_ ________ ______\\\_ / _ ______ _ ______ _____ _ ______ / / / /____\\\__ ¬\_\\\__ ¬\_ \\\__ ¬\_ / / / _____/ / / _/ / / _/ / /· / /· /____ · / /· \____/· /· \ / // / // / // / // / // // / / \________/\________/\________/____/ /____/____/____/cRu/1oo P R E S E N T S ____ Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 (C) Genki \ / ___\/_ _ _ \ /\/// Release Information ///_ .-\/----------------------------------------------------------------- - - : | | | Supplier......: TEAM UTOPiA Type..........: CDRWIN ISO | | Packager......: TEAM UTOPiA Release Date..: 02.07.2000 | | Protection....: Filesystem Rating........: You decide! ____ | | Cracker.......: TEAM UTOPiA Size..........: 31 x 15 MB \ / | | . . ___\/_ | : - - ----------------------) (o) (o) (--------------------------\ /\/--' \__._/\_.__/ \/ _ _||..||_ _ ____ _\\\\/_||_\////_ \ / )_||_( ___\/_ _ _ \ /\/// What's this all about?! ///_ .-\/----------------------------------------------------------------- - - : | | | Another quality release from your favourites... | | | | First it was the wide-open roads of the U.S.A. Next stop - the crowded | | Tokyo highways. Your addiction to raw horsepower and pedal-to-the-metal | | action has driven you to build the most powerful racing machine outside | | of Indy. Now, Tokyo's underground cult of midnight street racing lures | | you to its ultimate speed demon challenge. The tricked-out Sega | | Dreamcast version roars with enhanced graphics, extra modes, and new | | options. Choose from more than 25 customizable racecars, each with over | | 100 accessories to improve performance. Different race modes allows you | | to compete head-to-head, beat the clock, use your wins to upgrade your | | wheels, or use your lead to deplete your opponent's power. Better learn | | how to say "I accept this trophy" in Japanese. | | | | - Choose from more than 25 different, customizable import racers | | - Each car has over 100 accessories available to improve your | | performance | | - Beautifully rendered cars with realistic, dynamic, night time lighting | | effects | | - Incredible sense of speed - over 60 frames per second | | - Near realistic driving control through the Sega 'Force Feedback' | | Racing Wheel and/or Dreamcast controller | | - Encounter over 200 rival cars and drone trucks and cars | | - Intense, driving soundtrack | | - Non-linear highway system with a series of on and off ramps that | | change the course/route in the middle of a race | | - Several different modes of gameplay including: Practice mode, Quick | | Race, Beat The Clock, Point Battle, Quest mode, and Versus mode | | - Customize you car right down to creating a custom license plate | | | | ____ | | \ / | | . . ___\/_ | : - - ----------------------) (o) (o) (--------------------------\ /\/--' \__._/\_.__/ \/ _ _||..||_ _ ____ _\\\\/_||_\////_ \ / )_||_( ___\/_ _ \ /\/// Regards and Application ///_ .-\/----------------------------------------------------------------- - - : | | | We express our gratitude to: | | | | Laxity - Shock - 2000AD - XCRYPT - MANIFEST DESTINY | | | | Myth - SLT - SWAT - CSWCN | | | : - - -------------------------------------------------------------- - - : | | | UTOPiA is looking for: | | | | - CRACKERS/KEYGEN MAKERS/CODERS | | - SUPPLIERS OF ANY UNRELEASED SOFTWARE ON ANY PLATFORM | | - BOX OWNERS/SUPPLIERS | | - EURO/US SITES (T3 minimum) | | | | If you like to apply you know where to find us, if not... well, we do | | not need you anyway! ____ | | \ / | | . . ___\/_ | : - - ----------------------) (o) (o) (--------------------------\ /\/--' \__._/\_.__/ \/ _ _||..||_ _ _\\\\/_||_\////_ )_||_(