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Latest News for 11/18/03!
(updated daily 6-9 am, 2pm, 9-11pm)

Saddam Hussein has been captured!

(Report my Matthew Keegan)
- Saddam Hussein was captured this morning, looking like someone pissed on his cornflakes. His hair is turning grey and he looks almost like someone out of the bible with his unshaved beard. I am glad we caught this dirtbag and we will keep yyou updated as more comes in.
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Latest Finds Online! *note: These are just links to other pages that we have found interesting. We take no responsibility for thier creation or representation.

Political Compass - Are you a liberal, conservative, anarchist or authoritarian? Find out by using this self test system!
Support Our Troops (poem) - A nice poem dedicated to those who lost thier lives in the september 11th attacks.

All graphics on this site done by Travis Gleinig.