.... . ..:::::..... __ ::::: ::::: _____ __ / //________::::: _ ____\\_ \_ _____ _/ //_____. \___ /::: / /__\\_ \_ _/ | _/ /:::: / / / \ | \\_________\:::: ____________\ / \ __\_____| diP/dTR ::::: _ _____\______\ _____ :::::__ ___\\_ \_ ____ ::::: //_______ _) / /_\\_ /___:::::___ / \ _ / _/ /::::: _/ / · s T O N E a R T S ! /____\____\ \ \_::::\\______\ _ _____\_____/:::: ::::: LiVE LONG AND SMOKE GRASS '::: ' ' StOnE(aRtS) pReSeNt`Z JET COASTER DREAM 2 (C) SEGA -------------------------------------------------- Dumper: _ht^ AKA JEFF SLOWCUM AND m8 ZANER/LFC THE GR8 TWO TEAM !!! System: DC Style: DiSKjUGGLER! / sELF-boOT! diZ game is kwel ! build ROLLER(cOASTER!) for make world peace !! plz don`T play diz game if u not let jewish or black or some not in rollercoaster ! diz is unkwel ! we need make world peace ! =( !! check diZ.. update 4 YOU !! THE CRISIS IN WALES !!! AND UPDATE !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m8 SWEED of HiGH SOCiETY !! kwel gay men of WELSH !! =) if jo read not last nfo then i make you past nfo !! SWEED sick (AiD`Z suxxxxxxxxxx) because he make sex wither other gay mens of HiGH SOCiETY such as Rico, Roadhouse (king of N64!!) and Cartman !!! check diz: SWEED back from HOSPiTAL ! they make him THYROiD REMOVE becuz is over weight ! diz is not kwel. we are all brotherZ and sisterZ in diz world and even if u FAT ( 400lbs. or ?????? ) we must love ! even gay mens of HiGH SOCiETY OF WALES !!! SWEED jo m8 !! u is m8 of SA ! i dream of day we stand on bridge and smoke grass to cure world with megaphone and cry for freedom ! shit ! we must cure diz world ! i love you ( not sexual ) diz game also dedicate for you ! i also dream of day the FAGiTS at amusement parks let you on the rollercoaster and not say some like "no fagit ur too fat for diz !!!!!!!!" =(((((((((( THE CRISIS IN SOME MOUNTAINS ??? WARE IS DIZ ???? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jo ! hear diz girl -=>> HEiDi ?? is little girl 10 year`Z of have age ! she is in some mountain`Z littlegirly with the little tit ! but not too young for RKR^LFC and ZANER^LFC !! diz mens make sex with her !! diz is unkwel ! i see RKR is catched for poh poh with nazi music ! yes this is the way for freedom ! P.S. ( READ DIZ SIDEOPS !!!!!!!! ) we search muzaker and sideops for more sides for SA warex ! plz talk to us if u have MP3`Z on side !! we are not on fast sides with MP3 i want to hear music diz sux. my dream is for smoke grass with fast sideop and listen for MP3 make cure the world ! s T o N e a R t Z d O N ` T d i Z ! ! ! ! ! ! all text diz here is (c) _ht^ Da Group Greet`Z: ----------------- - - MNC - DX - OS - HS - DCS - UTP - - KAL - NIL - PDX - QSR - NFL - ATX - TC - - JO !!! PAUL REZENDES !!! SUP M8 !!! - - NO GREETS TO FAG`Z and Na`Zi`Z in LFC! Call this side for fast and good blunted -=* StOnEaRtS *=- Warez: ------------------------------------------------------------------ WhQ = VI / FTp by dA SUPREME! EHq = TT / bBS by Da Z-BOY! -=*" SmOkE gRaSs AnD CUrE thE WoRLD !!! jOPS !!!"*=-