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The Citizens of Smallville:

Clark Kent:

The very reluctant hero. As if high school isn't hard enough by itself, imagine having to come to terms with the fact that you are most definitely *not* like the other kids. Clark is smart and handsome and sensitive. . . the only problem is that he's not from around them thar parts. Not even the same planet, for crying out loud!The only thing that kids Clark's age really want is to be accepted and to have some degree of self security. That hasn't been easy for Clark, discovering that, among other things, he has x-ray vision and is thus far physically invincible. (Except for his crush Lana Lang: for some reason he literally nearly collapses when she's nearby. . . her and that confounded necklace made from a strange green crystal. . .hmm. . .)But really he is just like every other teenager: wishing to be accepted by everyone else, to be normal, confused as to who he is, why he is and what the hell is going on when he wakes up hovering above his bed! Thankfully he has an awesome set of adoptive parents, Jonathan and Martha, the only keepers of his secret, who help guide him through it all-- even though they are, at times, just as confused. Don't worry, Clark! It'll all make sense one day! In the meantime, can we have your phone number?
(more on tom welling:

Lana Lang:

Remember the girl in school who had every guy after her and you hated her because she was absolutely gorgeous and she knew it and just had to rub it in everyone's face that she was the most popular girl in town? Well, that's not Lana Lang. Not by a long shot. Lana is a genuine girl-- a rare quality in people, let alone 'the most popular girl in school.' She is an equestrian/cheerleader, dates Smallville's star football player, is excruciatingly kind to everyone she encounters (even weirdo psycho bug guys who want to mate with her) and appears to be all pluck and positive energy, but don't let that kid you. This chick is deep. She was orphaned twelve years ago during the tragic meteor shower that devastated Smallville, killing her parents. She grew up with her Auntie who's biggest contribution to the story so far has been making what has become Lana's prized posession: a dainty necklace with a glimmering green stone (nearly as striking as her green eyes)-- a fragment of the meteor that killed her parents. Little does she know that her long time friend and secret admirer Clark Kent agonizes over this: blaming himself for their death.
(more on kristin kreuk:

Lex Luthor:

Folks, it's the making of who will one day be the greatest threat to homefront security since Osama bin Laden. We all know Lex Luther's fate-- what's fascinating is the long road towards 'the dark side.' For the time being anyway, Lex is just your average twenty-one-year- old-college- graduate-heir-to-the-family-fortune-been-bald-since-I-was-nine kind of fella. He is only recently back in Smallville, to help his family's troubled business. His newest friend is Clark Kent whom he credits with saving his life and is genuinely grateful to. He likes Clark's honesty and sincerity and is strangely drawn to the somewhat secretive Clark. Not a great thing since Clark is trying to hide the fact that he is *not human* and Lex is a big enough busybody to give your Aunt Flo a run for her money. It's kind of hard not to like Lex at this point actually, especially when witnessing his attempts to matchmake his friend and Lana Lang. Then again, Lex is from Smallville and no one but no one in that town is normal, so it is only a matter of time before the bomb drops. We share Clark's father Jonathan's fears: that he'll turn out just like his ruthless, heartless tycoon father. Ruthless? Heartless tycoon? Why that doesn't sound like Lex at all, does it. . . .
(more on michael rosenbaum:

Chloe Sullivan:

Everybody loves Chloe. She's spunky, smart and sassy: a triple threat! No wonder she's editor of the School paper! (And no wonder she's always stumbling upon the latest strange smallville event). She's a city gal: she just recently moved to Smallville with her father, Gabe, who happens to run the Luther Corp., plant. Chloe is the only gal in Smallville who doesn't blame Luther Corp., for all of the strange happenings in town. Just check out her wall of weirdness: paper clippings of all the less than normal happenings in Smallville, all traced to one common denominator: the meteor shower. She also happens to great buds with Clark and Pete and takes a keen delight out of badgering Clark about his Lana fixation. What are friends for, right?
(more on allison mack:

Pete Ross:

Ah, Pete. What can we say? He is the ultimate sweetheart! Pete Ross is (you guessed it) yet another student at Smallville High School and is very good friends with both Chloe and Clark. Pete is just as intuitive as Chloe, although tends to be a bit more cautious, and is the owner of a twenty-four karat heart of gold. When he teams up with Clark and Chloe, beware! Pete's optomistic, high spirited air is the perfect ingredient which makes the three friends unstoppable as a team.

Jonathan Kent:

(Hats off to whoever in casting decided to give Clark Kent a hunky dad!) Jonathan Kent is a busy man. Not only does he run a respected farm in a picturesque part of Smallville, but he is raising a teenage son. . . who isn't exactly your average Joe. Jonathan loves Clark intensely and would do anything for him and his family. He can be a bit overprotective with Clark, but really, can you blame him? A Dad's job is to worry, and when your son happens to be able to run faster than trains and has xray vision, well, he is naturally going to worry a heckuvalot more than most dads. But Clark is infinitely fortunate to have an honest, earnest man like Jonathan as a father.
(more on john schneider:

Martha Kent:

Martha, Martha. How can you not love her? She's an intelligent, strongwilled woman-- spunky and vivacious with a strong love for family and values that mirrors her husbands'. She wished for a son all her life and one day finally received her wish. . .getting a lot more than she bargained for. But ask anyone: there isn't anything in her life she loves more than her son.