Welcome to Tropical Gurls United(T.G.U.)!
Here you will find graphics,blinkies,gurl help(on everyday life),a forum to show how you feel,stories and jokes submissions,and much more.We are here to help you!We hope you enjoy your stay!Please sign the guest book.Also there is a lot more comeing soon!
The Updates/Blog-->
I hope you love the website!So far we currently have one blinkie maker.Please if want to make blinkies for Tropical Gurls United fill out the form!We need some staff members.We need 6 groups of people.Super Moderators,Moderator,Graphic Makers,Layout Makers,Updaters,and Blinkie Makers!Each group consists of 3 people except the blinkie maker group.That group will consist of 10 people.This sight will not start running untill we get our groups of people!
Blogged by Brittany

Hooray! The site is turning out really well. Have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me (email is starbugsupergeek@yahoo.com, YAhoo! messenger is starbugsupergeek, AIM is CheshireKitty25). Or any of the other staff. Soon we will get a guestbook, but for now there are loads more goodies for you! Background and avatar and Id cards handmade by me. They are all copyrighted to TGU.
Soon we will fix some errors and broken links, etc, spell check, and basically revise the site. And much much more content added! Be sure to support us by linking ^.^
Blogged by Aurora

Im soooo happy this site is going on soo well!^-^ hope you luv the site like the staff does!Just so you know you probably would like to stop by the forum...
Blogged by:Brittany

Hiya!, I'm soo happy! hehe...lol *can't stop giggling*..ok, please join our forum..also, If you want to be part of the staff please complete the form. any questions or suggestions, you can always e-mail me.(yakelin2002@yahoo.com or gurl912@hotmail.com)
blogged by: yakelin

We are now getting a super super super super newlayout by super super fabuuulous Brittany ^^ And we are also making a site full of gifts! Hang in there, visitors (do we have any?...x.x) more stuff coming soon!
blogged by aurora

aggh! today is tuesday, i leave for camp until saturday. ;(. it should pass pretty quickly for me though...oh well. please don't start any major projects without me ^^;
Ok we wont do anything without you!Well miss ya tho!ok this is just sad i found out some news thats not really new but just horrified me!Ok the first is the gurl who thought she was trying to help a guy out with finding his puppy.The guy then kidnapped and rapped her?Ok thats just sick!But thank the lord they found her.Wait there is more!A guy in a target store walked up to a girl that was 10 and went "Shhhh..." and then put his hands down her pants.Then he ran out of the store!How nasty people well never mind MEN and BOYS are.It seems now only MEN and BOYS are doing all this bad stuff.Ok why is it now only women are getting tortured?There should be men getting tortured too!So to all those nasty and crazy people in the world GET A LIFE!Gosh God does not want people raping everyone they see!I am now duisgusted in the world now.Now in the world everyone just wants to cyber,do it, or do something nasty.Everyone is turning into freaks!I mean I dont mean every single person but just most of the people in our world are just sick!I am sooo sory you had to go through this nasty torture but its for your safety!Well I will blog later or something!Dont be paranoid now!*lol*
Blogged By Brittany
Hey! I am back from camp y'all. More stuff coming.
I totally agree with Brittany about the raping...I mean, some people are sick. Just insane, mentally ill, strait jacket. WHY do you rape children? People at all? It's disgusting. I can't beleive our society is coming to this >.<
I ADDED THE COCONUT SEARCH!!!!!! Check it out! Wahoo...wahoo...wahoo...^^ If you find the coconut please email one of us or post in the forum...I wanna figure out how many people are finding it! Go see! Please? Issis cool! OK...I'm hyper...^^;
blogged by aurora
Hey everyone who visits this! I added a cool scrollbar, it was made with a generator by layoutland.net ^__^ Brittany's never on anymore, and yakelin's on less...*starts to sob* Anyway, I would add some cool frames etc, but since Brittany's gone... --; I don't wanna. Hehe. I'm gonna make some new dolls and add them =^^= Dolls aren't my favorite, but they're OK. ^^ Ohyeah, and boomspeed's gonna shut down in a bit, so I'm going to go crazy!!! WAHHHH!!! >.> I'll find a new host for the thingy and meanwhile save all the images.
-->blogged by aurora
Hey aurora Im back!and of yall can add me to your aim buddy llist my sn is spongeylova1!My computer had over 200 viruses so i had to restart my computer fully...:( Im so glad Im back im gonna make a new forum and stuff and my friend Josh wants me to make some more games because hes sick of the coconut search so i will add some more games thank god all of the images i made were uploaded onto agelfire if they were not this site would look crazy......i will add a html help section because i kind of sadly forgot html :( oh well.....and i decided each of us will have our own diary on this site so people can see our lives.....well i gotta go talk to yall guys lata!
-->blogged by brittany
Our goals are....
-To help gurls with everyday life.
-To help gurls with graphics and blinkies
-To help gurls just have plain FUN!
Helping Hand-->
This award is to the nicest gurl on the forum that helps gurls with there problems and stuff the most!This week the award goes to.....Nobody!There seems to be no people on the forum yet!
Here are some things that are new!
--Find the coconut! (really cool...check it out!)A DOLL MAKER!
-Backgrounds specially made for TGU!
-Id cards! (tarepanda and kuririn)
Cool new forum! Check it out!


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