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Welcome to my home page. There are many different things you can check out. This site is just a project so it isn't all that fancy yet.I'm sure by the time i finish this class I will be able to make my site look much better. The site took me a few weeks to finish. It wasn't too hard except that it was time consuming typing in all the HTML coding. HTML is very useful and can be used in everyday life. I am so into HTML right now that I'm probably gonna make a real online website someday. Once u get to learn some HTMl you can have fun making sites. When I first took this class I didnt know anything about HTML but so far I learned alot. This is one class that I actually enjoyed at my school. Most of the classes I take seems to have no interest to me, but this class Internet 1 made want to actually sit down and learn. I wish there was more classes like these in the future. This whole website was done with HTML coding. I did not cheat and use any progams such as frontpage or dreamweaver. I think typing the codes in have made me learn much effeciently. If anyone is interested or want to learn more about web design you can always take classes or major in web design. Well if anyone wants to comment about my site or have any suggestions to what I should edit to my site just email me. I will be more then happy to reply to ur response. Thank you and enjoy my website.

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Any Questions or Comments? If you do, either EMAIL me or call me at (626)524-1403