I burned her CD last night. Yay, go me! *bows* Thankyou, thankyou.
... Oi, Maiqui. See? I don't have anything to write. *gasps* This is newness; me not having anything else to write. Well, I have a zillion things on my mind, but not much that I feel like sharing. With all the love in my transparent heart? ...
tiffany wasted away @ 11:43 PM

June 9, 2002
My eyes are half shut and I am falling off my chair here. I'm VERY sleepy. *closes mouth* lol. It was just hanging open for a while. Resident Evil is haunting me. No, I didn't get to watch the movie yet. OR A Walk To Remember... ="( I don't care. That's a lie. I DO care. I need to cry. I haven't done this in months. Laughing is tiring me and hurting my abdominals.
Oi. I spent the whole day today, for the first time, playing games with my cousins on a Play Station 2. It's all they do at our grandparents' house. I'm usually with my cousin Sarah (a girl my age) who rocks. But she and her family moved to Germany =(
And now, the only ones around to be girly aside from me now are Chessy (who doesn't speak very good english, and does not amuse me much), Camille (a 3-year-old), and Gabby (a 5-year-old). Tonight, I COULD have been gossiping and frequently collapsing into giggles on the phone with one of my friends. BUT - and I don't know why - I decided I'd go an see what it would be like to 'play' with my guy cousins..? What. It wasn't bad. I actually had a good time. Resident Evil is scary though. *looks around suspiciously*
Rob was playing this irritating loud game at around 7. I screamed for him to stop and go to Studio23. 7th Heaven and the Gilmore Girls were going to go on in a bit. I drove them crazy. I hid the remote =) I had them waiting two hours! Heeeee. They were like "..girls, pff!", so I was like "..boys, eh!". Hehe. And then, when my shows were over, the boys put on Tekken Tag. Addicting game. Rob left the room for a while and I beat their asses silly! Later when he returned, I did not dare challenge him, for he is the master = \

I need sleep ...uhmm, updates tomorrow? Probably a bit of newness when the sun comes up. Until then,
tiffany wasted away @ 4:21 AM

June 8, 2002
Everyone go see Harry.
You! I wouldn't be pluggin ya if I didn't love you so much ...but I do, to death! His place really ain't nothin' wonderful or special, but he is! <3 We all love ya, Harry ol pal. Heeeee =")
Yeah, yeah. <3 you too James, Drew, Jon, Bryce, Adam, Ej (where are you man? we're missing you), Tim, Kev <3<3<3, Arnie, Ssali... all you guys. Believe I love them all to pieces and I met em on IRC ...All part of the big happy family I was talking about - June 3.
I miss Ryan! Oh brotha, where arte thouuhh? =( He ain't replied to any of my emails. He isn't ever on IRC anymore. *sighs*

A nice long entry follows, because the 7th was a nice long day. Everyday at PBT is just TOO short. There was a lot of happy crap going on yesterday, and so, there was a lot on my mind. I have all these emotions inside of me that change and build up by the second. And, way too much things to say. Sometimes, I decide to spare you. And sometimes I don't.
tiffany wasted away @ 11:22 AM

June 7, 2002
Everyone was sitting in the studio laughing at Ron and Abi who were trying out the new pas de deux number choreographed by Bobby Barnette (a Russian guy from New York City Ballet who worked with George Balenchine himself). haha. It was joy and stupidity. Sheer joy and stupidity. Denise had left early after class. But of course, I stayed. I finished everybody's food, lay my head on Alvin's bag (it's REALLY comfy, like a pillow) and slept a little. While we were all just sitting around waiting for rehearsals to begin, Mrs. Manyosa came in and announced "Okay everyone listen, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Barnette are leaving tonight. (we all were like 'awww, sadness!!!!!') We'll continue all this on Monday. Don't leave yet! There's food for you upstairs." Considering the self-centered bitch Manyosa is, we were all quite surprised. So anyway, FOOD! Screaming. Jumping. Rushing. Forgetting things in the bathroom (that's me and Trixie for ya) ...The company, the scholars, the aspirants (basically all of us PBT dancers), sat crowded in the steps outside. Ron, Jared, Alvin, Lea, Ria, and the usual 'ballet clowns' just could not be stopped. My tummy hurt so bad from laughter, I could hardly eat! Oh, the joy of stupid things. Bobby Barnette, his wife, and Inday Manyosa came out. Earlier, Erica had bought this cute Winnie the Pooh thank you card that read: Thankyou from the bottom of my heart and the tips of my toes! ..We all wrote short dedications. Mine was LOOONG. haha, but so was everyone else's. We each sent them our love and hugged them goodbye. SAAAAADNESS!!! Later after we'd all eaten, they left. Bobby gave one more speech. I ain't ever gonna forget that 74-year-old dude (yeah, and he did a triple pirouette too). I learned a whole lot from that man and his wife. Working with them was truly an unforgettable experience.
Later, everyone started to leave. Ria, Ella, Tasha, Karen, Tara, Eren and I stayed. We were all just waiting for each other. haha. Pathetic-ness! Ria is hilarious. She reminds me of Joan. *cries then laughs* She took Karen's hair brush and used it as a mic, sang a few weirdo local songs, did a few jolog impressions, and 20 minutes later, she was still holding the brush. She'd stopped the act and jokes already, but everytime she spoke, she held the mic (ahem, brush) up by her lips! lol. I was dying. She wasn't even aware she was doing it until Tara pointed it out to us all. hahaha. We asked her to sing another song in Filipino. Hee :) Before she started, she tapped the tip of the brush. You know, like when you're testing the sounds or something. LOL. You had to be there.

