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dedicated to an unparalleled hatred of c4

more coming soon, so in the meantime add me to your buddylist.
sorry about nothing being done yet.

Apocalyptica - Until it Sleeps.mp3
Apocalyptica - Fade to Black.mp3
In Flames - Dark Signs.mp3
Social Distortion - Don't Drag Me Down.mp3
The Unseen - Scream Out.mp3

Well, today I was on my way to work, stopped at the intersection of rural and southern waiting to make my left turn, when I saw a bum on the side of the road. He was just sitting there on the side of the road with his shopping cart with a sign and i thought to myself "he probably just wants money so he can buy booze." After I read the sign I actually had to double take to make sure I had read it correctly. It said, "Need $$ for Booze." Turns out that he was asking for money to buy alochol. But did this man really have the gall to ME ask for MY drinking money? If I gave him that, then what the hell was I supposed to do? After all, those are my entire chances of getting laid! Not even thinking I noticed that I had already signalled him over to my window. I had to think quick.

As he approached my window I could see an old, rusty, tin can that looked as though it had been through vietnam. He was still holding his sign. After a moment he spoke. He asked me if I had any change to spare. When he was finished I looked down into my change holder to see if I had any. After a quick count I estimated that I had about enough loose change to finance my enitre college education. I guess he saw it too because when I looked back up at him he was drooling. After another moment of drooling he started to ask his question again. Suddenly, halfway through his sentence I yelled at the top of my lungs "SIR YOU DO NOT NEED TO SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY! I AINT NO FUCKIN MORON!" He stopped and looked at me and started to slowly back away. He looked genuinely bewildered. Then he replied, in almost a whisper, "Sir I just need some money, I'm starving and I havent eaten in three days." Then I said "well I just ate an hour ago, what the hell is your problem?"

After saying this I started feeling a little bad. Though it was probably from the giant burrito I ate from filibertos (man i was full), I still decided to toss him a few coins. Just then, I had a funny idea. I waited until there was oncoming traffic and threw the coins into the street. Gleefully, and without looking, he ran out into the traffic where, as he was bent over to pick up the coin, he was smacked met head on by a large pick-up truck. He did a full backflip and hit the ground with a sickening thud. It was just about the funniest thing I have ever seen! Then, as he started to get up, he was hit by another vehicle. This time I could hear the telltale sounds of bones turning to mush in the front grille like only an escalade can do.

Too hysterical to continue watching I glanced up at the stoplight and noticed the turning arrow had just changed to green. I took one last look at him laying in the street and it appeared he was reaching out to me; like he wanted to tell me something. But, it didnt matter though because I had to get to work. After all I didnt want to be late! I could lose my job and then I wouldnt have my precious beer money! But, I couldnt just leave him there. I mean, I really felt bad. He just got hit by two cars! So, before I floored it outta there I turned to him and said "Dude, you gotta be more careful. You know, look both ways and shit."

Sheesh. Some people.