______ ________________________ ____ __ _____ _ __ ________ / ____/ / _________________________ __ ___ _ /__ ___/ / / / /_______ _________ _________ __ _ _ __ _ _ / / / /___ /_______ / / _____ / / __________ __ _ _ __ _ _ / / /___ / ______ / / / /____/ / / / __ ___ __/ /______ / / / __ / / / / _______/ / /___ / /__ __/ \__ /__________/ / / / /_/ / / / / / __ / ____/ / ___/ / \ _ _ __ __/ / /_____/ / / / / / / / /____ / / ______ [ iSoSPHeRe ] _ __ _____/ _______/ / / / / /___ /ŠTrK!_/ / / / __ / \__ __/ /________/ / / / __ / /_/ / /_/ / \___/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / ____/ / /____ __ _ _ _ Presents... /_____ _ __ _ _ . /-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\ . . : : [ Sonic Adventures / PAL *MULTILANGUAGE*] : : . . . . \-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/ . : /=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\ . \ / : | / Origin.... > EURO \ | \ Date...... > 1-26-01 / . | / Platform.. > Sega Dreamcast(DC) \ \ Archives.. > 27 RARS / | / Filename.. > iph-sad.rar \ | \ Format.... > DiscJuggler (CDi) / | / CD(s)..... > 1 [74 min.] \ | \ Ripped.... > Only Audio Downsampled / / \ | | \=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=/ | | | | _______ _ [ Release Notes ] _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | This is a fine release, very difficult to rip (a diference with | | | Kalisto release, this only have ripped (downsampled) audio), | | | we decided to release this game, for PAL users, | | | and its MULTILANGUAGE, hope you enjoy it ! | | | We heard european version had some fixes towards | | | the USA one, expect more releases from iSoSPHeRe! | | |________ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | _______ _ [ Game Info ] _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ | | | | | | Publisher: SEGA | | | Developer: SONIC TEAM | | | Genre....: ACTION | | | Origin...: EUROPE | | | Players..: 1 | | | For the game review, please visit: | | | *http://dreamcast.ign.com/reviews/10140.html | | |________ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ [ Requests! ] _ _______ | | | | | * We are looking for siteops who wanna take us as affil on | | | 10mbit (MIN) site | | | * free suppliers | | | * eXperienced crackers who want to help us out | | | * Shell providers (3gigs + min T1 ) | | | *** NO COURRIERS *** / NO LEIM PPL | | | | | | >> if you think you can help us you can chat with us on | | | #****** in EFNET or send email to | | isosphere@hushmail.com << | | | _ _ _ _ _ __ _________________| | | | | _______ _ [ Greets ] _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | >>> our admiration goes to <<< | | | | | | Utopia - Echelon - Kalisto - Hooligans - Paradox | | | Special greets to SPHiNKS! | | |________ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | | \_______________________________________________________________________/