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Welcome to SEMLIFE

This is SemLife, a place for Seminary Students to express artistic talents and share ministry experiences. It will work as a ministry outreach to each other and anyone else in the world, because we are all in need Jesus. John 14:6.

Click 411 to get the "dl" on this website and more information to tickle your fancy.
Would you be interested in sharing your talent, artistic ability, and ministry experiences? Become a Sem-Freak today! Don't worry, it's a good thing.
Look at the Semart from your favorite Sem-Freaks.
Get to know the man behind Mel's movie. The true Christ will change your life.
Check out some links popular to you and other Sem Students.
SemLife creator, J.Tilden shares his wacky musical side with a page dedicated to his band--Fuzzy Tomato Juice.

Web Designer J. Tilden's Semart.

check out jeff's blog