_____ ______ \\ |____ ____ ____ /\___ ____ ____ ____ ____ \\ __/__ _\ | /___\__ \___\__ \_/ /___\ /___\ _ \___\__ \___\__ \_/\_____ \_ \__ _ __/ / _/ / _/ / _/ \/_/ / __/ __ _/ / _/ / / / | \_______\_______\_______\_____\____ \___/___\___/___\____ / / /____| \_ : : _/ | senser[sac] /____// |_____// :.. . [ HOOLiGANS ] . ..: \\_____| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- VERMILION DESERT *JAP* (C) Riverhillsoft -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Supplier: 1inch killah Platform: Dreamcast Release Date: 09/12/2000 Disks: 2 * 20 Mb -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DIZ: -=- Vermilion Desert is a military strategy title for the Dreamcast. The game lets you take control of a military unit and set out on several covert missions in several environments. Along the way you'll be required to give your team optimal weaponry and choose your fight paths. Note: U need a 80 min blank for that one! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Regards only goes to: INTERGANG, PDX, DMAISO, TOXISO, MiNiME, SA, PDi and NBC. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ____ ____ ___ ______ _____ ____ ___ ______ _\_ | _/_ ____ _ __ _____ \ ___/__ _ \ \/ _/_ ___/__ \ / \ _____ /___ \_ \ / ___ \_ \ \ /_____ / \___l___/ | \_ \ / /___/_____/___l____/__\___/_______/-M <-------\_________/ | \____/------------------------------------> \_________/ We are looking for new talented hardcore membaz (so dont email for nutin else we wont reply, understood ?!) - Some Guys able to supply NEW original games NOT on the net. PSX, PS2, DC rippers, PC, VCD, N64, GBC... suppliers are welcome! - Some Doods who know how to code and crack. - NO FUCKIN COURRIER nor ANYTHING ELSE ! So if you think you can give more than only staying sitted on ur fat ass write to: apply.now@hushmail.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-