inphekt bu

Lindsye haha.yo yo yo, my name is meho, i like snow, mofo,yo..heh soooooo lame,your turn
christy ok,wellllllllllllll it's the middle of the muthafuckin night and we feel alright gonna get in a fight so one day i'm gonna step and beat you like a bitch and call you nancy, yo
Lindsye heheheh damn straight yo. umm im gonna kick your ass, pump you full of fuckin gas, set you on fire, watch ya scream and holla' your turn
christy i'm fixin to eat a fuckin bow of spagetti-ohs so yo, step off my fro, or else imma bust a cap on yo bro,ho
Lindsye so yo wanna fuck wit me? ill kick yo motha'fuckin' knee,ill rip out your spleen,eat it wit some cheeze
christy so you think your better, think you're lemon cheddar, well i gots some news for you: you aint nothin but a smelly old worn shoe foo
Lindsye im gonna fuck you up, i need some mo' coke in my cup, im gonna bust a cap, give you whip lash, kick your mo'fo' ass, shove you in the trash.heh the lameness of it all...your turn my homie christys gonna flow, so watch out she goes
christy get yo fatass outta my face, before i bust out my muthafuckin mace, you think you're the best-#1-the ace, but you aint shit but a mental case, to the best of my knowledge i guess i'm fresh but be quiet yo, i'm fixin to start my speech here's something you for to digest, shhh: Ich Werde Sie Beenden ho. get the fuck off my nintendo, you aint no zelda, ho what you need is a foot inbedded in yo groin, you think you can mess wit me? Boing! i'll fuck you up old school, i have monomania and i know how to use it, fool
Lindsye heheh damn straight mo'fo',mother fuckin ho. you think you know, but you dont,i dont work on main street corner for nothin foo. i see you, lookin at me,tryin to kill me, im the number one ho, stole your crib,bust you in the ribs,kick you in the head
christy stole yo meds, slept in yo bed---wit yo momma!
Lindsye holla' holla' holla', what kinda man are you, stickin yo momma out on the street to work for food, your no good, a dirty little thug, whats that you need a hug? ill bitch slap you with my pimp cane, fuck up your brain,stop the crack, stick with the facts
christy and mofo you think you can rhyme, you think you're on time but you don't know your mouth from a fuckin waterhose, you're so wound up gonna expose all you know, but fuck, it aint shit but dirt, panic attack with a gat, i killed yo fuckin cat, you pissin in yo pants at the thought of me, e=mcsquared bitch, i'm the nerd with the word, you da one who's absurd
Lindsye im gonna jump on your back, steal your money, pimp with your honeys,you tried to make pancakes,you cant even bake, you beat up my homies, pissed on their bodies, shit in the potties? wait! back up, im gonna fuck you up, fo'sheezy, your so cheezy.wurd
christy one of these shapes is not like the others, what bitch? the fuckin circle? i'll kick yo pansy ass, you aint got no willpower, my cats got you in check, you standin round, listenin to beck, i'll shove a fuckin termite in your nasal cavity, yo bitches love me, i make them scream wee, you have to peepee? don't make me break my foot off in yo ass, no one loves you, you scream and cry boohoo
Lindsye cant even tie your shoe, you stepped in dog poo?! ew!heh
christy you think you're good lookin, but you always cryin and bitchin like a uh....bitch?
Lindsye pissin and monein
christy yeah like a bitch
Lindsye you old witch
Lindsye im going to beat up your face, with a lead pipe, hit you just right, makes you feel nice, all tingly inside, rainbows aint my thing, and i cant sing, i dont want your ring, why cant you pee? sorry bout your knee.
christy fuckin yin yang up in dis bitch, totally opposite, i aint no witch, fuck your up broom yo ass, no i don't want a fuckin cupcake, shut the fuck up for god's sake, i'll kill yo family in my wake, don't you contemplate, you don't get me, i'm the queen bee, fuck you and yo possibilitiy, you aint got nothin on me
Lindsye damn skippy. i aint yo' cupcake, im gonna pump yo' ass full of lead, beat you up till your dead, do an irish jig on your head, what you talkin bout willis? my name aint phillis, im gonna fuck you up, brake your thumb. rip off your left nut, punch you in the gut, spit on your shoe, what you gonna do?dats right nothin foo.
