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Suicide! (and you know it, so... dont u have
something to do?)

Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x8902194)

The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x835e1b4)

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla Well that's a relief, you're only a Sadistic Bastard
'Sadistic Bastard' PLEASE VOTE!!!

What Type of Lunatic are You?
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x883ce48)
Ghost or spirit: You are a lost soul. Very calm and
sweet, you are often the one who asks: What if?
With a clever mind, you want to explore the
world on a different level. Without the
answers, you aren't ready to move on. You are
most likely very creative and find yourself
thinking things through on a different level.
(please rate my quiz)

**Where will you go when you die?**(now with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla Orestes2
My theme song should be: Orestes, by APC

Which A Perfect Circle Song Are You?
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What rating is your journal?

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My inner child is ten years old today

My inner child is ten years old!

The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. Whether
I'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lost
in a good book, or giggling with my best
friend, I live in a world apart, one full of
adventure and wonder and other stuff adults
don't understand.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
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The ULTIMATE personality test
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<<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics )

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You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
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You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete. So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
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Info Grey
Your Heart is Grey

What Color is Your Heart?
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Moon Goddess
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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Ichi - "That one with wisdom" Sponsored by

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
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Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and as many say
Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and
your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and
as many say "Your head is in the

What type of eyes do you have?
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You are Dillandau from "Escaflowne"! You are PSYCHOTIC evil.

ANIME QUIZ - Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
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From Pilot Candidate

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iron maiden jeanne
??Which Shaman King Character Are You???( Betta Pics )

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Which Megami Kouhosei character are you?

Take the Megami Kouhosei character selector to find out.
Sailor Saturn
You are most like Sailor Saturn. You may have a
dark side, but it barely exists because you are
just so sweet and good-hearted. You are a
child at heart, and people are drawn to your

Which Sailor Moon senshi are you?
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Result Goth
~Gothic~ You hate it all. You seek a release from
the pain of living. You have very few friends,
and are only close with those who understand
you. Your mysterious aura attracts people to
you, and chances are they find you very

What Type Of Girl Are You?
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You're A Villian! You evil person, you. You have a dark side to you.
Your destiny is world destruction/domination.
Just so long as those pesky heros stay out of
your way.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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Suicidal Gamer

(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you?
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img src="" border="0" alt="Dynamite Rave">
"We're gonna have a party, have a really great
time!" - You are "Dynamite
Rave". The ultimate dance song of DDR
that people love dancing to! So what is your
pick? The original version, or the Down-Bird
Sota mix? You decide!!

Which Naoki DDR song are you? ^_^
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You are Hikaru: You are honest/straight-forward. You are quite athletic, You are very good in martial arts, and you love fire!

What Magic Knight Rayearth character are you?
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You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on.

What inner color are you?

Unnatural hair color~ wild, crazy and fun
You would be the unnatural hair colored anime
character. You would be crazy, fun-loving, and
wild. You are a rebel with out a cause. Your
goal in life is to making something good of
yourself, but don't hurt others on the way up
the ladder.

*What anime character and personality would you be?*
brought to you by Quizillaallen schezar

ANIME QUIZ - Which Escaflowne Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Jane! A personal Favortie, Jane is Daria's right
hand man (or woman in her case) she is
sarcastic cynical and an outcast just like
daria she is very artistic and proud of her 12
years of straight Cs in math.

What Daria Character are you?
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You are Hanasaki Momoko

You are enthusiastic about helping your family and love to hang out with your friends. You tend to be boy crazy and love to go shopping. You are always ready to lend a hand for your friends. Often, you try too hard to help those who don't want it. Though you compete with your friends, you usually end up settling things best for everyone.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz

Which Hypocritical Hero character are you? By Nna

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

What Anime Art Style Are You?

What Anime Legend Are You?

What Anime Mech Are You?

What Anime Type Are You?

What Anime Stereotype Are You?

What Anime Vampire Are You?

What Berserk Character Are You?

What Cosplay Type Are You?

What DragonBall Girl Are You?

What Dragon-Half Character Are You?

What Forest Creature Are You?

What Inuyasha Villain Are You?

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What Magical Girl Are You?

What NERV Child Are You?

What Outlaw Star Character Are You?

What San-X Character Are You?

What Shirow Girl Are You?

What Shoujo Mascot Are You?

What Vandread Character Are You?

find your element at
Sailor Saturn
Your Ruler of darkness, ur nearly always unhappy or
depressed, most of the time your in a bad mood!
and u usually are alone! You can be heartless
at times but deep down u dont wanna b alone!!

