+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TITLE : Windows CE exe loader . |---------------.----------------------------------------------------------. | PUBLISHER : ******** | SPEECH : N/A . | File Format : .zip | GAME SYSTEM : Sega Dreamcast . | CDS : 1 | SPECIAL : Wince programs! . | SUPPLIER : iHULK/oPiATE | RELEASE DATE : 7-10-2001 . +----------------------------------^-------------------- - - - - . | RELEASE NOTES: · | =========================================================================| | ! the mega hit of the year on only Silverwarez could bring it to you. | | Thats right! this program runs Most to All Windows CE programs! so get | | ready to go have some fun with win ce on your dreamcast! | | | | Features: | | | | Windows CE program loading | | | | | | =========================================================================| | SPECIAL NOTE: | | You're gonna need a keyboard for this release so make sure you have one! | `------------------------------------------------------- - - - - ----'