.... . ..:::::..... __ ::::: ::::: _____ __ / //________::::: _ ____\\_ \_ _____ _/ //_____. \___ /::: / /__\\_ \_ _/ | _/ /:::: / / / \ | \\_________\:::: ____________\ / \ __\_____| diP/dTR ::::: _ _____\______\ _____ :::::__ ___\\_ \_ ____ ::::: //_______ _) / /_\\_ /___:::::___ / \ _ / _/ /::::: _/ / · s T O N E a R T S ! /____\____\ \ \_::::\\______\ _ _____\_____/:::: ::::: LiVE LONG AND SMOKE GRASS '::: ' ' StOnE(aRtS) pReSeNt`Z ESPN NBA 2NiTE -=>> USA !! <<=- ----------------------------------------------------- Dumper: aNTiLAMER aka iRONfAR System: DC Style: DiSKjUGGLER! / sELF-boOT! smoke stix while play diz ! CHECK IT !!! MAJOR HERE !!! ok.. we feel some h8 .. some ppl h8`Z diz grp. where is the love ??? check it.. we want to set some facts str8 !! 1) NO FAGiTS ! This is NOT a SiLVER made by R18 or some other FAGiT`Z !! thiz is 1oo% GD-ROM RiP.. we are not some lamerZ like EURASiA, LiGHTFORCE, BRiBE, etc who can only release silvers ! we are expert craxxer`Z and haxxer`Z ! diz game is 1oo% USA and 1oo% GD-ROM RiP !!! FOR UR PLEASURE !!!! 2) so maybe you say DIZ: but stonearts !! why never release kwel USA gamex before? CHECK IT -=>> ANSWER: tha stonearts crew release only the gamez we like !! why release some lame ?? we love BASKETBALL !! from now on - only USA games we release must be BASKETBALL !! or maybe BmX with BOB HARO hehehe i love diz men !! we sit in netherland coffee ( weed ! ) shop and make world peace ! diz is kewl !! w8.. what was i talk about ?? hehehehh... check it ! only USA gamez we interest in is BASKETBALL !!! expect two more kwel BASKETBALL game diZ week ( jes two from diz mens: SEGA ! ) !!! 3) stonearts is a kwel crew for world peace ! give credit where due is credit !! check it !! diz game is 1oo% RiPPED and CRACKED by the legendary iRONFAR aka aNTiLAMER on 18-11-oo, dIZ mens is kwel hermit from Seattle who crack only kwel game`Z ! stonearts is the future !! check us ! LONG LIVE STONEARTS AND SMOKE GRASS FOR MAKE WORLD PEACE ! I LOVE YOU NOT SEXUAL MENS !!!!! ( AND WOMENS !! ) BIG TiTS IS RELIGION ! Da Group Greet`Z: ----------------- - - MNC - DX - OS - HS - DCS - UTP - - KAL - NIL - PDX - QSR - NFL - ATX - TC - - JO !!! PAUL REZENDES !!! SUP M8 !!! - - NO GREETS TO FAG`Z and Na`Zi`Z in LFC! Call this side for fast and good blunted -=* StOnEaRtS *=- Warez: ------------------------------------------------------------------ WhQ = VI / FTp by dA SUPREME! EHq = TT / bBS by Da Z-BOY! -=*" SmOkE gRaSs AnD CUrE thE WoRLD !!! jOPS !!!"*=-