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The wolves of Light.

Vote For LightSide!

It's past midnight, you have been running to escape the brutal packs of the area. You are lost and afraid. Cold sweat trickles down your pelt, shivers shoot through your spine as a long howl is heard. You look around, desperate. The morning sun is rising to the west, it's vibrant rays reveal comfort in your eyes. You speed to a run, looking back constantly. Suddenly, after miles of paranoid running, you freeze in your tracks, you have come across an almost blinding area, where the sun shines bright and warm. You carefully walk into the clearing, ears perked and alert. A low growl is heard, like a whip through the silence. You twist around, eyes darting in search of the wolf who produced this strong, steady growl. A large, powerful figure emerges from the brush. His light gray mixtured pelt seems to glow in the sunlight. He stands tall with pride and superiority, not at all intimidated by you. He stares you down, bright eyes reflecting the now crackling sun which suspends above. You back up, sinking low to the ground, not knowing where to go. Your ears and tail tuck back submissively, remembering your lesson from the surrounding evil packs. He approaches steadily, teeth bared but eyes gentle.

"What brings you to the Light Side wolf pack?" He asks, looking you over.

You attempt to explain about your horrid encounters with others, how they were evil and cruel, and then fall silent. You wonder if this pack is like the others, a slight whine is released from deep inside you, as your life flashes through your mind.

"I am Solare, Alpha male of this powerful pack. We are welcome all wolves, as long as they are strong."

He lunges at you with a snap, his piercing fangs graze your face, just missing your right eye. He sits back on strong haunches, muscles rippling with each move. He watches you cringe.

"Are you strong enough?"

As he awaits your response multiple rustles are heard in all directions, sleek and powerful figures are seen darting through the less lit areas of the woods enclosing the clearing. Your eyes dart around wildly.

What will you do?

Are you strong enough?!

"Under the starry sky,
Where eagles have flown,
This land is paradise,
And this is what we call home."

.: 10:00am ~ Noon :. .:Meeting Times:. .: 6:00pm, 8:00pm ~ 10:00pm :.

  Allies/Enemies Joining \n

©♀|<α¥Lα♀ + ΦSΩ|αRêΦ.

.:LightSide ChatterBox:.


UPDATES: 7/1/02

I apologize for not getting the individual member pages up yet.. I've been lazy. I will try to get them up by this weekend.

If I haven't seen you in a while I won't even bother to make your member profile page by this weekend and if I don't see you by Sunday I will erase your name. Please be active! If you are you will be rewarded with a rank.

Now then, if you have been hoping to spar for a rank please e-mail me a little message telling me your wolf name and what rank you want to spar for. Please don't all go for beta, I already know quite a few going for it and I have made a limit. The first 4 to inform me about the desire for a certain rank will spar. If 4 have already applied for the rank you wish you will be entered in the next highest rank spar.

We have around 45 members yet nobody is ever here!!!

I need your help! Advertise and refer!!!

If any of you are willing to give me some help around the site please let me know via e-mail! Many members have been requesting other chat pages for mating, hunting, etc. They will be up eventually but any help offered would be greatly appreciated.

If you haven't noticed, I added a message board below. Add any suggestions, concerns, or information below if I'm not around at the time.

As you can see we have a new banner. If you want you give me ideas or comments email me.

I have added a ChatterBox. If no one is around feel free to leave an rp message on that. Just change the name, type your message, send it, and then refresh to see it!

We have been working on the exploring page. So far we have Misty Forest and LoveStruck. More on the way!

Sager is our new natural healer!

Well, thats it for now. Remember, ADVERTISE and BE ACTIVE!!!

.:Message Board:.

All rights reserved.