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What is H.A.D.E.S.?
Code Encryption Interface?
(^^^Un. Constrct.^^^)

The Story

Phase One:
Wake Up, Jenna
New!Paper, Smash, Hello

Archive: H.A.D.E.S.

The year is 756. The place? Well, usually a facility used for military construction. As the planet Aereth, formely labeled Earth, more and more of these such facilities have dominated the world. They are the focus of attention, ranging from the tightly knit government societies to the ignorant eyes of the public. No one is in full control of these facilites or their products; they run under orders from various foundations...some legal, some not.

It has been some time since these organized units of society have been issued to do anything of major importance, but the fear that they may someday be used once more in the declaration of warfare is always at hand. The people of Aereth are unknowning of the true dangers that lay within their walls, but the government and their extensions are even less aware, by way of choice; they will ignore incidents that arise, then subdue them after they are no longer a threat. Yet, somehow, everything has been relatively stable for the past 50 years.

However, certain rumors have stimulated the suspicion that many of the government officals are working to ressurect arsenals of mass destruction, in an attempt to gain more control over the planet's resources. What resources, specifically, have not been fully authenticated, but once again rumors have arisen to speculate that they seek to dominate the power of humanity itself. Of course, this is too broad a scheme to be cause for worldwide investigations, so many of these rumors have been seen as the ramblings of madmen, triggered by personal downfalls.

Unfortunately, madmen seem to have more pull than expected; gatherings of certain factions and syndicates are increasing rapidly, most prioritizing the neccassity to infiltrate facilities that may contain documentation needed to prove these rumors hold nothing short of truth. And, with no direct actions being taken by any corporation or unified district against these groups, the increase in their numbers continue, but also cause a few to become less involved, deeming that if the government isn't concerned, perhaps there is no reason for them to pry.

That has lead society to it's current point, where the people are under no dominate power, but also highly observed by some group or another. They are like sheep, being led either to their stable of refruge, or their slaughter. In time, the public may take further action to extend this freedom, but as of now, the only actions pushed in this direction are being taken not by society in general, but by people in specific...