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Yeah, the friends page (under construction)

Just wanna say a few things bout some ppl who i know (in no order at all):

Namo: Jackie Lam
age: 15
thingys: DAI LO! (main guy.. :P) one guys who loves nike and1 and quiksilver. no idea why. really whacky, can go freaky once in a while with occasional 'high-times' and 'low-times'. Knew for bout 4 yrs by now.. Just 2 say hi...

Namo: Eugeene Cheung
age: 14
thingys: not weak... heh, an absolute South park fan with loads of stuff to go with it. Works and plays hard and usually comes up with loads of jokes.. funny how we got to know each other, i still cant remember... Orchestra or yr8 charity committee? A real psychologist (according to phil), real good to talk to if you have any emotional probs. BTW, hes a taekwondo black belt... ;)

Namo: Philbert Lui
age: 14
thingys: first things first... he is one helluva bass guitarist. Loves blink182 and especially mark's pink bass. One of my only guitar-freak firends (something that makes him really damn cool to talk to). Also one of the guys i founded our band with. A great canadian at the heart and very honest.

Namo: Edward Leung
age: 15
thingys: In philberts words, a very 'wierd' friend. Great all-round sports person who could be miles better if it werent for his knees failing him.. (damn i sound like some shithole) really funny guy who can somehow pop up with some random joke in the middle of anything. A good guy to talk to at anytime.

Namo: Calvin Lee
age: 15
thingys: A guy who cracks up like mad at very erm... peculiar(?) jokes sometimes... A really fun guy to hang around with at anytime.

Namo: Thomas Wong
age: 15
thingys: A very smart guy who is also great at basketball. He has very, eh, high expectations of himself and can sometimes go into frenzies of some kind for no reason at all. Always laughs at some wierdass stuff and likes to play the wierdest games as well. a good LISTENER (he only listens, no comments provided).

Namo: Ben Drew
age: 15
thingys: heheh.... one of the most carefree guys around.. laughs at EVERYTHING! :) one horny bastard and one mof my gr8est friends. Real gd at most of the games he plays ('specially d2). Virtually never does homework and dosent care shit bout anything at skool. BUT hes still pretty damn smart tho, one helluva guy to hang round with.

Namo: Vincent Fan
age: 15
thingys: Pretty much the oldest friend ive had, goin far back to yr8 (yeah i had problems). Also one of the most sensitive and understanding ppl i know. takes jokes on his height well and his actions make up more than enoguh for his height (no bad intentions there). Also just occured to me that he is the guy ive had most arguements with (other than my bro and mom). i just want to say; im sorry for anything ive ever said bad to you, you will always be one of my greatest friends.

Namo: Amro Abbas
age: 15
thingys: One hell of a smart guy. (when he has a textbook in front of him (j/k) :D seriously, one gr8 all rounder (sports, academics, social and such). knows a lot of stuff and is a like large knowledge bank with feet and legs and know how to talk... (???) likes to call me a nigga with him! YEAH! :D

Namo: Nicole Yeung
age: 14
thingys: A very hard working person who tries to get involved with a lot of stuff. One of the erm... most, house loving person i know. Great at the flute and can also make up some very wired jokes at times. Cares about what bothers think very much.

Namo: Natalie Ong
age: 15
thingys: A very snesitive person at times. Works her way with ppl and always manages to fit, snugely, right in the middle of everything. A very good person to talk to for virtually anything. Thnaks for being there when i needed to talk.
Namo: Cheryl Yau
age: 14
thingys: Another really wired friend who has a tendacy to go extremely hyper and laugh at very random jokes. A very good friend to have to cheer you up.

Other ppl i wanna say hi to: Calvin Ng, Celine, Sha, Cynthia, Raj, Ben, Calv ng, Esther, Jovia, Lin wing, Jane, Jessica L, Pheebe, Paula, Emily, Paula, Alice, Anu, Tash b, Gloria, Alex, Gary, Vivian, Ivy, Denis, Gale, Connie l, Leo t, Kat, Jean Ezra, Johnny, Kevin, Jason l, Brandon, Nat ong, Ryoyu, Amro, Eunice and Anna