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Thursday December 12,2002
 I have updated the website again and I have decided to remove emulation for right now, it is to much of a hassle but I plan on updating snowmobiles more often.  Please email me pictures of any snowmobiles it doesn't have to be vintage.  Any Pictures Please!!!!!  I wil try to put up some of my and my friends sleds.  I have all vintage.  They are that good but, they are what I have money for.  If you are going to email me any pictures please put   "Snowmobile Pictures" in the subject so I do not delete them.  
Wednesday, November 13,2002
    Sorry for not updating for so long, I stopped paying for my internet to budget in a new snowmobile, but after a while I have given up on getting a "new" snowmobile.  I was given a 1973 Rupp American 40 by a friend, he does not now much about fixing snowmobiles.  He said, it was running fine before he tried to clean the carb,when he put it gack together he put one of the diaphrams in upside-down so, he gave it to me because it wasn't running.  When he told me he took the carb apart I thought he probablely put it together wrong, even I now how to put them back together, I sometimes put them back in wrong, those damn Tillotson carbs.  Anyway, sorry for rambling, emulation page is updated, and 1 playstation emulator.  More to come soon.
Monday July 23,2002
Links page is now up and running, will be adding more soon. 
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