Two hours later? It was just me and Eren talking about how unusually weird Jared was today. Of all the lame things to be, he was NICE. He's usually all about making fun of people and making jokes, which are funny but can get annoying sometimes. Today? He opened the door for me and HELD it there cause he saw I was holding a whole lot of things. At first I stopped there, looked him in the eye, raised an eyebrow and said, "Why thank you, kind sir." What else.. He didn't bother or try to irritate us during class, and he TALKS. Serious talk. I don't know. Maybe, he's maturing and growing up? ...Oh, how I looked forward to this day forever. I'll finally be able to talk to him without having him change the subject or mock me. Not like I need to, I already know everything about the loser. It would still be nice though.
So, anyway.
Ethan (Eren's 7-year-old brother who's adorable, irritating, and loves me to death), and her mom came to pick us up. They were LATE. The traffic was a pain in the ass. We had to go eat at that Hotshots place by UA&P. I love being with Eren's mom. She rocks. No, it isn't what you think. She's not one of those moms who rock because they act your age. She makes a lot of sense, and it's just really good to talk to her. Eren and I, (AS ALWAYS) laughed our way thru dinner and acted out one of those teary soaps when they dropped me off and had to say goodbye. haha. Twas hilarious.

I logged on to IRC just now. I got in the channel and screamed "Heya everybody! *smiles* Anybody home?!". I've never done that before. I don't think I've ever been in this good a mood and logged on to IRC at the same time. My friends were like "What the hell did you do today?" haha. They know me all too well. I said "Well, rehearsals were cancelled, I got free food, and I spent the afternoon laughing with cute boys and my best friends." Ahh. These past few days have been intense fun. *sings* Happy, happy, joy, joy. Happy, happy, joy, joy .....Ren and Stimpy crack me up =.)

I'll back-track to school, before all this Ren & Stimpy madness entered my soul today. I think I'm a lot more comfy with my classmates now. Nikka <3<3<3 arrived today. It is just DIFFERENT hanging with her. It's noisy and crazy and everything in between. She isn't in my class, but I'm less self-conscious now. The first day, I was like... NOT. I felt really weird. And, half the girls in my class were new faces to me. Total awkwardness. Heeee :D. But I'm fine now.

Tis Friday today, is it not? It is but the last day we're being dismissed at 12 noon. School on Monday will be a drag. It will seem like forever because I'm going to miss PBT so much! *cries* I told my friends I wouldn't be able to make it to the 2:00 class on Monday cause I've got school. Karen and Ella immediately marched to Anatoli and demanded that class be rescheduled to 5:30pm. Karla, Trixie, Eren, Erica, Mariel, Michelle, Ninyo, Alvin, Jared, Stephen, ******, and everyone else heard cause Karen has an fucking loud voice. They all joined in and begged Anatoli to change the schedule so I didn't have to miss class. AWW! All this for me? *giggles* Man, did I feel special. *feels the love* And, he did. I get to go see my favorite people in the world, in my favorite place in the world, and do my absolute favorite thing in the world to do, on Monday. :D Kewlas. It shall be a great day, I hope. I won't be able to concentrate in class at school that day. Angela, if ever you try talking to me during class and I'm staring out the window and you're invisible to me, please try to remember this blog entry and don't be offended =) Okay, okay, okay, I know you're dying to know already. 'His' name would have to be Vince. And he's better looking than Jared. He's a new guy. Ahahaha! Now, you gotta tell me who you're crushing on. Spill or die, girl. Spill or die...
So anyway. Have a g'nite, dear loved ones.
*kisses and hugs everyone in the world*
Even happy people kill. So Anj, is it R***?
tiffany wasted away @ 10:11 PM

June 6, 2002
Open house at ballet today. I wasn't in them, but rehearsals went great. The dance is really good. Blah blah blah... I'm still at that stage; desperately regretting not joining this show. *smacks head* Ouch. This must the 9th time today I hit myself.

