Belokk Presents Title: DC-IMPORT ENABLER Platform: Dreamcast Date: 03/29/2003 Format: DiscJuggler v.4 Summary: here is a rare item i got from my firend at interact the other day. this disc came out around the end of the dc systems life span and was only sold on the interact website. i now can bring you this release of a hard to find disc. i want to thank my friend at interact for bringing me this. also thanks to interact for the pass 8 years of accessories that they made for the gameing industry you guy's will be missed. i hope everyone enjoy's this release. History/Notes: ok this disc is pretty self-explantory. 1. Place the disc in the dc, close the lid and power on. 2. When its done loadingand see the dc-ie screen, take the disc and swap it for your import game 3. Wait a few mins than press the start button, and your done i know people have the dc-x but this is alot smaller image and works the same way, just without the extra options. enjoy ! -belokk