Its just a personality quiz anime style (for girls only)
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Main Character
You are the main character type

!!~ What Type of Anime Character R U ~!!
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What FFVII character are you?? Find out here!!! by !!
Magical Being
Magical Being

.:: What's Your Anime Personalitiy? ::.
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Your anime hair color is green.

What is your anime hair color?
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You're a VAMPIRE Goth! You saw all those vampire
movies one too many times. Tell me you don't
have fang implants!

What kind of GOTH are you?
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If i was a Bodily Excretment i would be:
What kind of Excretment are you?

very morbid..
You are very morbid.. sometimes to the point of
insecurity.. sometimes you just don't know what
do to and you want a way to end the pain.....

How morbid are *YOU*?
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You are cutting
You are cutting

What Self-Mutilation Are You?
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Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
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Paranoid:Very High
Schizotypal:Very High
Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

I Will Take my own life!.
After going through with your own well thought out version of columbine you finally turn the gun on yourself... the thick coat of brains and coagulated blood was a bitch to get off the auditorium wall. You sure showed them!
Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!

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You're the sad smile,the one that regrets nearly
everything and is constantly wondering about
what could have been.You're not happy with your
situation and usually blame yourself because of
the bad things that have happened.Cheer up.

What Kind of Smile are You?
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You're Sensitive and you'd like to stay that way..
-Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to
stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much
Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally
charged. You definitely love the person you're
with, and always want to know how they're
feeling so you can make sure they're happy.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
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You represent... angst.
You represent... angst. You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about
everything. It's okay to sulk and be
depressed, but life is short, and you only get
one. It's only what you make it, and only you
can make it improve.

What feeling do you represent?
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Idealistic Virgin

What Kind of Virgin Are You?
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You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a
sense for the different and challenging, Walt
Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme
is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick
to write something that the rest of the world
doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate
yourself from the average joe. An author with a
true sense of self, you have confidence in your
abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO

What's YOUR Writing Style?
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What's your sexual appeal?
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I am terrifyingly evil! Find your soul type at


What is your reason for suicide?(with images)
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Suicidal Bitch.   You are often alone. But sometimes you like it that way. It's your way of protecting yourself from gettin ghurt. STOP THAT! You are giving yourself unneeded pain and grief
SUICIDAL BITCH You are a depressed child. You need some laughter
in your life. Why, you ask? Cause that frown
don't look good on you, hun!

(results contain pictures) What type of bitch are you?
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(females)what is one of your past lives? (results contain pictures)
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Angry eyes

What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results)
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What is your anime occupation? (pics)
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What is your strong point?(pics)
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What anime genre is your life?(pics)
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Angry: You will leave an angry suicide letter. You
are mad at all the fucking fucks in the world,
and you just cannot take it any longer. Your
consolation is that the world will now know how
screwed up it is thanks to you.

What Kind of Suicide Note Will You Leave?
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killing heidi- katrina
killing heidi- Katrina....the slow guitar only type

What song would you commit suicide to?
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Instead of caring what others think, you dwell too
much of what you think of yourself. You feel
you have to be perfect all the time, and when
you aren't you just want to self-destruct
yourself, it's the only way you can get your
agressions out.

Why Would You Commit Suicide?
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Nine Inch Nails - Hurt

You've made a lot of
wrong decisions, and this has left you with a
whole lot of nothing. The only thing you have
left is self-mutilation. You can't bring
yourself to commit suicide, so you sit around
all day long cutting yourself. You friends have
finally given up on you, leaving you alone with
the pain.

"Everyone I
Goes away in the end."

What song should be your suicide anthem?
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you are blood

Blood, Sweat, and Tears
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SELENE: You are selene!
Beautiful, vivacious,
fierce and seductive, Selene vowed she would
destroy Lycans after her family was murdered by
the werewolves. So ruthless is she that selene
is a member of the Death Dealers. This elite
Vampire warrior class's mission is to make the
Lycans extinct. This 127-year-old
"aggressive hunter of the underworld"
combines a mastery of ancient weaponry with
modern pleasures, such as driving Jaguars and
using computers. However, Selene's ambitions
are suppressed by Kraven. She longs for
Viktor's reawakening so that he becomes the
Vampire's regent once again.

Ever wish
you could be a vampire?
Click Here to become a Vampire!

