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My Thoughts, My Rants and Ravings -->>Normal Stuff I Suppose?<<--
Saturday, 29 May 2004
29 May 2004 --> Lalalalalaaaaaaaa<--
--> PRESENT <<-- Time: 11 am Current mood: Bored, bored, bored, and did I mention bored? Am waiting for my friend to come back in front of the computer so I can finish off my story for her which I told her 12 am this morning. Current song playing: Clay Aiken, 'The Way' Person on my mind: My best mate...who's away from the computer since...15 mins ago, thereby leaving me here waiting. Current thought: I'm hungry. **************************************************** That is how bored I am. =p As usual..... Nothing much is new...pretty much the same old stuff. Holidays just started. Yesterday was the last day of exams, and as always, it sucked. Hopefully I'll do quite well this time. =/ Been pretty much a so-so week....hoping for a better time this hols even tho I do have a lot of sch projs to finish off by the end of it..=/ Oh well... I'll look for something else to do. Tis so boring. xx Crys xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 9:58 AM
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Sunday, 16 May 2004
16 May 2004>> I'm not a perfect person..................... u're wonderin where THAT came's from Hoobastank's 'The Reason'. I seem to b in luv with it these days. Wow, lol, I never really liked their songs, but this new song is really great. =) Actually, I've got nothin much 2 do 2day. Oh, except washin my shoes, study, get off the computer, study, and did I mention study? God, this is so boring! I mean, arghhhhhhhh! Exams r like what, four days away? N I feel as if I've been doin nothin at all! N the stupid monitor is probably goin haywire. Dad said that we should change it soon. Dunno how soon, but it'd better be b4 this whole thing gives up on us. =/'s like 12.30 pm now but I'm just soo lazy to switch off the computer and go study. My friend is doin just that,but I just don't feel like it. I know this is bad...=/ but, hey, I can't help it, OK? OK, maybe I can...I dunno.....I'm just soooooooo lazy............Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ahhhhhhhhh.......neways, it's been boring this few days. Nothin much happen (nothin too good neways) so it's like same old, same old. Boring stuff I tell u. Every1 is still the same, everything is still the same, I'm still the same ol me.... well, it's not like I want a drastic change or nethin.........ahh......! U know, I've always wondered, ppl say that "if u luv someone, let it free, if it comes back 2 u, it's urs, if it doesn't then it just wasn't meant 2 b". Well, if u c it @ an angle, it does seem right. I mean, my sis always asked me, "do u believe that there is someone written in the stars 4 u?" n my answer would always be a "yes". But when u c the situation differently, something well ...totally different would come up. (I mean, duh..of course!) Neways, I dunno y I'm thinkin of this. But it's just that it hurts a lot sometimes, doesn't it? I mean, I'm not sayin that I feel hurt or nethin right now, but it's just kinda sad to think of how many hopeful yet pitiful souls out there...searching for the warmth of love... (OOOOOOK, since when did I become so mushy?! *shudders*) Well........guess that's all for now. I'm off to ponder over some useless stuff some more....which is obviously my normal routine. Yeah, boring isn't it? Oh well..what choice do I have? =) Luv ya bloggie hunnie, Crystal xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 11:33 AM
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Saturday, 15 May 2004
Oh yeah.. new frames for my glasses. Nothing major....=P But hey, I'm bored OK, so pardon me. Crys xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 3:17 PM
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Saturday, 15/05/2004>>Yes, it's been a long while....
Ahhhhhhh I have been neglecting my lil old bloggie for quite a while eh...nearly a month now. Awwwh neways, I'm back. There's not much to tell..I think. No, wait, I have LOADS to pour out. =P Well......let's see...I was put through an international Science exam thingy, another essay-writin comp, a public-speaking comp AND a choral-speaking comp. Whoa....those were the good old days when I was in the choral speaking team in primary school. It was fun. Actually, to be frank, I seriously thought that nothing would ever come out of all the wasted work on this choral speaking script my friend wrote for my class. Well, everyone wanted their own way and won't agree with neone else (which sucks a lot spesh if ur on neutral grounds..), so we got into kinda a small mess, leavin almost every1 upset and not focused on the whole main point of the choral speaking. That was I think 2 weeks ago. The competition was held yesterday...and, well, just to cut a long story short, we won. Or at least that's what my friend, the ALIEN said. (Lolshness, I just took one look at him and told him that maybe we should call him Alien and well, the name just stuck naturally..) Neways....let's see...I don't think there's nethin much more besides the annoying fact that exams r startin AGAIN this comin Thursday. I've barely been studyin except for a few mins every now and then which doesn't really count as revising I suppose...but well...fine, I'll start. Soon. I think. that there's nothing else to say............I'll disappear off this page now then. C ya and wish me luck in the exams, bloggie. Crystal xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 3:09 PM
Updated: Saturday, 15 May 2004 3:14 PM
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Sunday, 28 March 2004
I'm Flying..........with Broken Wings -28 March 2004, 11.10 pm-
K, it has been a looooong (of course it's long, it's 24 hours!=P) and tiring day! *hugeeeeeee sigh* First I was so rudely woken up, then went for breakfast outside, then family issues came up, then came a depressed friend! And another few minutes ago, a classmate who begged me to help him do his proj! No way, no how! Ouch, gtg sleep. Mum's givin the warning! Nite! Luv ya loads, Crystal xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 10:06 PM
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Tuesday, 16 March 2004
Tuesday, 16th March 2004>> Just another day.......that passes by..
Well, wouldn't really say I'm bored now. Not with my best friend banging on my piano downstairs. *rolls eyes* I almost can't wait to go back to school that is, minus taking back my results! *scaryyyyyyyyyyyyy eh?* Eughhhhhhh! I HATEEEEEEEE EXAMSSSSSSS!! It might be over for now, but it's even worse now..cos here comes the part of goin through the Valley of Death! OUCH! Well, I'll be uum..counting the horrible days. C yas! Love ya my bloggie, Crys J.