Christyyou'll never swim my muthafuckin moat, you get a boat, don't you fuckin gloat, put on yo fuckin coat, you chilly like yo flow, you just one big homo, go drink some homo milk, go ram some ass, catch a muthafuckin bass, your angst is as pathetic as yo bitch, stop callin me a damn witch, i don't do practical magic like a bitch, i'll fuck yo momma, kill yo fish.....punch yo kidney, and run away...swish! metallic box on yo chin, plate in the head, oops killed you dead, go to fuckin bed, you youngins neva learn, imma make you and yo family burn, you wanna have some fun? i got somethin for yo dirty mouth...this gun
Lindsye do as you wish, hell no i aint swiss, stop sniffin my panties, you fucked your granny, thats just nasty, you incested shit, you eat skoal, have a bloody nose, stop callin me your ho, im gonna chew your nose with my golden tooth, im gonna take this gun, bang bang dont shoot
Christy c'mere little boy, i'll make you stop that fuckin coy, i don't like you, don't cry boohoo, you nothin but a ho, so leave me and go blow beau, meho's fuckin ex, all he wanted was sex, but she don't fly that way, she'll kick yo ass, say, you want some? get the fuck away you bum. we'll jump you and yo crew, damn you fat, put on this moomoo muthafucka i stare at walls, i hate malls, i'm a monomaniac, a piromaniac, but you aint gotta step, yo, we can be cool, don't be no fool, i think you're alright, fuckin creature of the night, do yo jig, and put on yo wig, but that shit aint you, you don't belong in no zoo, be all that you can be, can't you see? i don't wanna play frisbee, this ADHD is fuckin wit me.
Lindsye moo moo. stop chewin that shoe, its covered in poo, i dont like your attitude, im gonna jump your ass, stop eating grass, you know it gives you gas, ADHD makes you feel free, stop humping that tree, gah damn boy, stop playing with toys, are you really a boy?
Christy i was dissed and dismissed, lied to and neva' been kissed, but i aint no wallowing fool, i'm standin on my feet, i was never a tool, count yo blessings, quit stealin my belongings, stop fuckin my cat, i don't flow like that, do you really wanna meet this bat? i gotta shank stick, quit suckin dick.
Lindsye do you pretend to have fun, stop playing with guns, they hurt and go pow pow, it aint no cow, its a plow, stop smokin weed, it makes you stare, grow out your hair, stop trying to care the screams of the night make you feel tight, close to your homie, join the posse, be one with the dark side, stop bumming rides, you will never park your car in this garage, trim your plants, they are covered in ants, theres some in your pants, you need to bathe, you smell like ass, fuck that shit, i aint touchin your ass, you like to drink, you really stink
Christy wanna meet my mommy? she'll kick yo ass and call you tommy, get the fuck off my car, what do you think this is, a bar? stop gargling you stupid fool, it rots your teeth, which aint cool, go take a swim, act proper and prim, suck dick, you're sick. snort coke, no hey, you'll croak, this aint no educational program, yo fat boy, i think you need a mammogram, yo tits is bigger than mine, don't whine
Lindsye it aint fine, you try to hard, you hang out in bars, you hump to many cars, you like to dance, like your in a trance, technos the shit, hell no i aint touchin that shit!
Christy stay in school, it's cool, fuck that the government is lieing to yo bitch ass, quit smokin that lawn grass, come shoot up wit me, how bad can it be? everybody hates me.
Lindsye dont use cottage cheeze, it makes you wheeze, laugh and cry, nothing is fine, stop trying to be cool, dont stay in school, its for fools, live with your parents, youll never pay taxes, stop sleeping with axes, that shits wacked.
Christy listen to the radio, gather up yo mojo, keep yo pride, take a ride, jump inside, you love this girl, but there aint no way, nothin you can say, she's been burned one too many times, you hear the bell chimes, it's too late for you
Lindsyeyou too obsessed with you, its okay, you can stay, your gonna sleep on the couch, dont you pout, scream and shout,it doesnt help, it only makes you whelp, stop crying, give up trying
Christy up above he's smiling, and you're crying, the truth has reared it's ugly head, was it something you said? nothing will keep you down, you're a mothafuckin wicked clown, bros before ho's, he hates you so....always happy, nothing matters, keep takin showers, stinky, solitare, you're alone, but so many homes, what to do, stay in skoo? you need to make a choice, here or there? start to care take some extra strength bayer
Lindsye damn whats with the hay?dont you shave?
