Welcome to my Webpage

Hello... i am so glad you have joined me...NOW LEAVE do not come here! your gay! i hate you! your such a doushe! okay mabey not.. enjoy the wonders that are my life...

"Same old shit dawg just a different day"

Love is what ever you make it

if a troll jumped off that bookcase and walked over beside you and bit your ankles... That is lunchin...LOL Amy!~ I love my amy

~What's easy isn't always right, and what's right isn't always easy~

Favorites quotes from the Bible

Jenn! I love you!

My Pics

Part Of Eminem-"Drug Ballad"

In third grade, all I used to do
Was sniff glue through a tube and play rubix cube
17 years later I'm as Rude as Jude
Scheming on the first chick with the hugest boobs
I've got no game
And every face looks the same
They've got no name
So I don't need game to play
I just say whatever I want to whoever I want
Whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want
However, I do show some respect to few
As ecstacy got me standing next to you
Getting sentimental as fuck spillin' guts to you
We just met
But I think I'm in love with you
But you're on it too
So you tell me you love me too
Wake up in the morning like "yo, what the fuck we do?"
I gotta go bitch
You know I have stuff to do
'Cause if I get caught cheatin' then I'm stuck with you

Things by yours truly

You poor poor person...
State your name and age for the record please **
State my name and age for the record please
what is your favorite South Park episode or line
Yes or No...Do you like The Simpsons...if you answer no you are therefore under the assumtion that your a dick face
Gonna tone things down a bit...Whats your deffination or meaning of Love
now that that is over... do you like monkeys...if so explain...
Favorite movie?
Who IS my Girlfriend who i love and care about?
This message is private

church camp

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