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Welcome To My Personal Home Page!

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After quite some time I have decided to make some changes to my home page.

Since there has been some changes not only with my life but the other things related as well.........

I have dedicated this site to my Friends. 'Cause Friendship is the biggest possession that I have with me.....



About Me!

I was born in Islamabad, spent my early childhood in Tehran.

I had a lot of traveling with my dad & family due to his nature of work. so having the chance to meet different people and see their culture as well has transformed me in to something different from the people having the exposure of just one place and living and belonging from a certain place of the world.

I like doing different things on different times according to my mood. Like movies, music, reading book/novels -Astronomy - Under Sea, Karate, Walking on beach, Photography, Videos, Painting in Oil/Water (used to do), Playing Strategy Games on my PC, and the rest.......


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:
Austin Power-1, 2 & 3, Independence Day, Revenge, Blast from the Past, There's something about Marry & a long list to follow.......

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Elvis the greatest, 50's, 80's, country, and the rest...


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This site was last updated  10/04/05

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