Which UNDERWORLD character are you?
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You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying. "And The Vampire was all that remained on
the blood drowned creation. She attempted to
regrow life from the dead. But as she was
about to give the breath of life, she was
consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the
cycle began again."
Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek)
and Isis (Egyptian). The Vampire is associated with the concept of
death, the number 9, and the element of fire. Her sign is the eclipsed moon. As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic
individual. You may be a little idealistic,
but you are very grounded and down to earth.
You realize that not everything lasts, but you
savor every minute of the good times. While
you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you
have strong ties with people that will never be
broken. Vampires are the best friends to have
because they are sensible.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
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You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
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Maki - "Truly Rare" People of your personality type should visit:

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
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Night Walker
Night Walker, the second class of vampire. You are
depressive and introverted, making it hard to
reach you. Your servants are very few, because
you do not like to take prisoners. Your powers
are comprised of shadow magic. You are lonely
deep down inside, but won't let others see your
true self. You should try to open up more

What class of vampire are you? (more new images!)
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eating people

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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Your: Mysterious eyes. All in the title. Your independant secretive and myseterious. You appear cold and distant, but hey, at least no one messes with you.
Your: Mysterious eyes. All in the title. Your
independant secretive and myseterious. You
appear cold and distant, but hey, at leats no
one messes with you.

What type of eyes do you have?
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You are Spinnelsun or Suppi.. You are mature and a great thinker.. You dislike
childish people and hypocrites.. But, sometimes
you get a bit hot-headed.. So.. dun think too
much.. just be happy! :) Spinnelsun is the evolved form of Suppi. He like Keroberos represents the sun, but he also
represents the darkness. He has a similar character as Yue. Cold and doesn't
talk much. But he's also mature and shy. He is created by Eriol as a Guardian

Which Guardian of Cardcaptor Sakura are you?
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Don't look down upon me i'm not a freak i'm just me
You are This is the New shit! Your more bad ass and
mix between mosh pit and head banging! NOW
EVERYBODY SING ALONG! Babble babble bitch bitch
rebel rebel party party sex sex sex and don't
forget the violence!

Which song from Marilyn Mansons new cd
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Hurt- but making sure everyone around you is okay
instead of dealing with your own problems.
people wont mind if you set asid some time for

What personality is your face?
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Cutesy Romantic
Cutesy Romantic: AWwwww! Is that the first thing
people say when they hear about your new g/f or
b/f? Do you pray for a love-hate relationship
like anime characters have...ranma and akane or
inuyasha and kagome? *sigh* ^_^ you want a
cute, perhaps unnaturally-hair-colored mate,
one who probably doesn't realize they're madly
in love with you yet(or dont want to admit it),
but you know they like you deep down inside.
Very When Harry met Sally.

<< What Kind of Romantic Are You? >>
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You Are The Sad Wink!
You Are The Sad Wink!

(; What Kind Of Wink Are You? ;)
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<b> vintage wedding dress </b>
vintage congrats ur a vintage wedding dress

(for girls) wat kinda wedding dress should u have? now with pics
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Mystery. you want a boy who is very secretive but only expresses himself to you. he is intelligent and spontaneous. other ppl see him as creepy but hey he's all yours.......
Mystery. you want a boy with an untold past... he
keeps you guessing. he is spontaneuos and very
affectinate. he only expresses thoughts and
feeling around you..other ppl think he's
creepy...f- them........he's yours.....

(FINISHED YAY!!) What Kind of Boy Do you want (for girls only/ *unless your gay of course*)
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gothic fairy two words to describe you are deep, and wild.
you're so cool

(girls only) what kind of fairy are you? (w/pics)
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thoughtful fairy
you are a thoughtful fairy. you listen to your
friends problems and you make sure everyone
around you is satisfied. you write in your
diary and listen to music just to get away from
it all. you are beautiful inside and outside.

(has pretty pictures) what kind of fairy are you? (for gurls)
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*~ What kind of dreamer are you? ~*
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The Deep, Tormented Soul Artist
You are........The Deep Tormented Soul. You loath
the evil people even though at times you are in
that catagory. You probably paint -not pritty
pictures but large-scale passion-filled works
of art.

+*+What kind of Artist are You+*+
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..+*+..+*+..WAT KIND OF FLAME R U ? ..+*+..+*+..
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You are the Master Samurai. You are putting
yourself above your Master. There is the Master
inside you. Master who reached perfection and understood that he will
be reaching it all his life. You know
everything, but you say that you know nothing, you can do anything, but
there is no need to do anything. You are

::What kind of Samurai you are?::
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Ohmygosh you are lice. GET OFF MY HEAD GETOFFMYHEAAAD!!!
You are head lice and other related scalp
infections, including dandruff and cradle cap.
You are the nastiest thing in the world, and I
shudder to look at you. Out, demon spawn!

