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Shane's World
Sunday, 6 July 2003
Hello. Y'know what? Yesterday was my birthday. It was an okay day I guess...but I'm getting OLD. I'm 24 now...yikes. Remind me never to tease Nicky about getting grey hair again. We did a concert last night, too...I'm not sure where, but we had one. To anyone that was there, wasn't it great?

But honestly, the aftershow party for *moi* was craic. I got lots of nice pressies!! Nicko got me a horsie : ) Of course the other presents were good, but *cough* that night with Nix was the best night of my life...Gill got smashed so I spent the night in my room with Nix while Gill and Gina slept off the booze...*cough* I never said any of that 0 ; )

Posted by celeb2/wackywestlife at 4:55 PM EDT
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Well, welcome to my blog. The name's Shane. Shane Filan. I've decided to start this damn thing because all of you crazy fans seem to like asking me questions, and I thought, well, okay, I might as well answer them. So don't blame me if you don't know what color underwear I'm wearing. You didn't ask. Cath *glares at her* also made me start this. She says it'll help promote her pathetic little site, Wacky Westlife. It's dedicated to making fun of the things we 'Lifers do for a laugh. Psshhh. She takes everything too seriously.

Posted by celeb2/wackywestlife at 2:56 PM EDT
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