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New Site Begins!!! 8-10-04

Hey all, I'm just making a new site. This one is all about me. I always thought it'd be really conceited to make a site about myself. But This is for all those I've met through out my life, who want to know what's going on with me, because I don't always call and write back, though making a website is a lot harder and requires more work... yeah I'm pretty stupid. So if you ever want to know what's going on with the litte asian you left in Longview, Washington come to this site. I'll try update this and keep this going on for as long as possible. Because when I make sites I tend to get lazy and not want to finish the site, so yeah.

My Job Rocks!!! 8-26-04

Well, not a awhole lot has been happening around here. Chris and I seem to be getting deep into theology now, we've been discussing a lot of brain stomping Biblical Trivia, which some of this stuff is really worth knowing. If you want to know some of the stuff we discuss, it's stuff like, "Can God be in hell?" or "What's going on with dead people since the Judgment hasn't happened?" When he first asked me I gave him basic answers but now where really looking into it. Well actually he's looking into it and tells me what he finds, it really quite interesting. It hurts my head thinking about it now.

Hmm... okay so what's happened at my church... Pastork Ken and his family have left for a couple of days, I guess they're trying to fit in a last minute vacation. Joe preached last Sunday night, I have to say he did a excellent job, he preached on Naked Noah.

Personally, nothing really has happened since I last updated the site. I got that job and I'm loving every minute of it. Cause I haven't even done anything yet and I'm getting paid. That's awesome. I've just read this manual and that's about it. THere's some pretty scary stuff about this job I didn't know about, well not really scarry but I didn't expect it, I can't say cause it's confidential. Man, that's cool saying that, I feel like I'm some super agent or something. I also like saying, "I work for the city." Man, that's freaking AWESOME!!

I'm still playing the guitar on wednesday nights, I finally found someone to replace Rachel. Thank God!!! Nah, I just needed someone to sing, because I can't, well I can but it's not all that great my voice is like a 1980 Ford pick up peel'n out on a cow that eating a cat with one eye... yeah... Oh, I was talking to a couple of friends from the First Baptist Church, we're going to start a worship band, so please be praying about that. Yeah, the situation was kinda funny, I'm a guitarist looking for a drummer and someone who can play the bass (What is that a bassist or basser?) Anyway, and they were a drummer and someone who can play the bass looking for a guitarist, Crazy!!! Well that's about it for the homepage update, now I'm going to fix those pictures so when you clickon them they well enlarge.

Some Prayer Required!!! 8-12-04

Well, hello there. I'm lookin for my first job. My buddy Josh is trying to help me out with basically the best job I could ask for right now. I'm lookin' at working for the city of Longview in the after school programs. Basically all I do is hang out with kids, who can't go straight home after school, for three hours every week day. Thanks to Christ, I've grown the really love little kids, and so this'll be great. It'll be like VBS every day!!! AWESOME!! So please be in prayer for me, about that.

I'm also working on a sermon. I think I'm in way over my head this time though, I don't know. I just pray that it's truelly Christ working through me, cause I know if it's me, it ain't going to work. I've been really lazy about it though, I need help workin on it, I sit down the work and research but 30 minutes in I decided to start on other stuff. So yeah...

Okay, So What's Been Happening 8-11-04

Well, really nothing to fast, dangerous, life threatening or exciting I suppose. Joe and I went to youth camp a week after the Jericho project. Everybody there thought I was a consouler, so I fun messing around with some power of authority. It was tight. While I was there, God convicted me of being a theif... so I went and broke my burned CD's, I'm happy I did cause later some stuff happened... I also deleted all the songs I got off the net. While I was at camp I went Mountain Boarding, what a rush!!! I loved it, I got banged up pretty good, I wish I had a picture of my leg to show you all, I feel on the wheel and it like cut me open and burned and stuff, it's pretty sweet. The scap looked like the U.S. I met a lot of cool kids while I was there, some kids I went to college with were their too! We had a lot of fun, played stuff like chicken golf (which involves a raw chicken rapped in duct tape, and water balloon launcher, do the math) and other crazy games that involved things like panty hose with flour stuffed in them. Yeah... it's was a lot of fun.

When we got back into town, nothing really happened. When the day came, Rachel, Joe and myself saw Frank of to the airport, said our good byes and he walked away... then walked back... then walked away, it was kinda funny, he stood in one of those lines that go back in forth side to side, so we said bye like 5 more times. We've talked since then, I'm sure he'll be reading this sometime, hope he likes the site. After he left we went and had breakfast (his flight was pretty early), yeah that was good.

The following Wednesday night, Rachel and I led a little bit of worship for youth group, that went a lot better than I thought seeing how we only practiced for like 5 minutes, no kidding. Just to make it clear, I played the guitar and Rachel sang. Then afterwards I led the study, I did it on John 3 basically. Then when we I came home that night, I suddenly felt really tired so I went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I had a gi-normous (gigantic and enourmous put together) headache and stomachache. I thought I was going to die!!!!! My brother came down with it also, so for a couple of days we just slept. I haven't left the house since last wednesday, it's been officially one week since I've set a foot out side my house. I'm completely fine now, I'm just baby sitting my little bro now. So yeah, that's what's happened so far. So now if you excuse I'm going to go have my lunch.