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My bio                 Tainted Innocence                       Vurshun    Jc                                                                                

My name is Genny. I live in Orlando, Florida. Sometime during this summer I am moving to the Palm Beach area. I really like it here but ya gotta go where the money is. I'm 13 and I'll be 14 on November 12th. I'm going into the 8th grade. Yippee. *cough* *cough* I hope that I get to go to start 8th grade here before I leave. I need to say my last goodbyes. :( I hate moving. I wish we could just stay in one place. I like to play football in my free time. I'm pretty good. I love football.

I like to Ice-Skate. I have been ice-skating since I was around 6 years old. I was getting really good when the place had to shut down. I was so pissed. I had a pair of brand new iceskates and all this nice skating clothes, but it had to close. That pisses me off.

I was in the art club but I kicked myself out. The teacher was blamming EVERY thing on me. Genny clean this! Genny clean this! My really good friend Alicia was making some mess with the paint on the table. He yelled at me and told me to clean it up. I said I did'nt do it! He said don't care I want u to clean it up. So then I was pissed. I told him that I'm quiting art club. He asked why. I said I dont like it anymore. Not telling him the bigest reason. Hes an ass.

This year I got to referrals. One for sending an email to a teacher. I only said I know someone who likes you. So I got to go to Sat. school. And it was so fun! ya right. I had to wash the bathrooms, vacuumed Ms. Rios office and cleam it up. That was so much fun. Then the 2nd refferal was for a "fight". We were going to lunch and it was raining. The 8th graders coming in the oppisite direction. We were pushed around and I accidently pushed this girl. She trned around and told me to stop. I was pushed again and then he cam around and punched me in the eye. I pushed then she hit me again. I should knocked her lights out but I just did'nt want to get in trouble. And it was'nt worth it. I had to go to ISS for 3 and a half days. IT WAS NOT WORTH IT! I'm still mad at myself for not kickin her ass.

I love to draw. I absoulty love to draw. I have drawings, paintings and sculptures that I made. I can't draw anime. That is so hard to draw. What I like to draw is cartoons or real life pictures. I have many pictures of beavis and butthead, Ren and Stimpy, and others. If you'd like to see um, just click go here: Mah Drawnings