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Single Parenting




Assistance Programs

Maternity Homes

What I learned


Are you pregnant and wish you weren’t? 

You are not alone.

Did you know that

Thirty-five percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20-about 850,000 a year.Eight in ten of these pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens.

.Scared to talk with someone you know?

If you do not have someone close - a parent, a friend, a mentor, please click on any of the links below and call one of the following hotlines. These organizations are in place just for this. When you call, just tell them - I just found out I am pregnant and I need someone to talk to.

Crisis Pregnancy Hotline


America's Crisis Pregnancy Helpline


The soul purpose for this website is to provide information for those searching for options.

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