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New Beginning

 Hey everyone! Miss me muchiez? I'm currently covered with my OOH so fresh smelly blanki! My mommy had done the laundry this morning. Ke-Ke! OH MY GOSHIEZ What the hell is wrong with me?! This whole vacation was like uhh BLAHZ...ohkay...SOO umm we got off fer vacay um Tuesday..and I had to go to WORK...I WUZ SICK! I dunno...nose was whole body was on fire and it felt like it was going to fall apart...I've developed soo many bruises! This is so not funnY! Well my cold and fever ...DID go away...but then umm last Saturday oh geez I got a nose juz flowed down and down...geez I was came back the next day and the next... but....i hadn't told my parents...andoh gosh yesterday i was watchin Armed Reaction and um I was layin down on my pillow...OUT OF THE BLUE...i developed another nose bleed...this time it was felt like a juz streamed...down and first i was like wut the HELL is this?! and i flicked the light on and it was all red...i was screaming. So I ran into the bathroom and I tried washin my face and all the blood just spred about my face...I looked into the mirror it was bright whole face...I screamed for my mom and she came in...she screamed!! "WHAT THE HELL! WHERE'S ALL THE BLOOD COMING FROM"...I was like it's a nose bleed! then she told me to lay down RIGHT there...sO I was on the floor in the bathroom and my mom tried scrubbing all the blood...and blood juz streamed down...What the hell is wrong with me? OH MY GOD! ---geez!!

Well I hope everyone enjoys this layout...I like it myself..It's clean and nice and
SIMPLE! I like simple...I figured out soo muchiez..lolx..on my PROGRAMS...umMM I UPGRADED MY SYSTEM TO XP so I have to go hunt for XP-programs...all my older ones that I burn on my cd's a long time ago are for Windows that I have XP...grr I have to go hunt ya kno? But at least my brother had the office XP no needed to hunt fer that keke- I'm playin around with my XP system..I like XP SOOOOOOOO much! ya kno? cuz it's password my brothers can't touch ne-thin keke...i password PROTECTED everyTHING...the 98 one...didn't lemme do GAY! yep's almost 7 i guess...I need to go take a bath and then umm ionoez update sum storiez cuz hang and yen is gunna kill me lol hehe and ummmmmmmmmmmm lemme see go to sleep early rise and shine for a hell of a BAD day at school tmrz-- welpz buh baii

---Wanda wUVZ YoOh--