Welcome All You Zodiac Patrons

Hello Bluefield, since Daddy Dog closed down several months ago following Miss Kitty's break down....... My little sis Abby thought she would answer some of the questions Dadddy Dog has been flooded with. Here goes guys and ghouls.

Dear Abby is it true since Tasha's aids train incident has she passed the deadly disease to Alexis?
Love Tina
Hi Tina,
Though Daddy Dog has been hit with alot of emails explaning the circumstance of the infection of Alexis we are still unclear about the actual place and time of the infection. We have leads of actual facts that lead us to think it happened at one of Frankie's sex parties. Abby thinks Alexis's new Drag Name.... should be Infexi Lexi!
Should we be worried about those cysts on Adam's neck or is it just a natural occurance in the stock of bad Drag Queen's?
Hopefully Worried, Greg
How's It Going Greg, Abby has had the results of the Doctors conclusion about those growths for a while, but since its bad news we have decided to keep the closure of that question to our disclosure.
Abby I have been pondering on this for quite sometime. Why does Little Boo Boo keep telling everyone that he doesn't have the virus that causes AIDS, when everyone always knows Tasha is eat up with it.
Totally Confused, Venus
Hello Venus,
We at Abby's Office also had trouble with that idea, so we researched it and got the results from the Mayo Clinic. When someone like Boo denys the acquisition of the infection, They sometimes develop a Multi Personality Disorder, Wander where they ever got that expression "Loook at ya Tasha Anne, with you face alll painted up" Oh my nevermind thats Sible Ann.
How old really is that ole nasty Frankie Loggins?
- Jacob
Dear Jacob,
We can not find a date for such a birth so long ago. But on the downlow I hear he's almost 40.
Dear Abby, Is it true that Alexis got jailed for shoplifting a case of Roman Noodles?
Pondering on the existance of drag queens, Mike
Hello Mike, It is true that Alexis was jailed for shoplifting at Wal-Mart, but we think it was more along the lines of shoplifting something out of the beauty isle. But look at the whore, she needs the added beauty inhancement.

We also would like to bring some Headlines News into out paper... from the pages of Queer Daily.

Seems like the break in to the zodiac happened by a few drag queens in the area, but arrests are in prograss.