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C'est moi

Welcome to my world

Here you can read up on what's going on in my life:

my thoughts, dreams, ideas, friends, classes, opinions, vacations, school...

I'll take you on a journey to the University of Michigan, post-graduation events of Gunn High School, different countries I visit this summer, and so much more.

Also prepare yourself for an intense trip where I introduce you all to all of my friends.

And this is me:

Bubbly, energetic, spirited, out-going, easy-going, laughs a lot, dances all the time and everywhere, hard working, over achiever, worrier, partier, gregarious, unabashed, crazy, and PINK.

yup. i'm definitely pink.

Guess what? Here I am allowed to be openly in love with myself and my friends because it's my webpage! Everyone's allowed to be a little self-obsessed sometimes...

...I have the bestest friends in the entire world. I love you all so much!

I asked them to describe me in a sentence... and these are their responses!

"valerie is a bubbly, energetic, and hard-working person with random outbursts of insanity."

"a tease."

"how could anyone describe someone as wonderful as you in one sentence?"

"valerie is a crazy-fun-hot-sexy-wicked-cool-desirable-amazing-wonderful- talented-motivated-smart-young woman"

"valerie is a someone who always looks for the positive things in any situation and moves forward with optimistic determination."

"valerie is a beautiful and unique snowflake."


"a hot lil firecracker?"

"too many words to descirbe"

"hot, sexy, fun energetic, cute, and the life of the party; awsome personality, and a great dancer."

What I will miss about Gunn

Quote list