Christy do what you want, you dizzy cunt, i am a robot, you are so hot, no, i don't want it, you can't make me, taco bell aint the shit, got a machinehead, sleep in my bed, dye your hair, make yourself look like rick flair trust me, i can't stand it, am i full of wit? or shit? when will you answer me? have you a brain? i am frigntened of rain, bring me my candy cane, i like bein cold, yo rhymes is growin mold, how much shit can one person bear? you wanna be crazy, a loon, it's commin for me soon, no outrunnin it, it's time for me to quit. he's commin for me, can't you see, nothing is alright, and you thought i was bright
Lindsye whats your fear? what feelings are there? your trying to get me to sleep with you, it aint gonna work, all you dough is snort. i dont like you, dont regurgitate your food, damn thats nasty, lube me up and call me patsy. i dont swing that way, ive never had sex with you, oh well lets try somthing new im a ho, as long as you got the do, i could be a man for all you know, step up and welcome to the freak show
Christy so you say you wanna fuck, it sounds like i's gonna suck. it's our first date, and you wanna mate. yeah you hobo want my dough? thats a big nono think i can't sew? you is a bobo take this job and shove it you a stinky pile of shit bow down to my wit you fuckin hypocrite hang on a minute, gotta insert my bit stop throwin yo fit fuckin test tube baby i'll let you live, maybe tetanis for yo bitch ass, baby i'll damage you retinas with my lasergun sounds like a lot of damn fun
Lindsye dont do that lets keep it clean dont tear out my spleen you are so damn mean Christy yo, peachy keen?keep yo ass clean
Lindsye wanna see somethin neat?
Christy you best not whip out yo meat
Lindsye i can burp the abc's lick my feet
Christy you think you got me beat?
Lindsye damn yo'! stop playing with your sorry excuse for a wee wee.thats some nasty shit.dont piss on that kid
Christy i'll make you eat this kiwi
Lindsye swing from a tree, spank my ass and call my little skank, swimmin in the tank
Christy i'll steal yo money from the bank
Lindsye damn whos that little poot and big stank
Christy jamie and paul, you huge wank,quit actin like a muthafuckin skank
Lindsye dont hate appreciate, eat apples, and regurgitate, you only like to sleep when you cant eat, the only thing you eat is big willys meat, who knows where that has been? only every place except his right hand, you wanna be cool but you is only a fool, dont drool, thats some nasty stuff, stop eating snuff,aww granny play too ruff?
Christy all you do is bluff,stick yo face in bryan's muff,we all know he's female,and he got a doggy tail,why you look so pale?
Lindsye your brain goes slower then a snail, you get it up the ass, smoke too much grass. you sleep with your mom. no no you got it all wrong. stop sniffing thongs, what the hells the matter with you? stop brown nosing foo
Christy yo momma is crazy foo, step back as i take my poo, get off my nuts, you like big butts? you fuckin lie. what you say? you wanna be gay? fuck, do as you will, don't loot and kill, quit eatin krill, what are you, a whale? you need money for bale? i'll shave yo poodle.cause yo brain's a noodle,floppy and wet,i'll take you to the vet,amputate yo head,put you on ten different meds,fill you wit lead,put you to bed,don't wipe yo hands on my threads
Lindsye im gonna kick your ass, make you scream, dont look at me like that, i dont swing. stop trying to fuck, your just a nut, go to a asylum stop your crying Christy i can tell your lyin your shit i aint buyin take yo ass to get spanked by bryan get away from me, you diein don't peek into the pan i'm fryin you aint feelin no sorrow, quit sighin
Lindsye you grungy little slut, you nasty little cunt, nasty little wanker,bust a move on the table, wiggle, wabble to and fro you best back up off my ho
Christy that shit aint no afro,quit hittin on that hobo
Lindsye ill kick your ass and give you a reason to go gay, shit after a night like that you dont deserve to get paid.
Lindsye fuck that shit i aint gay, kiss my ass youve made my day, i eat chocolate covered worms they taste like ass, its okay cause its better then grass
Christy mind your own business, i don't want no one to witness, i'll sail my boat up yo ass, watch out! killer bass.