It's Thursday today, which means I didn't have a ride home. Eren and I sat and waited for her mom to come pick us up. For a long while, we were being entertained by Jared and the boys' usual stupid (hilarious too) impressions and jokes *recalls a few and falls off chair laughing*. God, my life is so fucking boring. School is 7am to 12pm for this first week. I didn't go today. What, I'm a person who likes to sit on her ass in her pajamas all day. I know that laziness isn't a very good excuse to be absent. But it's the second day! Who would care? So at 6:00 this morning, I spent 15 minutes arguing with my mom, then went back to sleep, and woke up at lunchtime. Last night, Angela and Maiqui were on IRC. I think it was Anj who said "School was so boring today. I don't wanna go tomorrow!!!", or something. I was like "Well I ain't showin up tamorrow. Who wantsta be rebel-like and be absent with me? Heee :D". Anj was all "Me, me, me!!!!!!" ..Okaaay. The next morning, I texted her and that wass it. We didn't go. Our parents are felxible like that. The twins' (Maiqui and Sammy) parents? Not at all. My brother is working for their mom selling units at Rockwell. She's only like a few years older than him. I find it weird. Oh god, what's happening to me? Just look at what I'm writing. My life's a load of boring shit =\

What we had was perfect; what we had was true; In love; I fell deeply; And so did you;;; But what we had is over; It's all in the past; I guess I'll just have to learn that good things never last;;;
awwwww... right? *grin* I got this from Angela's quit reply on IRC a few minutes ago. But of course, I did editing. I always do.

I got some pictures of Chad Michael Murray <3<3<3 ...Well actually, a whole lot. It's love!!! Here is one from YM. Just one though. Laziness. Sheer laziness.

tiffany wasted away @ 10:49 PM

June 4, 2002
New layout :D It isn't an award-winning layout. But I'm still proud. This is my first real creation. And you have to admit that it's better than my last sorry excuse for a layout. This is all. I'm in the mood to write. I'm always in the mood to write. But tragically, I have nothing to write about. Tell me what you think about this ...that bad? =\
tiffany wasted away @ 12:52 PM

June 3, 2002
Erin's posts are always so interesting. I adore the way she writes and everything she writes about. She is fabulous. You wouldn't be able to get enough of reading her stuff. <3<3<3 But! ..She hasn't posted in days =( She went to see a Celine concert, or something. She was really excited about that. Wait. Why am I talking about her? Cause! <3 her, doi. Who doesn't? I spent two hours of my transparent existence going through her archives, TWICE. You are so worth it babe. Am I sweet? ..Or just really, really pathetic?

I stayed home and sat in front of the screens all day today. The tv set, and the computer monitor homes away from home. I made plans though. I was planning to attend a ballet class today, which I thought was going to be held at 12:00. My mom didn't wait until around that time to wake me up. And by then, I wouldn't be able to make it so I decided not to go. A few seconds ago, Eren and I got off the phone from a 10 minute non-sense filled chat. The only moment of sense in our not-so-conversation was the time I found out that the class actually started at 2:00. I would have made it. I wasn't angry for not being told about the schedule. Because I was told. I forgot about it. *smacks head* I should have thought about that a second. Instead, I went back to sleep. I was woken up by this loud screech at around 2:30. Very freaky. I still don't know what it was. Sounded a lot like a cat scratching on a blackboard though. Weird. There aren't any cats around here and I don't know of anyone who owns a blackboard. Huh. Just something I thought I might share =P