Aaah!!! What kind of horribly disgusting nasty thing are you?
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The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

find your inner PIE @

The Unicorn
You are most like the Unicorn. Quiet, reserved,
and very wise. You have no need for company,
and can carry on very well without it. You'd
be surprised by how many people look up to you
and love you. You might have a tendency to get
depressed easily, and would be appeased in
knowing other people out there can relate to
you. You could be fond of magick and other
fanciful things. Feel free to live a peaceful,
simple life; but don't be afraid to live.
You'll be better for experiencing the world.

Which Last Unicorn Character are you?
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You are most like Johnny.

Which Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (Comic Book #1) character are you? (Results contain pictures!) TAKE IT>RATE IT!
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You're a goth.

Which highschool stereotype are you? (Results contain pictures!)
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this is my way to live
What about yours? made by rav-chan

You are an Elf!

Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo
So goth you're dead!
You are every goth-kids dream!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)High

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test
You are semi-gothic
You are semi-goth

Are you a gothic Diva?
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very fucked.

what fucked version of hello kittie are you?
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Blood-and-Death Goth
Vampire Goth -- Perhaps the closest to the
"lolo goth," you are morbid and
dreary. You like to make people feel
uncomfortable around you, and you're happiest
when going to a highly public place with enough
friends who share your interests to make
massive crowds shifty. You have an unusual
liking to blood.

Which Gothic Stereotype Are You?
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Take The Goth Type Test

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You are MIYU from "Vampire Princess

ANIME QUIZ - Which Anime Vampire Are You?
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Take the Anime soundtrack Quiz

Find out what anime girl you are.

cold.. or are you?
Find out what bishonen you are.

What's Your Anime Power?

Loner Button
You are a loner! You hate all forms of life, and
spend your days hidden away from everyone.
You're probably a crack addict, too. But don't
worry. People who don't notice you probably
like you anyway. Whoever loves you or hates
you, you don't care, because you don't pay any
attention to them. You enjoy spending time in
the dark, janitor's closet. Jus be careful the
janitor doesn't find you.

What's Your Clique Label?
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i guess it's pretty safe to say you're angry, maybe
you turned the gun on a few other people before
painting the wall with the insides of your
skull, who knows? who cares? nobody really
liked you in the first place, better sooner
than later right?

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I Was I Am I Shall Be Again: Angry. Violent.
Gothic. The idolised first album.

Which Suicide Watch album should you purchase?
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You are Adrenaline! Young, confused and you think
you are aware of the world around you. Maybe
you are, maybe you aren't. Either way, you are
a kick ass album.

Which deftones album are you?
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Broken Heart. If there is anything I can do...

What is the state of your heart?
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Kitty Goth
Kitty Goth

What Kind of Goth Are You?
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Weed. Youre the baby of the drugs, and thats okay, because Im sure, I could do you all day.

Which drug should you be hooked on? [now with pictures]
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You are Mary Bell.
You are Mary Bell. At the ripe old age of 10 you
strangled a neighbor boy, afterwhich you carved
your initals into his skin. At his funreal you
laughed. Your next victim was a 3 year old. You
pushed him off the roof, resulting in a broken
skull. After he was found you went to his
mothers house and asked to see him, she replied
tha t he was dead. You smiled brightly and said
'Oh, I know he's dead. I wanted to see him in
his coffin." You horrid little girl you. -smacks your hand-

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
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depressed timid sad
Are you alright? You probably hear that alot even
if you aren't depressed. Smile once in a while,
it's not going to kill you.

How do people see you?
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Your Match Is Billy...well not really...because
Billy's MINE! We'll just say that you're most
compatible with him... Billy's unique and
artistic, and he's a guitarist (I love
guitarists.) And Paul says one of Billy's
greatest qualities is his kindness. He's just
a total sweetie. He's also got his own
clothing line: LeVeL 27. (Go check it out if
you havent already at You
prolly like tattoos, cuz Billy's got lots,
including a Nightmare Before Christmas one on
his lower right arm and the coolest Lord of the
Rings tattoo on his left wrist. (I love Lord of
the Rings!) And he's so sexy. Just look at
his gorgeous blue eyes (which look like they're
brown in the pic but in reality they're blue)
and his perfect jaw-line! (Yeah, I know...don't
ask...I think his jaw-line is so hot...and I
kinda have a thing for his neck, too...;)

>>> Which Good Charlotte Boy is Your Love Match? <<<
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What Kind of Drunk Are You?
I am punk music!!
Rock on, dude! You are Punk music!

What type of music are you?
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You Are Hate
You are Hate.
You care little to nothing about people and things
around you. You are consumed by feelings of
animosity and loathing towards everything or
one thing and it affects your view of all that
is around you.

What Emotion Are You?
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