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Almaceen Drontiskew
Padona Mason
Killconey Meyers
Nimbun Northtree
Minnie Greenstone
China Harris
Hiram Cambell
Jack Schloss
It's me!!!!!! <--This really needs to be updated... Too bad I'm lazy as all sin

Well I can't believe that 400 people have come to this website. Pretty amazing. T-shirts soon to go on sale. Drive safe. But really, I drew this stuff a long long time ago and I just find it precious so if you have precious ass art, you should send it to me and I'll put it on the hall of nastalge. Man. I haven't updated this site in forever. I haven't even role played in forever... A lot has changed. Huge bursts of nastalgia coming on... lol. Nah, it's all gravy. Well anyway. I'm not really updating now. I'm just observing. I'm so lazy... geez...