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 3:48 PM
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Monday, 15 March 2004
Another day...without ur smile...... Monday, 15 March 2004
Ahhhhhhhhh "When the world seems like it's full of strangers, and I feel as if I've lost my lift me up on the wings of love, taking me higher still with every touch, whenever I'm weak, honey, you take me there again, on the wings of loveeeeeee!" Lolshness, this seems to be my qoute of the day! =) neways, been pretty much an ordinary day, besides the fact that I think I might make a good cop. Ooh.. *puts on a serious face* I tried this shooting the ducks game and my aims were all nearly perfect and wow... I could make a good cop! Lolshness, OK, OK, I'll snap out of it. =P Bored as usual....duh, this word just HAS to be in each one of my entry in this blog, isn't it? Oh, well.. *smirk* Nothin much up with all the Feehily fics and stuff, oh, yeah, which reminds me, I'm so totally putting off my fic, essay, art homework and pretty much everything. For what? I don't know. Lazing around for more than an hour then coming up with the statement "I am SOOOOOOOO bored" in this blog? Yeah, that's me. Go figure. *rolls eyes and bounces outta the blog into the WL boards..ahhhh u gotta LUUUURVE that Feehily! Randomness, forgive me... =)* Mwah mwahs my bloggie, Crystal J. XX

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 6:30 PM
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Sunday, 14 March 2004
Sunday, 14 March 2004- Awwwwwwww me got nothin better to do....=P
I'm so BORED! Yeah, yeah, like there's a day I'm NOT! =P This blog's really just to keep myself occupied while downloading stuff. =P Am half downloading 'Nothing Is Impossible'. Yes, I do have that on my CD, but, yeah, this Westlife freak just needs a new song on her pc every day, can u blame me?! BTW, the press conference of Bryan leaving on Tuesday the uum...wait, lemme count.... uh...9th March 2004, *sniff sniff* twas soooooo sad! =( Was cryin when I heard Kian readin the letter. *starts bawling her heart out*
Someone help me!!! *sings along to 'Never Knew I Was Losing You'* Awwwwwwww tis such a sad song too! *sob sob sniff sniff* =(
Argh! Gotta do a stoooopid english project tomoz! *hugeeeeeee YAWNNNNNNNNNNNN* BO-ring! Duh, fine, fine, I'm off to the boards now! C yasssssssss!! GNITEEEEEEEEEEE!

xx Crys xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 10:22 PM
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Sunday, 14 March 2004
Hellooooo! Ahhhh feel soo glad I'm on hols after going through another stressful exam week! =P Lol, exams always make me so stressed. Like, who doesn't? OK, so neways, lemme introduce myself then. =) Basic stuff, my name's Crystal, I'm 14, and maybe as some of u can see, I'm a fan of Westlife. And, yes, that's Mark Feehily I'm having as my background. =D Don't you just looooooooove the man? Lol, neways, hope ya all have a nice day and thanks for popping by! xx CRYSTAL xx

Posted by celeb2/wlfanfics at 12:19 PM
Updated: Sunday, 14 March 2004 12:29 PM
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