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From this page you can view my studio report in PDF format. There are two versions available - a text only version and a full version (downloadable as a zip file) which includes images.



Whilst I am a painter, what I present in this studio report is writing that attempts to describe and order the influences and developments that led to the Ecce Homo project. Codes are the corpus of this project; genetic code, binary code and the notion of the face as an encoded screen. In the process of trying to come to terms with my own understanding of these codes and the face as a code I accessed much of the writing of Michel Foucault, and I wandered into Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus. The result has been a process of translating some of the ideas and philosophy that I was reading into visual images, in order to understand my own relationship with this new knowledge and new way of thinking. Writers and artists have been of abiding and significant interest throughout my research and I delineate some of the discourse between their and my work in the pages that follow. Much of the research that I undertook for the sub-thesis component of the Mphil, Gericault's Monomaniacs and an Alienist's Vision, has also fed into my studio practice and vice versa.

It would be impossible to track the labyrinthine paths that this project has taken before achieving its final form. I therefore outline what I believe have been the primary and significant points of development in my work and the processes that led to them. I have translated words and ideas into pictures and now I proceed to translate my pictures back into words…


Text Only Version (432Kb)
Full Version With Images(1.92Mb)