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Fam's Fan Fiction Blog
Friday, 15 July 2005
The Disappointment
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Cabin
I dont get it! I thought we were going to be alone, but i guess not he had to bring his friends along and he also brought that girl i really dread katie. They used to date so i have to keep an eye out for her. So much for spending time with him alone. I swear if he doesn't wake up and smell the coffee i'm gonna be gone for good cause i can get more attention else where!

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 2:58 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 June 2005
My man AGain
Mood:  on fire
Topic: He's back
I finally took him back cause i need some love form him and he's the best. I can't stay mad at him he's to cute and so romantic. I love him so much i can't explain in words. To make it up to me, he's taking me to this log cabin at this place and we're gonna spend the weekend there. My parents think otherwise. I'm 18 i can handle myself and i'm old enough to make my own decisions. Besides, he and i aren't gonna do anything like they're thinking unless....
Could he? No, he couldn't. Couldn't he? Oh well, cause if it happens it happens!
He's here gotta run.
peace out:)

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 12:01 AM EDT
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Back in Ny
Topic: Back
Had the best time in my life in La and now.... My boyfriend came over today and he gave me flowers and he appologized and everything. Personally,I didn't give a shit cause that ain't gonna work. so he was like "i'm really sorry honestly i toatlly forgot cause I had a gig that night and a bunch of the other performers asked me out to dinner so I went" that is not a good excuse. To make matters worse the girl i toatlly hate she was at that dinner and he also said they went out dancing, DANCIng! He claims nothing happened. Hell no! Some Botch is gridding her ass on my man! Then he was like you need to trust me cause your the only girl for me and you know it. If i was then how could he forget about me is what i like to know.
angry as hell, holla

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 7:12 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 8 June 2005
i had the best time in my life
Mood:  happy
Topic: Best Time
I had the best time tonight! Went clubbing and danceded all night long. I met cuties and i got there number. They're my friend's friends. Forget my ass of a boyfriend. I'm gonna have the time of my life while i'm here. whatever happens in La stays in LA!

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 12:01 AM EDT
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Sorry Ass Called
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Sorry Ass
That sorry ass called me last night. He didn't even appologize! then he was like what's wrong with me? Whats wrong? He set me up yesterday and din't bother calling me or saying he was sorry! Finally, he realizes and says he forgot! please. he had nothing to tell me. I 'm so mad at him, i hung up on him and i turned my cell off so i don't have to talk to his sorry ass.

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 12:01 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Topic: Where?
He never showed up! I'm just gonna go to Los Angeles and i won't talk to him till he walks his sorry ass to my house and appologizes! I'm gone!

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 6:41 PM EDT
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Topic: Trouble
I don't get it couldn't he pick up a phone and call me?

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 6:55 PM EDT
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Monday, 6 June 2005
Pass the Potato
Mood:  loud
Topic: talk

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 8:52 PM EDT
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baby its you continued
Mood:  party time!
Topic: Con.
Luckily, I got of there when i still had time. The worst thing was that I didn't see him there. He never showed so that means I aint gonna talk to him until he apologizes cause you know why! Ugh, I'm so mad. I swear I'm getting sick. I have the sniffles and I feel like S**t! No joke! If he comes over with the kisses and hugs I'm totally gonna kill him. Thats not gonna change anything. he's gonna do a lot of apologizing on the knees groveling! Mean? No, way! What i been through is the worst thing a person could do! He pretty much set me up. Something I would never do to him! He better have a good explaination why he didn't show. I mean big!

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 8:52 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 6 June 2005 8:44 PM EDT
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baby its you continued
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Con.
Its been an hour and a half and no sign of him! If he asks me to come I expect him to show! He's gonna get it from me big he doesn't show up in the next two seconds! Where could he possibly be? I wonder if he forgot? He better not have cause I'm cold, scared, and did i mention cold and scared! This night has been the worst night in my life! I must of left him twenty messages cause his phone is off even though he never leaves it off! He must be preoccupied with something or somebody! God as my witness if i get kidnapped and raped its gonna be all his fault. Everybody knows not to be at Central park at night! Weirdos are out and i hope i'm not there next victim! Where is he?

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 8:52 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 6 June 2005 8:44 PM EDT
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Baby its you
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: Fan Fiction
I was in Central park and I can see the bright lights from buildings seeping through trees. As I wait I get even more scared as strange people walk the trail in central park. Where could he be? I was waiting, I would wait till the end of the world, but seriously what could be keeping him? I'm freezing like an popsicle and I need someone to protect me from all the danger lercking in central park that could harm me!

Posted by celeb2/xxfamouslyfamxx at 8:52 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 6 June 2005 8:44 PM EDT
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