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This is the year!!

Cr-eh-zy Chris Olivier

Chris is quite the unique guy, to put it modestly. He wore this hat at our halloween party at work. He added toothpaste to the top for special effects and carried around an axe and called himself "A.I.D.S.". Funny!

Booth....James Booth

For thoughs who know him he deserved the major internal damaged he received. Picture perfect! Special thanks to Roy Marrison(smiley). You were hear and now are goon!(inside joke)!

Celebrities Who Have Been Known to Party
  • Drunken Mike Hulshoff (sorry no pic yet)

My Related Sites

My Kickass Job----
Smelliest Vagerant Ever (Chris Olivier)
Take My Drunken Poll and see their pics
Other Very Funny pics
Pictures of my job sites
Pictures of trip to Perry Sound