I did something today. Something. No description. I don't know if I should regret or be glad that I did. I logged on to IRC. I was very much missed and am still loved. I reconnected with all my long lost friends. Ahh, yes. It is so nice to talk to old friends and realize some things just never change. I missed all you guys!!! #Thahaven is still my favorite place in the world, and will always be <3. Everyone; we all go WAY back. We've all known each other for years. Everyone's different in so many ways; where we're from, what we're like, how old we are... and we all get along. The guys hit on us girls a lot. It's irritating. But sometimes, they can act tough in front of the other guys when we already know they're wimps. It's really funny. We're all trying to get Bryce and Jon and the others (who all know each other from Ontario) to quit doing weed cause it's fucking up their lives. They promised once before that they'd quit. But, it was just one of those promises you can't really keep even if you wanted to. We've all been through a lot together. Most of my favorite memories took place in that room. Yep, some really great times. #thahaven's my second home. Maria, Patty, Maz, Harry, Noreen, Maureen, Jon, Bryce, Amber, Kev, Dave, Dane, Ssali, Rico, Andy, Tabish, Adam, Aj, Tim, Kim, Tricia, Arnie, Argus, Christine, Khourtniey, Angela, James <-- my second family (I <3 U all) I think I'll be online more often now ...Yeeeshk! It's come over me, ALL over me. My life has drifted away once again. I believe for a few transparent moments that there really is life there, somewhere. No, no, no ...Ahhhh! I do; I know all of you; I walked with you once; i know; it was once; once upon a dream;
tiffany wasted away @ 9:25 PM

June 2, 2002
Chad Michael Murray is incredible. He's like, umm hot? Flaming. *drools* Yes, I am officially a Gilmore Girls junkie. Though the character he's playing will be leaving their school soon. Total sadness! <=( He's on Dawson's Creek too. But I don't like watching Katie Holmes. She gets to me. A lot. Murray doesn't have many parts in that show. So, I'm sticking to the Gilmore girles :D Rori and her mom rock.

*hears the word "blowhole" on tv* ...Errr, no comment? Spin city is on. I hate that Michael J Fox isn't there anymore. Charlie Sheen does not entertain me as much. At all actually. He's old and, ehh. Perfect? What's with my question marks tonight? Oi. I need a gay friend. Hmmmm *lol* I don't know. I think it's what's missing in my life. I've never met a gay American guy. Every homosexual I've ever been friends with was a Filipino. And, they don't make very good friends. All they do is screech, criticize your clothes, and steal your make-up. I hate missing all that stuff in those movies that take place in America. I'm thinking it would be heaven to go live somewhere there. Like to migrate to Jersey or New York... or Florida?? :D *sighs* It won't be easy to leave this place though (as if I'll ever get to). I know of a few things I love about Manila that the USA can go to hell trying to top.

I <3 YM. You know how in every issue they've got pictures and brief descriptions of boys (the cutest they could find that month). *drools some more* There was one special issue where on the cover read: "50 cutest guys in America (one in each state!)" I don't live in America, but I bought the magazine anyway. I buy every issue of YM. I haven't missed one in ..forever, I've never missed one. So anyway? That article (or whatever it's supposed to be called) was 50 more reasons for me to love the USA :\ I'm being tortured here!!! I hate that the only place I can find cute American boys is in Makati. Cause that's where all the families that migrate from the US to here stay. And Makati is hours away from here. I never get to go :\ More sadness!!! grrr.

Hey, lookie! I found my long lost purple calculator! :D Happiness. *one year multiplied by four* 1,469 days until I can drive? Or something like that. Karen is getting her student liscense next month. She doesn't have a car though. We're helping her save up for one. How? We don't let her eat. It's a good thing. She's losing wait =) And, when she finally gets her dream car, I'll get her to drive us all to Makati and strutt around City Walk... Yeehaw!

