.... . ..:::::..... __ ::::: ::::: _____ __ / //________::::: _ ____\\_ _ _____ _/ //_____. ___ /::: / /__\\_ _ _/ | _/ /:::: / / / | \\_________:::: ____________ / _______| diP/dTR ::::: _ ___________ _____ :::::__ ___\\_ _ ____ ::::: //_______ _) / /_\\_ /___:::::___ / _ / _/ /::::: _/ / · s T O N E a R T S ! /________ _::::\\______ _ __________/:::: ::::: LiVE LONG AND SMOKE GRASS \'::: \' \' StOnE(aRtS) pReSeNt`Z RECORD OF LODOSS WAR -=>> USA!!! ------------------------------------------------------ Dumper: UpInSm0ke aka MiNiSm0ke System: DC Style: DiSKjUGGLER! / sELF-boOT! aNOTHER pHAT gAME!!!! heheh.. some wonders "warez the STONEARTS ??" well.. as maybe you see the DREAMCAST SCENE makes a little slow now.. tzee!! not many new games and SA is a PHAT crew we like to SGACTW hehehe and we relaese only HiGH QUALiTY gamez.. not all crap like EURASIA (lames) so we w8 for good game.. and here it is !!! sToNe(aRtS) cReW sMoKe gRaSs aNd cUrE tHe wOrLd 2oo1 <<=- thanx for UpInSm0ke the kewl dood who make a release this game for us ! and thanx also for the new dummy who make a test game to reassure work, thx STEVE ! =) thiz game is about the phantasy timez with dungeon`Z and dragon`Z.. hehe. u know in them times there was alot of WEED ?? ALCHEMiST`Z are kewl dudes hehehe make PHAT weed ! i play thiz game with a Record_Of_Lodoss_War_TRAINER_Plus69_HEHEHE-SA ( we releaze thiz tommorow ! tzee ! ) and select secret "SGACTW" heheha phat. why use sword for f8 when instead make ya a SMOKE ? hehe yo check in the next day`Z for more sToNe(aRtS) scene DOMiN8iON ! Da Group Greet`Z: ----------------- - - MNC - DX - OS - HS - DCS - UTP - - KAL - NIL - PDX - QSR - NFL - ATX - TC - Call this side for fast and good blunted -=* StOnEaRtS *=- Warez: ------------------------------------------------------------------ WhQ = VI / FTp by dA SUPREME! EHq = TT / bBS by Da Z-BOY!