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FROM ACC ARE BACK WITH ANOTHER FIRSTIE! +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TITLE : NEXT TETRiS ONLiNE EDiTiON [USA/NTSC] W/CDDA & Self Boot . |---------------.----------------------------------------------------------. | PUBLISHER : Crave | SPEECH : N/A . | BACKUP FORMAT : Check below | GAME SYSTEM : DreamCast . | CDS : 1 | SPECIAL : With Audio & Covers . | SUPPLIER : R18? | RELEASE DATE : 28.12.2000 . +----------------------------------^-------------------- - - - - . | RELEASE NOTE: · | Back to the R00ts, this time with audio! Smells like Silence b4 storm? | ========================================================================= | You really can't go wrong with a great formula like Tetris. One of the | best-selling games of all time now comes to you in its latest, most | visually impressive form, The Next Tetris, Online Edition for the | Dreamcast. Our preview copy revealed a very slick presentation, with an | obvious high-tech, futuristic theme. Robotic arms and computer panels | spring out to reveal your menu choices in a nicely done, not too garish | way. Modes available include classic Tetris in single- and multiplayer | modes, as well as TNT mode with online support for round-based head-to- | head matches and two different marathon games. There's even access to a | nifty practice mode if you feel the need to bone up on your MENSA | training before you compete with the rest of the country. | | The graphics are clean and sharp, and they do well by not being | overpowering or distracting. The window flips and turns that you feel | after an opponent's multiline combo in TNT mode is suitably nauseating | and fear-inducing. Some might be bothered by the slight tilt in the | angle of the play screen. The colors are distinct, and the sound | effects and voices of affirmation are passable, if a bit boring and | unenthusiastic. We'll be anxiously awaiting the implementation of a | soundtrack or background music of some sort. | | With SegaNet up and running and with the success of NFL 2K1, TNT offers | fans of puzzle-gaming an undoubtedly large base of opponents to play | against. Apparently, strong network connections are sure to attract | many competitive enthusiasts to the ranking system. You score a point | by defeating an opponent in three rounds of a match; by winning matches | not by filling your opponent's screen (as in classic Tetris) but by | reaching the bottom layer; by ending the game; or by having the least | rows before a two-minute time limit. This leads to fast and furious | matches and quicker gratification than what you can find in other | versions of the puzzler. You can also play TNT in marathon mode - the | goal here is to survive as long as possible foiling your opponent's | brick-breaking along the way. The player with the longest time gets the | top ranking. The same goes for score marathon, the mode in which, | instead of how fast you finish?, you are ranked for biggest combo and | number of lines destroyed. | | We will be awaiting the release of The Next Tetris Online Edition to | get a first-hand impression of how the SegaNet service works with the | multiplayer aspect and whether the rankings are dealt with in as | competitive and fun a way as possible. While the copy we have is far | from completion, the potential for a really great game is here: Blue | Planet did well to rely upon the timeless gameplay of Tetris without | bogging it down with mindless effects and glitz. | | Burning info: | | We did not put this in standard Juggler format so that those that have | Linux can still burn this. | | Steps to burn this: | | CDRWIN Method (borrowed from ECHELON'S tutorial): | ------------------------------------------------ | 1) Fire up CDRWIN | 2) Select Record Disc | 3) Click "Load Tracks", Click "Add" and select the CDDA directory's MP3 | files. Add them in order. | 4) Click "OK" after the "Compiling Cue Sheet" box goes away, put a | check in the box "Open New Session" | 5) Click "Start Recording" | | When this is complete, click OK to dismissin the "Recording complete" | box. | | 6) From CDRWIN's main menu, select the 2nd to the right button "File | Backup & Tools" | 7) Backup/Tool operation - set this to "Record an ISO9660 Image File" | 8) Select Tetris.iso in the image filename section | 9) Select CDROM-XA and Mode 2 | 10) Record. | | | | | CDRECORD Method (Mostly taken from EcHELON'S tutorial Kit): | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 1) Decompress the MP3 files from .mp3 format to .wav format naming them | track01.wav, track02.wav etc. | 2) Now you should have a CDDA directory containing .wav files. | 3) At a command prompt, run the command: cdrecord -scanbus | 4) Next, run: cdrecord -dev=x,x,x -multi -audio speed=x | cddatrack01.wav cddatrack02.wav (etc...) | 5) When the above is finished, run: cdrecord -dev=x,x,x -xa1 speed=x | tetris.iso | | | Long time no dc shit! be warned we arent sleeping we are working :) | | --- DD | `------------------------------------------------------- - - - - ----' How to contact A<<3SSiON: -======================- Via Email : accession2k@accession.org Via WWW : Still under construction Via IRC : #accession on efnet NOTE: We do not email, snailmail or ftp missing parts of our releases .------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -. | | | WE WOULD LIKE TO GREEET ALL OUR FRIENDS IN CRIME | | | | CIFE - DVN - PDM - F4CG - RZR - HBD - CLS - XPS - UCL - FSN - LVL4 - OGN | | OLDSKOOL - CONSOLEX - WACKYISO - NIL - LGDISO - CiFE - KALiSTO | | Crapsx - Psf - Carnage - DvniSo - TFAiSO - Paradox | | | `---------------------------------------------------- - - - - - ---' ooOO Legends Never Die OOoo