OoOoOo, Will and Grace is on! Byeeee :D
tiffany wasted away @ 9:15 PM

June 1, 2002
Well, it's almost technically still May 31st. But hey, the midnight hour strikes. Whatever. Today wasn't as much fun as yesterday, but it was a different experience. Twas almost exactly the same, except for the fact that I trembled the whole night. We held hands and meditated. Damn security guard wouldn't unlock the studio and let us run the dance. Meditation is always a good subtitute, I guess. My mom brought like, boxes of pizza and a zillion bottles of juice for everyone. I hate it when she makes us the center of attention. I hate her. Well, the pizza got the me the boys' attention :) I didn't eat anything. I wasn't hungry. I'm almost never hungry anymore these days. Anyway. Our moms left us to go get seats in the audience. And the moment they were gone, Jared and his crew of guys came at as with these faces like, so irritating and lovable. We gave 'em the pizza. Yeah, well. They made us laugh. I'm getting really close to Sydney and Jerome now. And I finally know what Alvin is all about. I've always known what Jared's about. I've known the guy half of my life. I remember 1997, I was 7. haha. It was really cute. Saw him for the first time. At that stage of my life, Jared was just a boy. Then everyone else came in PBT, and then Jared became the cutest guy in the world. Then the most irritating. Oh, whatever. I just realize so many times that my life has been so.. SO, something. I don't know the word. I know what I mean though. I don't care if you don't. Coz I do. Yeah. lol...
Ugh, school starts June 5 :( ( ( This sucks so bad! I'm inbetween so many things. I want to keep attending teacher Ron's class because doi, I love him and I keep a little thing called 'loyalty' deep inside my heart. I've been under him for 5 years. Of all his students right now, I'm his favorite (yuck, sound like I'm teacher's pet? Gross. I hope not, cause I know it isn't like that. Ron rocks). Anyway, I still want to keep going to Ballet Manila because let's face it, they have the best teachers over there. Everyone said I lost weight and improved a LOT. Tonight, I was getting lost in a crazy little world of people, blisters, flowers, pain, happiness, fun, and you were amazing, wonderful, beautiful, fantastic, I'm so proud of you's. Yep. But I'm not giving all the credit to Ballet Manila. I had a little bit to do with my dancing too, you know! haha. I did improve though. What else am I inbetween of? ermm... PBT!!! *dies* I love PBT. I can't stand being away from that studio and those people... ack! Ballet Manila says that if I wanna continue taking class with them (which I want and need badly), I can't be in any of PBT's productions (which would be terror for me) I love PBT. I've already missed so much! What's the world coming to? People are selfish!!! I am, too. I would feel better if PBT shut down and didn't have fun. I'm a bad, selfish person. I just don't like missing out on those things. I know, I've been there. And I miss it so much. So there, if I stay in BM, I can't go to PBT, and I can't take Ron's classes anymore. This sucks. OoOo, lookie. My true, inner, childish self is showing. You aren't coming back to read my next entry are you? Well I care!
tiffany wasted away @ 1:15 AM

May 31, 2002
Today. Today. How do I describe 'today'? I can't. I have to tell you in a long version. Aye, I'm tired. But I will! Coz I love you all. I'll try this - Today.... went well :) There! Heeeee. I had a lot of fun hanging out with some of these guys I never really got to know before. It's bonding day today. Heeee. Guys are hilarious. They make great friends but lousy boyfriends. There was a dress technical rehearsal at around 4. And I'm still in makeup. My face itches. The last thing I ate was a chicken twister sandwich at about...2? Yeah, 2pm. *sigh* I'm not hungry though. WEIRD. Vanessa, Denise and I joined the class at 12. And dammit... was hard work! That Russian guy from New York, Mr. Barnette (?), gave us a class. He is nice, but the steps he gave us were mean >=\
What can you do? It's some old guy who knows everything we don't about ballet, who has a mixed Southern, Jersey, and Russian accent. *lol* Denise and I sat in the corner for about an hour and watched their rehearsals. This one dance by Tsaikovski was mixed up. They aren't ready for that yet. But 'Serenade' was beautiful. They were all in time. I have a good feeling about this show. It's gonna have standing ovation (just like all the shows PBT's ever had) OUR recital on the other hand, is stupid. I'm embarassed to be in it. The ballet we dance is the only good thing about it. The musical theater acts? Directed and written by Maricar? Good grief! Oh, Lord. Sounds like they written by 6th graders. Why didn't the girls AND boys lip-synche? =\ It's so sad. They sound like a bunch of 5-year-olds! Vanessa and I were in the audience. Sorry, but we couldn't help but make fun of their stupid Filipino accents. We were laughing really hard. Hope nobody heard us. We sat ourselves way in the back :)))
After OUR dance, everyone was coming up to me and saying "Oh Tiffany, you were so beautiful!" *blushes* I was? Hehe. Well, I did my best. They said I projected a lot. And I was the only one who kept a smile on through-out the whole 8 minutes we were on stage. It's what I do. I don't just dance. I take the audience make them fly with me :) I want them to feel what I feel when I dance, because it's one of the best feelings in the world. It was only rehearsal today! Twas almost like a show though. Oi, I missed all my cues and I made a whole lot of mistakes :\ I didn't show it though. I kept smiling and gave the dance my fucking all. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou very much :) I'm going to invite everyone I know to go watch my dance tomorrow, since everyone else says I'm so wonderful, why not? I'll just have to ask them to leave after that. They might puke. What, hehe. Puke smells. We don't want that all over the audience floor, do we? It's carpet :P haha.
Have a good night everyone. Cause I sure had a great day.
tiffany wasted away @ 12:50am

