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The Royal World of Theo Gantt III

The Royal World of Theo Gantt III

My Favorite Things About Mr.Theo

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What's going on ya'll? Welcome to Miss Crystal Renae's fanpage dedicated to "Real Worlder" Theo Gantt III. I take it if you're visiting this page that you are also a fan of the multifaceted man who graced my wonderful city (Chicago) for a few months, and who also graced the world of MTV on Season 11 of "The Real World". Through this page , I plan to give you all as much info about Mr. Theo as I possibly can , and basically represent properly for the man who made life alot more interesting, at least for me, for the time his season was airing.

Want more information about the Webmistress, more photos of Theo and a peek at one of the latest "Boondocks" comic strips?

Click here to go to Page 2

So just lay back, kick it, and enjoy the ride...and who knows? Maybe "Mr. Royal Family" himself will come across what I am proud to proclaim as his first exclusive fansite, and give us a shout-out in the guestbook. Anything is possible....

Sidenote: Were you all as mad as me when Theo was "voted off" the "RR/RW Battle of the Sexes" this season? I just KNEW he was gonna make it till at least the top five. (That jungle/monkey game messed it all up!) Not to worry, I'm sure we'll see him again. He seems to be up to accepting every challenged he's offered. (i.e. RR/RW BOTS, and hosting the "Real World Exotic Vacations" DVD.)

Theo's Bio Spots

-Theodus Gantt III was born September 1, 1982 (okay, so I'm not really sure about the date, but the year is correct.)

-He currently resides in Riverside, CA

-He has aspirations to grow in show biz

-Theo graduated from J.W. North High School in 1999

-Theo was an architectural major at Tuskegee University.

-Theo is a mighty

(but 's still run this s@*$!)

-Theo attends Second Baptist Church in Riverside, CA, where his father T. Ellsworth Gantt, is pastor. (Check out their website in the links section--It's beautifully done, and there are pages and pages of info availible to check out. If you're in the Riverside area, why don't you stop by and get your praise on!!)

-Family, church and school are highly important to this PK.

**I'm gonna search for some more tidbits, ya'll...more info to come!

1934 W. North Avenue in the Chi was home to Mr. Gantt for awhile in 2001. Having lived in Chicago all my life, you would be safe to assume that I'm more than just a little dissapointed that I didn't bump in to him at some little cafe or something, while he was here. LOL. Maybe he'll come back to visit one day soon. But since he's a native of Cali, I can't imagine he'd ever come here again when it's cold. The "Chicago HAWK" ain't NO JOKE!

Clearly, I am totally mezmorized by Theo's energy and charisma. I encourage you all to post your thoughts, feelings and ideas for and about Theo in the guestbook. Also, if you all have any information or links that you would like to see added to the site, feel free to e-mail me personally (address @ the bottom of the page.)


Need a hot pic of Theo for your computer screensaver or background? Check out pages 2 and 3 for more pictures!!

QUESTIONS ANSWERED!!! Click on Page 3 to find out the news!!!

News Updates (8/31/2003):

What's going on? Been a long time, huh? Well, I gotta small update for ya! You can catch Theo on E! True Hollywood Story "The Real World". He and Cara narrate Season 11's part (The show chronicles all 13 seasons). You know you've been waiting to see him on screen your local listings for air dates and times!

News Updates (6/2/2003) :

*Hey ya'll! Nah, Miss Crystal hasn't forgotten about ya! Me and Theo have been in contact (more like playing "e-mail tag") since I met him at NIU a month or so ago and he is just extremely busy right now, so we haven't been able to do the interview yet. But trust--It is definatley coming!! He's a celeb now, ya know, so we just gotta give him some time. I'll be sure to make the interview hot, so it'll be well worth the wait. Keep checkin' in!

*I hope you guys were able to catch the RW Chicago marathon that MTV aired this past Saturday. Next time, I'll be sure to post it in advance!

*It is such a trip that Kyle (Theo's former roomie) is on my soap that I've been watching for years! (Days of Our Lives -NBC). He is doing extremely well...holding his ground with all the veteran actors, and really bringin' it, every episode! Go Kyle! Check him out if you get a chance-- The show airs Mon-Fri at 1 p.m. central time.

* Please keep signing the guestbook, I love reading all of your entries!!

Awnser still to come on this question: (Oh, and don't forget to take the poll regarding Theo's tattoos on Page 3!!!)

*Those sexy tattoos that were all glistening in the sun on BOTS, just how many are there and what are they of?

Remember...the questions that were originally in this section have been So please visit page three if you're looking for the awnsers to those questions!!

But in the meantime, enjoy my site about the cowry-shell rockin', extremely cut, fresh Adidas wearin', and obviously goal driven brother--Theo Gantt.

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To My Favorite Theo Web sites
MTV's Real World Section
Theo's Church Website
Theo's TV To Me Bio page
Theo's page on an Unofficial Real World Chicago site
Unofficial Real World Chicago Messageboard

Thank you for visiting my page dedicated to one of the illest brothers to grace MTV's Real World at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Disclaimer: Crystal Braboy (webmistress) is in no way directly affiliated with MTV, or Theo Gantt himself...I'm just a lady showing a deserving man a little love.(Photos courtesy of,,,, and

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