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(Dave: prob. my best friend and brother, thanx man) (Andrew: one of my other best friends, we'll help eachother through everything,...oh and did the nice man give you candy?) (Jeff:crack another gay joke and...."I'll kill you") (Evin:we all miss ya bro, come back to visit)(Leana:geez, you'd kill for switchfoot, crazy girl)(Tom:tombert, tomofography,tombycromber and fitch....umm..yeah..) (julie:uurrrggg, we gotta skate punk!!oh and come to one of our soccer games, k?) (Bri:u are an awesome girl) (DUT: 3 days and 6" apart,hahaha) (Jess K:nice seein ya agian) (Shannon:and i guess the same to you,lol) (Paul S:keep it up goth, nice guitar work) (Paul l:haha, you wanna be punk, go play ur playstation) (christina:u never talk) (Eric:u r weird and unbelieveably twisted...) (John S:whats with the $1700 camera Mr. director?)(Erin: erin negr..oops....gillespie, my bad) (leah:yeah...) (ralph:u are a freakin awesome guitarist and cous) (Chris:Mr. President sir) (Sean:a.k.a. shortie) (whitnee:i forgot what i was gonna say, oh well, come back when i remember) (mandee:u never talk either) (ashley:star trek???) (Nicole:cricket on my foot) (john G:nothin to say) (mike l:stay away from my SISTER!!!lol) (Mike G:hmmm, i dunno) (aaron:were u born with the mustashe?) (melissa) (summer:I'm sorry, please get over it) (Bobby:i dont like rap, ur cool though) (Anja:haha, you like anything hot and cheesy) (Jayson e:u sleep waaayy to deep, we coulda done anything to you,lol) (brad:learn that bass!) (ann: dude...just..ahhh) (lauren:miss hangin with you:( ) (charissa:arent i weird?) (josiah:is ur sis really ugly?) (jess w:winky winky) (rachel: welcome to IM!!!) (matt:you too!!!) (steph: fuzzy pink is ur new name!!!) these aren't all my friends!!! just my aim friends, and if i forgot ya, or ya didn't like what i said about you tell me. love you all. thanx