May 29, 2002
I have a class at 2 and after that, rehearsals that will last til midnight. I really have to go and get ready now. But I know that I'll be too tired to write later. I'll go to the studio dressed in shorts and a huge shirt so that I can just collapse onto my bed, cuddle up in my blankets and pillows, and sleep til the wee hours of the morning. I'll wake up at about 4am maybe and write about my dream. This WILL happen. Get ready for De ja vou.
I'm thinking of taking up guitar lessons. I'll start soon after the recital is over. This morning "Be independant and do it yourself for a change", mom told me. Hmph! Well, she said it in Filipino but. haha. So on June 1st, I have to walk down to GMS and enroll myself. Wondering what that's going to be like. I'm only a child, remember? I can't enroll myself this week. There's no time. My schedule is like hell. Not like I know what hell is like, but it can't be any worse than this, I know that much. I'm secretly obssessing over this sparkly marine-colored electric guitar I saw displayed in a window at Eastwood a few days ago. It's enchanting. Caught my eye and kept it set there for about 5 minutes. I want it badly. I won't be able to play it though. But so what? I can hang it by my bed and go rocking the world in my dreams. Electric guitars are way cool, and I'll look even cooler playing one! haha. Either that, or I'll look like a complete wanna-be Aerosmith idiot. *shrugs* Next time I pass by Eastwood, I'll have to take pictures. Next time the technician is here, he'll have to fix my scanner so I can show them to you. Hmm... When I've learned to play the classical guitar, I can play just about anything... maybe. Don't ask me. I've got no clue where I got that crap statement. I really must be off.
tiffany wasted away @ 1:25 pm

May 28, 2002
I'm finally home! and here sitting by my dear, dear friend, the computer... home, eheh, from ballet. Run-thru's >=( grrrr.... We ran through the whole show about 3 times today. You've no idea how fucking painful my toes are. Had my pointshoes on for about 6 hours. Gaawwwd. Fucker.
I've been often told our world's growing old
and that friends are harder to find
do tell me more about yourself
we can share a thought or two
now who would mind
can we just stop and talk a while
get to know each other
who are we to know
love could be waiting at the end
round that corner so
lets stop. stop and talk a while
- Can we just stop and talk a while.
Crazy beautiful song. Yeah. *sigh* It's immensly hard to get over songs like this. For me, at least. I love them.
Earlier today, at the studio, lounging around waiting for rehearsals to start up, I got to thinking about Candice, realized suddenly just how much I miss her. I don't even know where she is. She's changed cellphone numbers and moved out of her old house. And after that last recital, *sobs* we were never in contact again. =( It's been two years. Maybe more. I have faith though that I will see her again. My best friend, Jobi and I hadn't spoken for like a year until only a few months ago. And when we met, there was awkwardness. Yep. Somehow though, I don't fear at all that Candice and I will have awkward tension or whatever. We'll probably just start blabbing and telling stories. There is SO much to tell. And I want to hear all about what she's been up to all this time... maybe I'm assured of a smooth talk with her again after what seems like forever because she's older than me and it's always been that way. Yeah, Candice and I had mature conversations. Well, we usually had something to converse about. While Jobi and I never once had a serious conversation. I love being with Jobi though. Every moment is a laugh. But a while after, my jaw began to hurt. And, I started to miss that nice, calming thing called talking. Aye. Candice was a good friend. Maybe the best I had. I lost her. We lost each other. But I don't like to think that way. *thinks differently* ......We lost touch, hmmmm. Anway, we'll always have each other to think about. And, it helps to know that we're sleeping under the same big sky, maybe even wishing on the same bright star, and there'll always be those nights when we just lie in bed and laugh thinking about stupid moments we shared, and cry thinking about stupid moments we'll never share again. Yes, I and her, we have all of that. Isn't it wonderful? Still, I keep faith that she hasn't lost my number and one day will stumble upon this blog entry and give me a call. Oh sister, where art thou, dammit?

