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About the real Cloudy

Cloudy in The Tribe's real name is also "Cloudy". This is because animals in television find it too confusing to have one name in real life, and another name to answer and respond to on the set for their fictional side – so animal trainers will usually use just one name as it makes the pet and the trainer’s life much easier. In The Tribe, Cloudy is a "he" but in real life, Cloudy is a "she"! A Poodle Pointer, she’s a cross between a regular poodle and a German wire-haired Pointer. Cloudy was born on 31st March 1999. She has been trained with the Positive Re-enforcement Training Technique - when she does something good she gets a treat or a hug! Thank you to The Tribe website for providing this information.

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(c) Cloud 9 The Tribe Ltd