Me And My Charms

April 25, 2003

Out with the blog. In with the diary. We'll see how long this lasts.

March 14,2003

The blog is no more. So long blog.

Feburary 18, 2003

I added some more lyrics.

Feburary 16, 2003

I put up an "Entertainment" section. Whoo-hoo. There's hardly anything there right now, but soon it'll be really really cool. At least I hope so. Anyway. Go check it out.

Feburary 10, 2003

I added a guestmap. It's neat. You can put a little guy wherever you're from. I also put up a counter finally. And I took another survey.

Feburary 9, 2003

I added a list of everything I wanna do before I die on my "Me" page. I added a "Site" page. I'm also working on a bio. Give me time.

February 8, 2003

I now have a blog. I'm such a conformist.

Febuary 7, 2003

Ahh! Look over there <- It's a tagboard! Dude! I kick SO much ass. Heh. And I have a cliques page too.
And if you would like to help support my page: Oral Sex Donations Accepted

February 4, 2003

Did some general maintenance. Got rid of some quizzes that were broken. Added some props to John for my pictures. Added a link. Changed my occupation on the "Me" page. Then I took a bunch of Quizilla quizzes and added them on the quiz page.

January 23, 2003

I added a few more pictures of Eric. :)

December 17, 2002

I re-organized my surveys. I also added a new survey.

December 25, 2002

I added a whole shitload of pictures.

Dec. 10, 2002

I added pics of John and Lucas and Eric and all of my senior pictures. I also added a guestbook. SIGN!

Dec. 6, 2002

I took a quiz diva Quiz. I took away the diary type thing. I added a links page. I added a picture page under "ME" and put up some senior year pictures.

Nov. 30, 2002

I took another Survey, and added a diary type thing. It won't be all personal. It'll just be updates on what I did that day and stuff.

Oct. 26, 2002
I addded a favorites page, a quizzes page and a survey's page.

October 25, 2002
Well, I've just started this thing, so now there's only two options. Either I'll love it and obsess over it, or I'll get bored and never update. So if you're interested in the outcome, then here's the place to check. I'll put all my updates right here in this little spot. So far I have an index page. Whoo-hoo! Hopefully by the end of the nite I'll put up a "Me" page or something. Rock on.
© 2002 Kristin