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Welcome to Wild About Harry Potter!!!! As you can guess this site is all about the Harry Potter book series. I gave this site a total make ove, but while doing so I accidently deleted all my old info. But I'll have it running great agian soon.

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The Potter Poll
Who in the Movie Do You Think Looks Most Like The Character They Play???

Current Results


  • November,25,2001•I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving for those of you in the USA, some time in the next two weeks there is going to be a live online chat with Alan Rickman(Prof. Snape) I'll inform you all when that is scedualed to be and hopefully I will get in on the action. If you know the URL of Alan Rickman's site please e-mail me. Also, I've added a link to an Alan Rickman fan site.
  • November,18,2001•The Movie was great and was infact very true to the book except a few things, I've made a link to my review.
  • November,16,2001•Finale after over a year
  • November, 10, 2001• tells us that the Movie, Harry Potter and The Camber of Secrets, will come out on November, 15, 2002 I'm not sure how accurate this is though.
  • Richard Harris(who plays Dumbledore) admits to have not read ANY of the Harry Potter Books yet!!!! (I find that rediculuse, He plays Dumbledore for crying out loud!!!!)
  • Tickets For Harry Potter An The Sorcerer's Stone are alread selling out weeks before the move comes out!!
  • November, 6,2001•Tonight on Fox the Harry Potter Episode of The Simpson is on!!!!
  • November, 1, 2001•Joe Sowerbutts has a role in the new Harry Potter movie(as the voice of Daniel Radcliffe. Daniel had to be dubbed over in two scenes because his voice broke before the end of filming. Joe, 13, was given the job after his classmates said he sounded like Daniel, The Sun reports. He from was drafted in at the last minute by Warner Bros to ensure Harry did not sound different. His voice is in a scene on a broomstick and one in a forest as well as on Nintendo and PlayStation games.It is believed that Joe will receive £200,000 (equal to $291,020 us dollars) for his work. The Sun also reports that Rik Mayall will no longer appear in the movie. Mayall was filmed as Peeves but the character was axed when film makers had to shorten the movie.
  • As you may already know, the new Harry Potter and the Sorceres Stone Movie comes out on November 16th.
  • If you have any suggestions of ANY kind weather they be complaints or advise contact me on aim or aol at mimi5182
  • ATTENTION:There is a site trying to steal the "Wild About Harry Potter" title is you see this site DON"T GO THERE!!!

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Best Harry Potter Site On The Web Awards(just go and nominate your site for it)
Did You Know?
Harry Potter University
Unoffical Alan Rickman Page
Unoffical Emma Watson Page
