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Congrats! You have reached The Chaotix Network, the site dedicated to everyone's favorite detectives, Team Chaotix!!! We are your hosts, Molly Echidna and Halo the bat, and we thank you for taking the time to visit this site! We hope you enjoy your stay!!

Note: this site is for Team Chaotix's NEW look...not their looks from Knuckles' Chaotix but from Sonic Heroes. So if you do not like their new style, then leave now!


shadow KnuckleshavenChao CivicCute ~N~ Crazy


9/27/05: Hello again my friends. I dunno what the hell is up with Halo. I do all the updates, and like I said, it's hard to work on TCN now that I'm in school ¬__¬ But I'm thinking of getting this site hosted by Sonic Strike but I think the site is remodeling, so I can't just yet. But just stay put. We'll try our best to keep the site going ^^;

9/17/05: Hi again! Molly Echidna here, and I'm back after only a few days ^^ I need to update more often =3 But anyways
*On Molly Echidna's Corner I added some of these awesome badges from this site I discovered! To see them, go to Molly Echidna's Corner!

9/11/05: Whoooa. I'm sorry I haven't been around again. It's gonna be hard to work on the chaotix network now that I'm back in school ¬_¬ I gotta get Halo back!! But I'll try my best to keep the site going ^^
I (Molly Echidna) will be renaming the links and stuff like that so I can display more content on the site. It shouldn't take long, so just be patient ;)

8/25/05: Hello again. Molly Echidna again. I hope Halo the bat will come back soon ;___; Anyways...
for Molly Echidna's Corner, I added a pic of her! Now you guys know what she looks like!!! Also, a section for Halo the bat will be coming soon. And thank you all for signing the guestbook! We appreciate it ^_^

8/16/05: Hey all. I'm updating from summer camp =3 Nothing special. In case you're wondering, Molly Echidna has been updating. Halo the bat is having trouble with her computer O_O;; She'll be fine ;) Ok on with the updates...

*We have another affiliate! Shadow! Just click on the link above to view it ^o^

8/4/05: We have 3 new affiliates! Cute ~N~ Crazy, Chao Civic, and Knuckleshaven!! Just click on the links above to view them ^o^

You might of already noticed, but whenever you go to a link, you won't be led to an error404 page. We fixed the links, so now you should be able to get to every page on the site without a problem! Thank you for being patient ^.~

7/7/05: No, we're not dead ^_^ Sorry we've not updated for so long! We'll try to not let that happen again ^^; Anyways, if you go to Molly Echidna's Corner , you'll see a new link!

6/3/05: Almost done ^^ I'll I have to do is get links to this site....

5/8/05: Still working on it -_- This will take some time, so please be patient until further notice ^.~ I'm trying to figure out a way to change the music on the site. It will be changed as soon as posssible

4/28/05: Not much. This website is just-made, so a lot of the links are still under construction. Please be patient ^.~