God, I hate this layout. It's crap, needs SERIOUS fixing. I was experimenting with my creativity (yeah, right like I have any) and Erin's cool graphics last night. I used one of her wallpapers. I cut it up and made a freaky kind of layout out of it. I have to email her and ask for permission to use it first though =) Maybe you'll read this and spare me time? Well.
Ughh. I'm trying this new not-getting-extremly-angry-and-screaming-at-the-maids-everytime-they-upset-me thing. haha, my mission for this crazy year, maybe forever if I can hold my temper =} It's just that sometimes they REALLY piss the shit off me, and I can't. But, well... We'll see just how long I can last.
tiffany wasted away @ 11:08 pm

May 27, 2002
Well, today he wasn't on my mind as much. But he was still there, running in and out of my head. *sighs*
Everyday I'm more and more inspired to write because of Erin.
Read this entry .::d-_-b::.
Ahh, sheer lovliness. Yes, I'm crazy. Heeheehee. It rained hard last night. I thought we'd lose our electricity. But we didn't. =) And, I was very thankful. I'm afraid of the dark! Don't tease me, I'm only a child. Rainy days!... Smile for me, smile for me.
I went for a ballet class at Meralco. Bwahahahaha. No one was expecting me. And, everyone was glad to see me. Heehee, I was missed! *touches heart*
It was a fun class. I had a good time. HE wasn't there though. :\ I'm thinking, maybe, that's a good thing? Well all's I know is if he was there, he'd be crowding my thoughts right about now. See, right now, I'm consentrating on how to spell that word and what to type next. *switches on tv set* 3rd Rock from the Sun! Later.
tiffany wasted away @ 5:38 pm

May 25, 2002
Shit. Shit. I can't get him out of my head. ....... Shit! I wish he'd call me now. :\
Joan's still in Washington and isn't due back until June 14th. God, I miss her. Last night, err this morning actually, at around 2am, I was on Yahoo! And, she was there. We talked for about an hour. I don't remember laughing that hard in... WAY too long. She is hilarious. And she's always really serious and focused when I need her there. I was hoping she could help me get 'him' off my mind, but no. I had a good time talking to her though. It's a nice feeling, running into an old friend and realizing some things never change.
tiffany wasted away @ 11:23 AM

May 24, 2002
Tonight I had *the* best time in so long. My friends and I went to watch a ballet recital (which was lovely by the way). Ballet Manila has the best choreography and their girls are amazing; graceful and strong. But the scholars (boys) are kind of weak and stupid-looking. Sorry for that remark, they are though.
Still, I had an incredible time. I'm getting really close to this guy friend of mine. I'm not going to mention any names. You know who you are *wink*. He and another guy friend of his were seated behind us. I was getting really self-concious. Aye. He kept playing with my hair and poking me through out the entire show. Not that I was annoyed! ...I liked it. It was cute. Then we all went to dinner at Casa Armas afterwards. God, I am so bloated. I had *way* to much Paella :\
Happy birthday, Chloe. Goodnight, everybody.
tiffany wasted away @ 12:01 AM

May 22, 2002
Good day, kiddies. Well, good night actually but who cares. Visit her because she will host me [POSSIBLY] and make me an awesome layout just as awesome as the one she has *wipeeeeee* and then finally someone famous (like Christina, or Erin, or Tessa, or Ronni or someone) will add me to their exits and I will no longer be a loser who writes in an online journal no one reads. Oi.
tiffany wasted away @ 11:35 PM

Ally is on tonight. It's showing now actually. It's that episode where Richard and John go to LA for a vacation.
Ehh, interesting episode. =P
I am *so* excited about our ballet recital on the 31st. Oh, God. I'm gonna see my old friends! You know that feeling? It's so irritating that feeling to be practically itching yourself to death wishing it was already Saturday... Oh my, I can't wait. I might have to commit murder this week, sorry. I just miss them *so* much and arrghhhh.
I should bring a camera. Then I'll post some pictures on here. Because Those will be the days to hold on to; Cause I won't, even though I'll want to;
Sorry, I stole that line from your photo section. It's nice. I'm going to watch more tv. It seems like the tv set is always the place I run off to after writing in my blog. Ermmm... random thought.
tiffany wasted away @ 9:33 PM

May 21, 2001>
Jeez... 'Riding in Cars with Boys' - It's gotta be the most horribly beautiful movie I've ever seen. I cried my eyes out, I don't know why. I think my gate was opened and I couldn't close it until I shut the dvd player. Drew Barrymore and her dad (in the movie) started to sing this song in the car in the end. And I just lost it. We're all out of tissue, haha.
Randomly... I taped a Christina Aguilera tv special on Hbo last night. After a really long time of forgetting about it, I realized how talented she is. Her voice is so powerful. It's inspiring. I'm crazy, I know that, so don't argue with me. Well.
Sex and the city is on in... two hours. But there I would much rather sit in front of the tv set and wallop myself to death waiting for the show to get started, than umm... this.
tiffany wasted away @ 8:00 PM

