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Los Photos

Justin and Ben's Adventure

If you go to my Live Journal (12/3/02) You can find the adventure in text.

So that's Ben.

That's Ben's Car. We had pics of me. They didn't come out.

You know you are in HickVille, when there are a line of mailboxes in buckets, on a dirt road.

So we pull over to see this sign.. The picture would have done no justice had it not been a closeup.

But of course, being Ben, and driving like Ben, he had taken the car OFF the road, UP the curb, and on to a grassy embankment.

Why you ask? Did we have this dispute?

This is what Ben saw

This is what Justin saw (notice how the road sign is pointing to the ROAD just ahead, and the place ben turned is only a dirt walking path.

Some how this was funny.

I'm not sure what to think, when I see a fire extinguisher hanging at a Fire Station

I think it's even more scarier that they need to LABEL it, incase they forgot what it was, or what it does.

Almost home

And so our excursion is completed as we have reached,
The End.

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