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The difference between these pictures and the pictures in the concert links below (there are some great ones there too) is that these are my (Jen) own personal pictures.  I took the concert pictures from 4th row center in Phoenix, AZ on 7-18-01 and the soundcheck pictures in Phoenix and in Pasadena on 7-24-01.  Check them out!

Welcome to THE JUSTIN EFFECT in its full force.
The pictures we have on this page are the hottest you will find on the net.  You've probably noticed how picky we are with the information that we include here on The Justin Effect, including links, quotes, etc.  We have made no exception with pictures.
Here, you will only find the best.

Keep in mind that this IS The JUSTIN Effect, so therefore most of the pictures are of Justin.  There are several of the group, but please don't e-mail us with a question like "Why don't you have more JC pictures?"  This is The Justin Effect.  Justin.  Cool?

Please, we beg of you, DO NOT use these pictures for your own personal use without asking.  A lot of them have been donated by other people, so we do not own the rights to them.  If they have a Justin Effect tag on them, go ahead and ask, and we'll probably let you use it.

Page was updated on October 3, 2001.  TJE now has approximately 650 pictures for you to enjoy!  It took a VERY LONG TIME to rearrange this page so it would be easier for you guys to use, so go ahead and drop us a note in the guestbook and tell us what you think!

If you would like to contribute pictures to this page, you are more than welcome!  Also, if you would like to use a picture from TJE, just e-mail Jen at jenniferjayde@msn.comand let her know:
WHICH pictures you would like to use
The URL and title of the webpage you want to use them on
Whether or not you'll be linking The Justin Effect on your page

We'll be very generous in letting people use our pictures, but the catch is that it must have a Justin Effect tag on it.  If they don't have one, we will add one (if they're ours), just let us know.  Thanks!  Hope you enjoyed the page!