__|_____ _________________________________________________________|__ | .| : _ ___ _________ - E C H E L O N - .::| ___ ________ _______ __ / ___ ________________ _________ _________ _____ \/ _/ / _/___ _____ \ /_/ _ \__\ _ \ _/ / _/ | / \_/ / // / _____ / / / // // ____// |_// / // _____/ _/_/ // / / / \_________\_________/_____/_____/\_________/\____\______/_____/_____/_____/ -rtx/art __|_________________________________________________________ _____|__ | | `- Proudly Presents: Game.....: Deep Fighter (C) Ubisoft / Criterion Studios Origin...: USA - NTSC - Filename.....: E-DEEPF1/2.001 Released.: September 5th, 2000 - Format.......: DiscJuggler (CDI) Platform.: Sega Dreamcast (DC) - CD(s)........: 2 CD1 Info.: 26 RARS / 74 MINS - CD2 Info.....: 30 RARS / 74 MINS - --- Release Notes ------------------------------------------------> Deep Fighter is underwater battles at its best on the Dreamcast. In your Mini sub, you must protect your people and destroy all hostile creatures that may swim your way! As a private in the Defense Force led by The General, players take on deadly missions to seek out and destroy enemies, perform reconnaissance into uncharted waters and rescue damaged craft & installations. Meanwhile droids and drones scuttle around busily maintaining and repairing the slowly crumbling city. With the ultimate objective of the construction of a giant mother ship, the Leviathan, that will transport the entire civilization away from hostile waters. Game Features: - Seek out and destroy your enemies - Perform reconnaissance into uncharted waters - Rescue damaged craft & installations - Orchestrate the repair and strategic defense of mining installations - Herd great schools of fish - Discover, explore and uncover the secrets of each land - Player controlled vehicles utilising real physical properties, allowing precise control and 'feels right' factor for each and every vehicle - Complex collision system, allowing objects to be controlled, pushed, pulled , or attached to via physically modelled chains all with correct behavior - Realistic explosions - Exploded parts are thrown around, sometimes exploding again when hitting the landscape or sometimes floating to the water surface to be collected for scrap Crack Notes: This is the first game in which you can actually swap the disks on disk swap. We had to remove the games CD checks and replace them with our own CD checks. It also needed these replaced in order to boot either one of the CDs. It's also been made self-boot using a new method, and has the CDDA tracks intact. Thanks to all Echelon members who have spent endless hours on this game over the last few days and beat it all the way through. - --- Group News ---------------------------------------------------> And a new group breaks into the bustling Dreamcast scene. We had the skills to do most things that KALISTO has done while they were doing it, but hey, why bother if they're doing all releases already? Now that KALISTO has stopped, we thought it would be a good time to emerge and start releasing for the public. We are not a bunch of newbies, actually most of us have several years of experience in the scene. We do ask that you leave us alone and we will try to do our best for the DC scene. We do not want to be contacted nor do we want any stupid rumors or other shit started about us. Just keep in mind that we're doing this for free and not asking you to do anything in return except enjoy our work. We're here only to release games and have fun. - --- Releases -----------------------------------------------------> Num Game Title & Publisher Origin Date --- ---------------------- ------ ---- 001 Flag To Flag CART Racing (C) Sega Sports USA/NTSC 09/04/00 002 Deep Fighter (C) Ubisoft / Criterion USA/NTSC 09/05/00 - --- Greetings ----------------------------------------------------> KALISTO, FAIRLIGHT, CLASS, DEVIANCE, MYTH, PARADOX, CCS, ACCESSION, STATIC, MENACE, EURASIA, CAPITAL, LIGHTFORCE, AGGRESSION, UTOPIA, NBC & RAZOR 1911. - ----------------[ Echelon Dreamcast 2000 - You Will Believe! ]---->