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So after the | | ©° Hooligans ripped DP3, I decided to take it upon myself to try | | °©° ° and get the emulator working with the roms that I've | | ©°° collected over the years. This release has 110 Sega MegaDrive | | °©° ° (Sega Genesis) roms included with it, and they all work | | ©°° perfectly with this great emulator! The speed, sound and | | °©° ° compatibility of this emulator is FAR superior to that horrid | | ©°° SmashPack thing... (@. @)~ I've also made a boot-up file for | | °©° ° this release, so when you start the browser, you will be | | ©°° greeted with the page I've specially created for this hack | | °©° ° of Dream Passport 3! The 110 roms each have screenshots, one | | ©°° of the title screen, and one of the actual gameplay. I have | | °©° also included important information regarding each game, such | | ©°° ° as how many players are supported, what language the title is | | °©° in, and what genre it falls under~ (^o^) Obviously, I've put | | ©°° ° a lot of effort into this project, and I really hope that | | °©° some people will find it to be as interesting as I do. I was | | ©°° also EXTREMELY surprised to see that SEGA of Japan had | | °©° included about 43 roms within the actual Dream Passport disc! | | ©°° ° It came as even more of a shock to me when I realized that | | °©° 90% of those 43 roms have never been emulated before!! So if | | ©°° there are any rom collectors out there, you'll be sure to | | °©° ° love this release!! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get | | ©°° the PC Engine (Turbo Grafx 16) aspect of the emulator to work | | °©° properly yet, but I'm going to continue trying! If there's | | ©°° ° anyone out there who would like to contribute to this project | | °©° ° in any way possible, please send me a note at: | | ©°° popnmusic@hushmail.com | | °©° Hopefully with a little help, we can get this to be one of | | ©°° the best applications on the Dreamcast!!! (^o^) | | °©° And just a side note, the Dream Passport itself is still | | ©°° ° fully functional, so you can surf the web or play your | | °©° favorite Genesis game~! Unfortunately, the Hooligans had to | | ©°° ° rip a LARGE portion of this disc due to its huge size... | | °©° Guru Guru Onsen Puchi (online table-game), as well as some of | | ©°° the graphics and all of the voice was ripped when they | | ©° ° released this title. I would definitely recommend that anyone | | °© who owns a Dreamcast pick up the real GDRom of Dream Passport | | © ° 3, as it's one of the most innovative applications on the | | ° Dreamcast to date! Look for more from popnmusic soon (^^;;~ | | | | . | | *~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~* - . | | ° *news* ° - - . | | * ```` * *~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~* | | ° i am currently seeking people to help ° ° *salutations* ° | | * design a flash website~ $$$ incentive- * * ``````````` * | | ° experienced persons apply at: ° ° ° | | * popnmusic@hushmail.com * * - SKYSKY - * | | ° ° ° ° | | * i am also interested in forming a new * * - lady pooh bear - * | | ° release group under this name, or ° ° ° | | * joining another group~ send an email * * - younguns10 - * | | ° to above address if interested (^c^)c ° ° ° | | *~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~* *~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~* | | | | .-. -=we will someday embrace=- .-. | | / \ .-. .-. / \ | | / \ / \ .-. .. .-. / \ / \ | |/-------\-------/-----\-----/---\---/--\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\| | \ / \ / `-' `-' \ / \ / | | \ / `-' `-' \ / | | `-' `-' | | | | |_ ,_ _ _-|-|_ ',_ _ |'.-._ _ ,_ _| _ | _ _-|-' _ | | |_)| (/_(_|| | ||| |(_| |||-(/_ (_|| |(_| |_)|(_|/_)| |(_ °©°©°©° | | -=bElivE iN mE=- ,_| | _ _|,_-|-',_,_, _ ,_-|- | | °©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©°©° /_)(/_| || || | |(/_| || ~ | | -=-i aM loNgiNG foR yoU-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | | . | | . | | ,d88b, . __.| | 888888 . .--WWII| | `?88P' . __ ,'WWII::.| | .MW:`-. /WWII::.. | | . _.MWII:'. `. . ,'WII::.. | | -=dreaming cotton candy=- _.-MWII::'. `-. ,'WWI::. | | . _..vvvv,'WWII::' `.'WII::. | | ,-'WI:'''/WII:'. \WI:. | |--------------------.==.--,'WWI:'. /WI:'. :. `.I:. | | -. 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