. _ _ o . - - - - ---÷ -\/-- --÷------. __(_) .____ _____. _____. _____. _____. _____. .____. .____ ._____ _ | _\/_ _|___ \/ __|_/ __|_/ __ |_/ ___|_/ ___|_|____|_|__ \_|___ \\ | \/\/ / _/ \ | \ | \ \__| \____ \____ \ | | \ | \ | : / ! \ ! \ ! \ / \ / \ / \ | ! \ | \ | ¦ \_________/_______/_______/_______/_______/_______/ |________/__!____/ | `--÷-- ------- ---- --÷- ------ -÷--. ¦ ¦pSy! .--÷-- --÷--' .-' Accession 2k' : : `- ---. `÷--- - - . . : Carved From Flesh and Blood THE BOOZEN BUDS!! FROM ACC ARE BACK WITH ANOTHER FIRSTIE! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TITLE : TOY COMMANDER . |---------------.----------------------------------------------------------. | PUBLISHER : SEGA | SPEECH : N/A . | BACKUP FORMAT : BIN/CUE | GAME SYSTEM : Sega Dreamcast . | CDS : 1 | SPECIAL : Covers . | SUPPLIER : Team Accession | RELEASE DATE : 10-07-2000 . +----------------------------------^-------------------- - - - - . | RELEASE NOTE: · | =========================================================================| | The bedroom battle has begun! A child's room full of toys comes to life | | in "Toy Commander," an innovative action game for Sega Dreamcast. "Toy | | Commander" is an exciting new 3D video game created by No Cliche where | | the player takes control of his childhood toys and goes through | | challenges laid out by his rebellious toys. | | | | Special Features | | * Realistic and fully explorable 3D environments. | | * More than 50 hours of gameplay laid out in over 40 missions. | | * Three unique playing modes in Multi-Player. | | * Split screen capability allows for action to up to four players. | | * Eight arenas and 35 vehicles to alternate and control. | | * Players combat a wide variety of enemies, ranging from toys to | | household items. | | =========================================================================| | SPECIAL NOTE: | | All music has been ripped from this game FOR A REASON. Like Snow Surfers | | the music for this game is done with CDDA, not file-streamed audio. For | | whatever reason, it is not possible for cracked DC games to playback | | CDDA audio when using Utopia's Boot Loader v1.1. If CDDA playback | | becomes available in the future you can expect updates from us! And a | | message to those who scream that other releases have CDDA. Listen, "This | | is a Dreamcast disc..." ;) | `------------------------------------------------------- - - - - ----' How to contact A<<3SSiON: -======================- Via Email : accession2k@accession.org Via WWW : Still under construction Via IRC : #accession on efnet NOTE: We do not email, snailmail or ftp missing parts of our releases .------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. | | | WE WOULD LIKE TO GREEET ALL OUR FRIENDS IN CRIME | | | | CIFE - DVN - PDM - F4CG - RZR - HBD - CLS - XPS - UCL - FSN - LVL4 - OGN | | OLDSKOOL - CONSOLEX - WACKYISO - NIL - LGDISO - CiFE - KALiSTO | | Crapsx - Psf - Carnage - DvniSo - TFAiSO - Paradox | | | `---------------------------------------------------- - - - - - ---' ooOO Legends Never Die OOoo