.... . ..:::::..... __ ::::: ::::: _____ __ / //________::::: _ ____\\_ \_ _____ _/ //_____. \___ /::: / /__\\_ \_ _/ | _/ /:::: / / / \ | \\_________\:::: ____________\ / \ __\_____| diP/dTR ::::: _ _____\______\ _____ :::::__ ___\\_ \_ ____ ::::: //_______ _) / /_\\_ /___:::::___ / \ _ / _/ /::::: _/ / · s T O N E a R T S ! /____\____\ \ \_::::\\______\ _ _____\_____/:::: ::::: '::: ' ' StOnE(aRtS) pReSeNt`Z LOVE HiNA (C) MY M8`Z AT DIZ PLACE SEGA !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dumper: aphex- !!!! STiLL HAZ THE iLL BEHAViOR m8`Z !!! tALK to diZ dude on EFNET for kewl dc chat and trade !!! hE hAS MuCH wAREZ! anD aLSO gRaSs!!! aND aLSO GD-ROM rIP tOOLz! System: DC Style: DiSC juGGLAH (sELF - boOTiNG!) m8`Z check thiz phat DATiNG GAME from Sega !! maybe U like thiz one... or maybe not ?!??!?! but guezz who needz thiz ? LIGHTFORCE !!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA HAVE U SEEN thiZ ugly fuckerz ???? hahahaha... HEY ANDY0 WHY DIDN'T UR MOM MAKE U TAKE A RETAKE FOR THE 7TH GRADE CLASS PHOTO !!!! U IS UGLY !!!!!! only way thiz dude`Z can get girl`Z i guezz... hehehhhh =) BTW faggitz u notice i talk about the game in diz nfo ?? i hear some gay`Z liek .... "HEY STONEART`Z WHY DONT U WRITE ABOUT THE GAME IN NFOZ I AM DUMB" diz sux!! i here diz at some like WWW.DCiSoNEWS.COM ..... who iz thiz gay ????? shut up !!!! SORRY M8`ZZ !!!! i do not mean to be -=>>MAD<<=- ... juzt sometime`Z diz lamer`Z make me PiSsEd and i think`Z like... WTF ??? why rlz DC game`Z with diz fAGGiT lamer`Z ???? diz sux if U r real -==>>sTONE(aRT)<<=-`Z fan then you are the real one`Z diz game iz for.. we here juzt for peace !! some not understand ??. all want is PEACE !!!! (most in ISRAEL !!!) !!! not war man.. fux diz it sux.. i see on news bombs in palestine for isreal... what iz diz ?????? jooo... now iM PiSsEd... bbl after smoke STiX feel good ! Da Group Greet`Z: ----------------- - - MNC - DX - OS - HS - DCS - UTP - - KAL - NIL - PDX - QSR - NFL - ATX - TC - - NO GREETS TO FAG`Z and Na`Zi`Z in LFC! NO GREETZ TO RKR HE IZ A NAZI NO GREETZ TO RKR HE IZ A NAZI NO GREETZ TO RKR HE IZ A NAZI NO GREETZ TO RKR HE IZ A NAZI NO GREETZ TO RKR HE IZ A NAZI (AND PEDOPHiLE !!!) !!! Call this side for fast and good blunted -=* StOnEaRtS *=- Warez: ------------------------------------------------------------------ WhQ = VI / FTp by dA SUPREME! EHq = TT / bBS by Da Z-BOY! m8Z ne1 have iZRAEL HQ 4 uZ to CHiLL WiTH ????? -=*" SmOkE gRaSs AnD CUrE thE WoRLD !!! "*=-