_____ ______ \\ |____ ____ ____ /\___ ____ ____ ____ ____ \\ __/__ _\ | /___\__ \___\__ \_/ /___\ /___\ _ \___\__ \___\__ \_/\_____ \_ \__ _ __/ / _/ / _/ / _/ \/_/ / __/ __ _/ / _/ / / / | \_______\_______\_______\_____\____ \___/___\___/___\____ / / /____| \_ : : _/ | senser[sac] /____// |_____// :.. . [ HOOLiGANS ] . ..: \\_____| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GRANDIA 2 *JAP-SELF BOOTING-FULLY WORKING* (C) UBI Soft -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Supplier : mo' punanny Platform: Dreamcast Release Date: 10/16/2000 Disks: 32 * 20 Mb -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DIZ: -=- Grandia was awarded CESA (Computer Entertainment Software Association) reward in 1997 when it first out for SEGA Saturn. By its cool battle system, dynamic actions of characters, exciting story line, Grandia is appraised as highly. This version is more improved and optimized for Dreamcast. The graphism are really somes of the best i saw for such game Note: the Other version from Kalisto was freezing in the game, this is fixed now. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Regards only goes to: iNTERGANG, DMAISO, TOXISO, MiNiME, PDi and NBC. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ____ ____ ___ ______ _____ ____ ___ ______ _\_ | _/_ ____ _ __ _____ \ ___/__ _ \ \/ _/_ ___/__ \ / \ _____ /___ \_ \ / ___ \_ \ \ /_____ / \___l___/ | \_ \ / /___/_____/___l____/__\___/_______/-M <-------\_________/ | \____/------------------------------------> \_________/ We are looking for new talented hardcore membaz (so dont email for nutin else we wont reply, understood ?!) - Some Guys able to supply NEW original games or movies NOT on the net. PSX, PS2, VCD, PC, VCD, N64, GBC... suppliers are welcome! - Some Doods who know how to code and crack. - NO FUCKIN COURRIER nor ANYTHING ELSE ! So if you think you can give more than only staying sitted on ur fat ass write to: apply.now@hushmail.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-