May 18, 2002 br> It's raining really hard outside. >=(
Don't get me wrong, I love rain when it's light and I can lie in bed and just listen to it drizzle. But that's not what it's like now. It's dark and noisy and freaking the shit out of me. I hate this. I didn't do anything exciting today except meet a really cute guy and go to ballet. I just feel so bad about this rain. I needed to write about it. I don't know... Maybe I'll just plan a suicide or something. Hopefully the rain stops before I shoot myself.
tiffany wasted away @ 9:14 PM

May 17, 2002
It's Tessa's birthday :D Not much to say.. had a boring day.. went to my ballet classes (3 of em) and rehearsals, then to the dentish... eek. You dun need to know.
Ooh, there's this interesting movie on HBO. I'm off to the tv set now. See ya.
tiffany wasted away @ 5:50 PM

May 15, 2002
3 weeks exactly until hell starts up again. I want to enjoy my time left and not talk or think about school. Blegh! So ANYWAY, I fell asleep in the car an woke up to 'Genie in a Bottle'. I didn't think anyone still played Christina Aguilera's songs. Is there anyone actually excited about her upcoming album? Heh, no one knows about it. Britney's concert was replayed on HBO today. (Yah, I taped it :P) So what's new? It is only rock 'n roll goddess Miss Spears, right? Omg, it's Ronan Keating on MTV... *changes channel* Hehehe :P Christina still hasn't written anything in her blog since May 11 :( Well. I'm out.
tiffany wasted away @ 4:30 PM

May 14, 2002
Whoop, I completely surfed the crap out of Erin's and read everything twice. No, I didn't do this because I was bored to near death or am really pathetic (well maybe a little pathetic), if that's what you're thinking. She just rocks baaaadly. She's umm, 19? Or something. And she's written the coolest things. She gives me inspiration. And her writings, ahhh, her writings. *So* true. They make a lot of sense. I can totally relate to 'Gymnastics is Life', but I'm talking about ballet. And I absolutely loved 'Not a girl... Just the Roof of All Evil?' not because I am a fan of Britney Spears. *Puhleeeez* visit and tell her I sent ya! :)
tiffany wasted away @ 9:10 PM

I loved today. And I hated today. I went the entire day without eating meat or rice. I feel like a feather. So I'm not going downstairs to see what's for dinner. I'm staying locked up in my room to eat slices of salted green apple. There's a Sex & The City marathon on tonight. Wipee, I absolutely love that show. Sarah Jessica Parker *so* rocks my world. Heh.
On the other side of today, I hate that my mom came to rehearsals. On the way home in the car, she just started screaming and sobbing. It was so pathetic and weird. My mom is freaky like that sometimes. She kept whining about how unfair it is that I don't have as much parts as the rest of the dancers. She thinks I'm better than any of the other girls that I should have more parts. I don't feel bad at all, really. Just started wishing I had someone else for a mom, heh. I know, I'm bad. She cried hard, you know. LOL. I don't give a rat's ass about what she thinks. I have a solo part god dammit (even though it lasts like a minute). And that's enough for me. I get to dance on stage. That's all I want. Thank God I have a web blog :)
Well, I'm off to read more of Erin's writings <3
tiffany wasted away @ 8:23 PM

May 13, 2002
today was the same; ballet, spiderman, IRC, the phone, food, nap, surf... that was about it. im off to my comfy pink couch! gonna sit in front of the tv set and become a big ol potato. BLAH!!! talk to the hand, please.
tiffany wasted away @ 11:31 PM

May 12, 2002
i had a good day. i got off rehearsals early for landing my pirouettes, being in timing with the music and not complaining about how my feet couldn't feel worse. i was home at around 4 but my cousin was on the computer playing CS so i couldnt blog... at around 6, in my dad's room where there's this huge flat screen TV, we held 9 hours of Spiderman screenings. I never left the room. I'm pathetic. Woohoo. Go me. I've watched Norman Osborn die one too many times. *yawn* good morning
tiffany wasted away @ 3:00 AM

while im waiting for my skills in webdesign to kick in, i figured i should keep an online diary anyway. angelfire sucks ass :\ but i have patience. i apologize for the delay and ask for yours. ack, 7 minutes! i have to go; ballet >=\
tiffany wasted away @ 7:53 AM